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Messages - freaktm

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Other Games / help :(
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:42:14 am »
Since I didnt waste u guys yesterday on NZ20 while u were all dancing around your broken helicopter loooking spastic (i was lying right next to u guys in the grass for ages, im sure you know when im talking about....I was armed to the teeth but didnt want to cause any trouble)  Anyways Do you think you could return the favour and come give me some assistance ? I broke my legs near Zelenogorsk,  I have two tents in that region of the lands, I'm willing to pack one up and give it to the person who can bring me some morphine this evening ....  Surely you guys can help, your such a large group and I know you have plenty of transport ;)

At the time when I was near you guys I didnt  yell out cause I was worried you might turn on me for laughs, but quite frankly if u kill me now I dnot care, I cant go anywhere and its your loss if you kill me since im willing to give u a tent and all I got on my body at the moment is two empty guns and some food/water :P

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