Get Some
General => General Chat => Topic started by: DarkVirus on April 23, 2013, 04:44:26 pm
So, after over a year of Chorus coming and saying my house wiring was why i disconnected everytime rain started or stopped, i finally moved to fibre.
Funnily enough, the guy who installed fibre just told me the line in my ETP was stuffed, and that even him touching it caused drop outs.
But all in all im happy, better ping, better speeds.
nice, much sticker shock ?
Same price as my broadband connection, same data, same phone plan.
Not sure if its released yet, but its a good start for fibre in NZ imo.
How come it still says TelstraClear and not Vodafone :p
Because speedtest probably still has the IP's from that network marked as TCL.
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Not terrible considering its a Telecom connection and I'm running the test on wireless.
In any case, super jelly of those speeds though.
What was that? lololol
Now let's compare our dick sizes!
GRADE A+ (Bigger then 99% of NZ)
It is true SM. I have the biggest wang.
It is true SM. I have the biggest wang.
I won't believe this until I can see it with my own eyes, and touch it with my own hands.
Thats got to be cached.
What's the plan? 30/10?
What's the plan? 30/10?
Do Voda actually have any published plans ? last I checked (last week) you could 90 day trial, but on day 91 they had no clue as to what the costs were ?
What was that? lololol
He says from work.
Thats got to be cached.
The linux isos come down at > 11MB/s
He says from work.
Nope. Work is only 10.
cant complain
no data cap
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Hurnnn? (
He says from work.
Smells like cable.
And no, that's not a euphamisim.
Then again, maybe it is.
Cable is 100Mbit, not Mb/s.
Fuck it, at the end of the day the internet still sucks for 99.99% of the world.
Do you even lift bro?
Still can't get my head around why we need to have fibre (right now), when you can get this off copper.
Still can't get my head around why we need to have fibre (right now), when you can get this off copper.
Because I thought that kind of performance, requires you be to within 700m (or something) of the exchange point?
Smells like cable.
And no, that's not a euphamisim.
Then again, maybe it is.
Cable is 100Mbit, not Mb/s.
I was like "Hey, I didn't post that!"
Then I saw Pyro changed avatars.
Because I thought that kind of performance, requires you be to within 700m (or something) of the exchange point?
Just off a regular cabinet - exchange is 3K's away.
The issue I have with fibre is the last 20m, from curbside to house. If only there was an ecomonical way of getting those connections done.
Oh. Bro.
can i haz a hug too ?
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Woah, 0 ping!
Fuck it, at the end of the day the internet still sucks for 99.99% of the world.
Do you even lift bro?
I'm sorry, all I saw was a cartoon of some fellow motorboating a bad boob job.
I was like "Hey, I didn't post that!"
Then I saw Pyro changed avatars.
Yeah well
I get confused between Obble and Pyro.
I thought I'd help you out.
The work fibre:
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I hope you run seedboxes on that :D
I hope you run seedboxes on that :D
Yeaaaaaaaah I like my job.
And our work connection has a VPN to our DC sooooo - No.
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Pretty much as fast as my line can do down. $85 a month for 300gb's.
I <3 snap.
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W000t me has fibre now too :)
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Pretty much as fast as my line can do down. $85 a month for 300gb's.
I <3 snap.
This is about mine on Telecom. Used to have twice the download but over the past year it's slowly been halved... Not to mention the daily dropouts I've started to get.
How much is it to get the lines in your house changed to fibre? Might fix most of the speed and reliability problems I get. And the new router Telecom gave me didn't fix shit :(
If fibre is available, connection "Should" be free, the conditions depend on who has the fibre contract in your area and what their terms are
In Whangarei, Northpower won the contract for fibre deployment around the city.. they used 100M of fibre cable to get it from the street to the network cupboard in my basement, didn't cost me a cent.
this is ok for assburton ( ( fibers two streets away
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this is ok for assburton ([url][/url]) ([url][/url]) fibers two streets away
You don't need teh interwebs, go tend the crops! :P
Even worse.