Get Some
General => General Chat => Topic started by: Apostrophe Spacemonkey on June 04, 2013, 03:03:26 pm
I've been contacted by a company involved in the export of oil from Iraq.
I have had experience with this type of project before, although not on this scale as such. Last week I changed the oil in my lawn mower, and exported the used oil over my neighbours fence, at a rate of one container of oil daily, for a duration of one day.
I know Turkey has a high demand of Light Crude Oil, because they have an estimated 7 million lawn mowers (although a percentage of those lawn mowers may be electric).
I can fit about 3 barrels of Light Crude Oil in my car, one on the passenger seat, one in the back seat, and another in the boot. That would mean I would have to make about 33 thousand trips a day between Iraq and Turkey to keep up with demand, however I could hire some help. If any of you guys are interested please send me a pm.
Here is the business proposal I have received;
The Project is about the exportation of 100,000 barrels of Light Crude
Oil daily out from Iraq to Turkey through my client's company in Iraq
at the rate of $92.00 a barrel. This amount to $9,200,000 daily. I ask
for your support as a foreigner to handle this business project with my
client and you are not expected to invest in Iraq
If yes, let me know and we will discuss this project proper.
I think you should go for it
I think you should go for it
I can fit 5 barrels in my car - Split the profits?
I can fit 5 barrels in my car - Split the profits?
That's great.
If you are free this weekend, meet me at the Zari Land Fuel Station in Duhok, Iraq with your car.
Here is the route we will be taking, we can stop for lunch on the way. I know a good place.,42.959869&sspn=0.010626,0.024505&geocode=FcWQMgIdrnePAg%3BFasSOAIdwl6IAg&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=16&t=m&z=16
Can I get in on this?
Already got some of these contracts on the go over there also.
Can I get in on this?
Already got some of these contracts on the go over there also.
You have to bring your own weapons, it could be dangerous.
That's great.
If you are free this weekend, meet me at the Zari Land Fuel Station in Duhok, Iraq with your car.
Here is the route we will be taking, we can stop for lunch on the way. I know a good place.
Can I ask why your proposed route has you leave the E90 at Habur? I reckon youll make better time if you stay on it.
I left my crude oil all over your mother's face last night.
Was it Light? Shes watching her weight.
Was it Light? Shes watching her weight.
You sir, are a genius.
Can I ask why your proposed route has you leave the E90 at Habur? I reckon youll make better time if you stay on it.
Because that's the piece of road customs is on.
We need to go around them or they may become suspicious.
Hopefully they dont look across the field and see us continually driving back and forth around them.
Because that's the piece of road customs is on.
We need to go around them or they may become suspicious.
Hopefully they dont look across the field and see us continually driving back and forth around them.
thats okay - we will just tell them its water and show them a receipt - will look totally Legit
i can take 3 but if we put a trailer on the car i can take more
Would you be willing to partially outsource to foreign workers? I can provide one car for transport that can carry 3 Australian barrels. I think with exchange rates the equals 4 New Zealand barrels.
Holly cow! Turkey has a town called "Batman",+Turkey&hl=en&sll=37.570705,42.011719&sspn=2.964777,5.817261&oq=batman&hnear=Batman,+Turkey&t=m&z=12
OK, new plan, We are now taking the Crude Oil to Batman.
OK, new plan, We are now taking the Crude Oil to Batman.
But Batman doesn't need it - he is already a Billionaire
Holly cow! Turkey has a town called "Batman",+Turkey&hl=en&sll=37.570705,42.011719&sspn=2.964777,5.817261&oq=batman&hnear=Batman,+Turkey&t=m&z=12
Holy diversionary tactics Batman!
Canadians need Oil too!
Swastika, Kirkland Lake, ON, Canada