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Messages - solman

Pages: [1] 2
Technology & Hardware / An iOS fans journey into the world of Android
« on: September 04, 2011, 07:52:36 pm »
so is there someone on here that has
A) gone from iPhone with iOS4 (or even 3.2) to andriod and truly enjoyed it....
B) gone from Andriod to iPhone and hated it (for genuine reasons not just cause everyone loves to hate apple)

Technology & Hardware / An iOS fans journey into the world of Android
« on: September 02, 2011, 08:55:27 pm »
I look forward to more installments Berg.... I've been a fan of iOS for quite some time and when work FORCED me onto the silly windows mobile 6.5 phone I lost my iPhone to my wife (and she will not give it back), I've only had a couple of plays with Android and neither of them were long enough to give a fair review of the system (which I'm sure is very good) but my immediate thoughts were... they are just trying to emulate the iPhone...

Please disprove this theory and convince me that getting an android when I secure my new job is the right move (without bagging Apple's marketing and profits)

General Chat / Christchurch Earthquake
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:58:20 pm »
oh shit is about all I can say........

I hope everyone is OK....

I like titties............... where are the titties........

oh and its beer time..... Kronenbourgh 1664 ftw....
on special at liquor king atm

Quote from: RetardoBot;1354179
You're not fooling anyone with your "i don't give a fuck" charade.

@Fairy. Why do kids need jewelry?

you don't have kids.... or more to the point little girls.... cause if you did you wouldn't need to ask that question

work is over for the year....... FINALLY!!!

and Solman has a new sig just for xmas...

any pointers..... how do I make the background transparent? it is in the PSD file, do I need to save as a different format than jpg

General Chat / Re: Beer appreciation thread
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:06:56 pm »
I'm not much into the boutiquey type beers atm.... maybe when the kids get a little older and I can escape more for a quiet drop...

A couple of the nicer drops I've had recently
#1 Kronenbourg 1664 -->

Was a very nice drop I quite enjoyed it... particularly after pretty hectic schedule of meetings in Taiwan, was just the thing when we got back to Hong Kong for the night... In fact we forgot to eat as we were enjoying the beer too much.

#2 Fat Tyre -->

Had a few too many of these on most nights while up in Denver.... another nice brew....

No... lived there for 13 years though.....

God damn weather.... New Plymouth Airport fog bound, flight to CHCH cancelled, money lost on accommodation (the joys of the cheap deals)
now have to fit a 2 day trip into thursday and fly back into Hamilton for friday..........

Quote from: Spigalau;1340623
Quote from: solman;1340622
Bugger it all..... Its Monday again....
More work to be done, less time to get it achieved... the joys of a christmas period

Using Tampons or Pads ?

The amount of stuff I've got going on.... probably both

Bugger it all..... Its Monday again....
More work to be done, less time to get it achieved... the joys of the christmas period

have a good trip dude.... hope it goes well....

Quote from: Spork;1340226
What you idiots on about? It's hardly even dark here, 8.40pm infact.

Bloody aussies and their sick sense of humor..........

I missed afterwork drinks tonight as I had to go to site and sort out a fucked up door..... was not happy, particularly as it is a result of the builder fucking up the installation!!!!

2 year old got me beer from the fridge when I got home.... getting her trained up nice and early :D

Quote from: JontyB;1339690
found the airport bar. Liquid lunch it is. Then auckland here i come. Prepare yourselves

ah yes.... thats about the only thing to do at the airport (other that bird watching :P) while waiting you plane....
best part of it is..... you can even claim to be multitasking while doing it.....

Quote from: Anaraith;1338242
Got my results in the mail today. Did 8 papers. 1 A, 7 A+.


Well done dude....

Quote from: Obble;1338190

Err, im an aucklander, everything is different, soon we will have our own wikiauckapedia.

explains it all really :P

I really quite like Christmas.... its really quite awesome watching the kids open their presents and practically climbing into their santa sacks to see what is in the bottom.....

picture on the right is a little crooked..... might want to straighten that :P

Quote from: Daddy Clin;1337619
Solly, thats an oven.
What............... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this just wont do.... maybe I should try that tall white cabinet that is in the kitchen instead...

Quote from: Ngati_Grim;1337609
mmmm beer

Mmmm..... must leave work and go buy some more....
My fridge must be set too hot.... the beer keeps evaporating out of it, bottles included :woot

Quote from: Godless;1336701
jesus fucking christ

heart attack in a moa-sized egg

yeah well at least you'd die........... well probably quite sick if you made it through that sucker
damn I want a creme egg now

Quote from: Daddy Clin;1336303
Quote from: Nostargate;1336289
^betwixt gpu and heatsink i doth ponder.

Verily, this day I hath learnst.

you hath learnt..... any day that one doth learn, is a good day indeed

General Chat / Re: Hawtest Chicks
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:03:36 pm »
Kill3r..... please fix this thread with some goodness that was in your blog

Technology & Hardware / Show us your setup!
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:10:20 am »
Quote from: shadow man;1066474
Bro, just cause you can find it on google doesn't mean it's not mine.

easy to prove..... take a pic of it with the gamerhub forums on the screen (with pyramid in the shot)

Creative Media / Wallpapers
« on: October 05, 2009, 08:20:26 am »
Quote from: G!mp;995249
*I'm gonna hate saying this*

Have you got any for the ladies and ones for little boys?


You are going to regret it more than you know.... because we know you can't claim your were asking for you wife..... only because she'd ask herself:rnr:

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