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Messages - Charlie C

Pages: [1]
General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: February 17, 2007, 01:11:42 pm »
Tiwaking?  You're so hung up on arguing about anything anyone else says that you take things out of context to argue them, and provided some responses that are not only completely out of context but don't make any sense either.
A small example (I'm NOT going to pick them all out)

Quote from: Charlie C
To propose that there is no creator is incredibly arrogant, because we are simply not capable of comprehending something so eternal and so vast....and to suggest that a creator as vast at the one who could have created our universe should give a fuck what any of us think is just me me me me, which is about the level most human beings settle at anyway.

Quote from: Tiwaking
Does God Care? You are also wrong, again.

Where did I say God doesn't care?  I said he's not concerned with our opinions.  

You're so obsessed with finding fault that you pick out a few words, read it wrong, and you won't concede the point of the rest of the statement (which I assume you agree with, because you didn't argue with it?)  This whole 'you're wrong, I'm right' thing is a very un-christian arrogance, BTW.

I'm out, this has turned into pointless mush.  :sunnies:

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: February 17, 2007, 01:16:38 am »
Quote from: Prowess;340869
you can say it wishful thinking but that doesn't can the context it was writen in.

....but you're making it up!!  What context are you talking about, unless you made it up??

We're seeing evolution of the planets all the time in the world and the universe around us.  Darwin's theory of evolution when applied to animals was an intelligent guess, but he was startled at the absolute acceptance given to it, he himself believed it was flawed.  

Since Darwin, hard core evolutionists have been desperately trying to make it all fit the theory, instead of working out what's really happening and modifying the theory when more is known.  For example, I've yet to see a link between apes and men that is stronger than a wet noodle, but it's still the generally accepted theory of how we came about, not because it's been proved, but because people need something to believe.  As long as it's not a creative God.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: February 16, 2007, 10:07:25 pm »
Quote from: Tiwaking!;339627
She's 100% correct. When you swear at someone you do two things. 1) Create intimidation. 2) Artificially obscures your point.
Scaring people into thinking like you achieves nothing. If scaring people into thinking like you worked, we wouldnt need torture.

1) Huh?  If you're a pussy, or it's an in-your-face shouting match.  Done properly, expletives aren't needed in that situation anyway :)  So expletives aren't aggressive, they're simply... emphatic, and therefore 2) serve sometimes to enhance your point.  :bounce:

The missus is right because regular use of expletives demeans the person using them, and they just don't fit into a well-worded and intelligent conversation.  This also helps to explain the Beer phenomenon.  It's all a matter of context - expletives can provide hours of entertainment when used properly.

Quote from: Prowess;339665
'yom' is used in context to express the time wanted by the is used to describe a random amont of time,a year or in this case 24hrs this was the authors context.

You're right about the variable, I originally worded the post to express a similar example, but it got edited out.  However, the suggestion that the author intended a 24hr time frame sounds like fundamentalist wishful thinking to me.  :sunnies:

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:08:49 am »
Quote from: Hannibal4life;338191
... to clarify the official Christian position... they were in fact created on the same day as other land animals... provide more evidence ...

Official Christian position? Who made you the voice of Christendom? Created on the same day?  Arrgh!!
Translation sucks, especially when you have a single word that you want to translate into another single word, not a phrase.  For example, the Hebrew word 'yom' means 'period of time', not 'day' as it was translated to English in Genesis.  Therefore according to Genesis, God created the world in six 'periods of time', not six days.  As there doesn't seem to be any scale given to these periods of time, they could have been vast, millions or hundreds of millions of years.  This biblical creation was carried out by an eternal God, for whom time means nothing.
I WISH people would stop suggesting they can provide evidence of this, evidence of that, evidence of God.  There is no quantifiable and logical evidence, it's all faith.

BTW my wife's been reading some of my posts and has smartly informed me that there is no reason to be using expletives in the forums.  She's right of course, but they create a kind of special emphasis in the right places :) BUT... pwned by wife.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: February 12, 2007, 09:37:23 pm »
It's been an interesting read in this thread, but I couldn't read it all, 'twas making me crosseyed.

The first and most fundamental question anyone, Christian or not, should ask themselves is:
How the fuck would I know? I'm a tiny speck on a small planet which itself is atomically small in relation to the known universe.

To propose that there is no creator is incredibly arrogant, because we are simply not capable of comprehending something so eternal and so vast.  To claim that a creator doesn't exist because evil does is an oxymoron of the first degree, and to suggest that a creator as vast at the one who could have created our universe should give a fuck what any of us think is just me me me me, which is about the level most human beings settle at anyway.  

We live in a universe of decay - we age and die like everything around us, so we have no understanding of eternity, of something that always existed and always will.

Science can't prove that it's all about evolution, and the Bible can't prove it's all about creation.  I've heard people say for years that of course there's evolution!  God prefers to do things the natural way!  See sentence 2 above.

Science is about facts as they are known.  Science inevitably gets it wrong, but you can only go with what you know at the time.  Needs constant effort to learn new things, to better understand what the hell's going on around here

Christianity is about faith, the opposite of science.  People of faith get it wrong too (like the guy who drowned believing he could walk on water).  Need constant reminders that their God, not them, is in charge.  :sunnies:

General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:14:00 pm »
How much do you want for the fence?

General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:22:38 pm »
Hah didn't notice that the pics were too big.  You guys are too fast!

General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:11:30 pm »
OK so I'm a noob here and nobody knows me but what the hey, gotta start somewhere

Here's me and my gorgeous wife. :love:

The bad face was because there was no food... AND NO BEER!!!??WTF???!  :drunk:

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