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Messages - Metal-Fingerz

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General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 21, 2008, 07:47:54 pm »
Quote from: brucewillis2;780665
well I know in the bible they talk about the devil and angels. I don't have any religious friends, I find their constant preaching annoying so I'm curious to find out what religious people think about these things.

It's like someone who believes in faeries and gnomes in the garden. I know they aren't real but I'm curious to hear from people that think they are. See the thing that amazes me is there is NO PROOF in the existence of God, Not one minuscule piece of solid proof. And I'm no sheep, just because thousands believe in heaven and hell I'm not going to blindly get in line and start reaching for the heavens, believing that if I don't accept god into my life I'm going to suffer for eternity in some hell which definition differs from person to person.

It also amazes me that intelligent people can somehow switch off all intelligence and start believing in things that have no more physical substance than a comic book or fairytale.

I have to say this is a disgusting post bruce for so many reasons.

you dont have religious friends because of their preaching, not all religious people try to instill their believes upon others, I myself have quite a cultured group of friends from quite a few different backgrounds whether it be Hindu or Islamic in nature they don't preach it so i find your statement stupid and shallow they dont oppose anyone else's religion and they are never judgemental of anyone else's ideas on things

I myself am Buddhist, its not a religion per se as there is no god but it has some very good morals, which if you do abide by (which I do not entirely) you surely would be a better person for it.

Some People like to have some faith that life has more value than just

birth - life - death

and so be it if it gives them some strength and happiness thats great, the existence of God is irrelevant to the scheme of things, what it does for people, someone as naieve as yourself, you will never understand. You seem to state that if you are religious than you are stupid, that is just retarded.  

yes it fuels bad things such as war and hate in some circumstances but if looked into in the right light it can be a positive thing.

In regards to angels and devils there is no proof fair enuff,
there is no proof there is other life forms out there (excluding water on mars etc etc) are you telling me in a universe that is near unfathomable in size that we are the only planet to have life??? there is no evidence but to say that is the case would be silly.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 07, 2008, 11:02:41 am »
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;671584
But thats not because of sexuality. Thats because of an inherent mistrust and suspicion that people tend to have about other people.

I remember when I was 7 years old growing up in Ireland - I knew every kid in the neighbourhood and we hung out together every day, played together in the properties around the place, and so on. My daughter is now 7, and she doesn't play with any kids in my street, or her street (she lives with her mum) - indeed, if she wants to ride her scooter up and down, I stand out on the street with her and watch.

The deterioration of the 'family' aspect of society is sad.

that is so true i remember as a kid (not that long ago) when everyday we would be out in the street playing cricket or riding bikes/skateboards or just hanging around,  nowdays you dont see that much you can go out to the hutt and see some little 12 y/o trying on some thong going do i look hot in this (no i havent literally seen this and no im not perverted)

this has changed quite drastically i remember we use to leave the front door of the house wide open and never feel threatened of any break ins or anything nowadays there is no way in hell this would happen..... some little shits tagged on the side of my apartment last week.

secondly kids nowadays have are less social, computers and consoles and tv's now keep kids indoors too

btw cartoons suck now days bring back toxic crusaders

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 02:43:04 pm »
Quote from: cobra;670926
the negative views have had a negative impact on my homosexual friend, not krasher directly

his normalising hatred towards homosexuality creates an environment where more extreme hatred is acceptable

this why i hate buddhists, so fucken reasonable (j/k)

even said without religion homosexuality is still going to take some time before its seen as a normal thing or acceptable... minority's will always get grief just because they are different.

 oddly why is it male homosexuals more so frowned upon than females... thats what pisses me off.... guys are male homophobic yet when two girls hook up.... it's like wooooah check that it.... really fucks me just shows how ill founded these thoughts are and are based on absolutely no logical reasoning

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 01:24:15 pm »
Originally Posted by philo-sofa  
Krasher has stated his opinions are personal, and they're obviously not without thought, so I'm inclined to be respectful towards them, no matter how strongly I disagree.

would you be respectful to a skinheads personal views?, christian hatred is more subtle but you must see that views like his have a negative effect on society - especially when kids are brainwashed into hating in large groups

 you are stereotyping to much, has krasher had a negative effect on you? again it is extremities which are issues if it does not impede on you then you shouldn't at all be bothered by it... only these die hards are going to cause any real grief...

if a group of christians dont like me but it does not impede on me so be it.... you cant expect everyone to get along, if the exercise arbitrary acts of violence, abuse or horrible singing then i would have a problem.

there are a million other things that have negative effects on society which are of more importance than cultural or religious differences. especially in NZ which is quite liberal with different religions existing in one society.

+rep for everyones posts too people has made work more entertaining

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 01:05:39 pm »
dammit ngati you beat me to it!!!!

hahaha i was bout to crack that out

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 01:04:26 pm »
homosexuality is not only just displayed by humans so i would not say its not natural

quite often two male dogs will go at it.... its a funny site but yea it happens... sure they aint going to make no gay love child dogs but it still happens

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 12:44:38 pm »
Quote from: Black Heart;670798
krasher, this attitude towards homosexuality you have, you've spoken as though you know gods intentions, when we were created. the bible tells us his ways are beyond our understanding.

Therefore what your saying is just a conclusion you've jumped to, nothing more than a theory... a totally untestable one with no evidence to support it. which is essentially why humanity by and large ignores it.

Metal fingers, do you know how many people have been fed those hollow words?

How about we look at youth suicide, and see if anybody whose gay has committed suicide because of the added pressure religion put on them ?

I couldn't care any less how offended you get about my posts when religions continue to push on with the attitudes they have, that result in nothing but misery for some, with an ill conceived notion they are doing right, because they've read a book, made a conclusion and are sticking with it no matter what it does to people.

thank you thats a far more constructive post! haha good post!
i dont find your posts offensive, i get just as annoyed as u blackheart when someone tries to push their agenda on me i will choose my own idea's thank you esp when its religion being pushed on me, what people choose to believe in is fine with me as long as it does not impede on my life

 if religion was abolished war would become nearly non-existent ( yes people will still wage war just due to humans natural instict to be superior) or at least a lot of wars would have to be founded for reasons other than religion.

i agree its awful say if you were to be born homosexual in a christian family... and the fact is you are born into christianity its not a given choice and quite commonly in family
look at Hindu's and Muslims etc which are still quite rigid religions if you dont follow the ways you get kicked out the family.... religion before family is a disgusting thought.

and yea im with philo.... i agree with his post. Krasher has expressed how he feels about it i may not agree but he is not pushing any agenda's or beliefs on me just expressing hit thoughts on it  which i am enjoying hearing even if i am not of the same idealogical ways(sorry Krasher if people are giving you shit cos i asked some question's which you have given you personal thoughts on)

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:27:17 am »
Quote from: Black Heart;670773
it doesn't cease to amuse me where when asking about the nature of god,"why did god kill my 2 month old baby." we get god works in mysterious ways, or man cannot grasp gods nature/plan.

Yet the rest of the time all the religious do is go on about what god intends/intended.

Why don't you self righteous clowns just admit your religion no matter how much history it has, is flawed, and therefore can't be the teachings of a infallible god.

fuck that last comment is fail, just really a poor post.
secondly historically the older something is the more likely it is to be inaccurate it will be and have flaws in it
thirdly dont stereotype as if you know every single religion or religous person out there...

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:12:55 am »
I think that the God of Abraham created the earth and us - not any other God. So, yes, but I don't think that the Christian religion has interpreted it all correctly - in fact I know it has not got it all right! That are other things that are made to be god's but none as awesome. You might say that is arrogant, but I don't think that is reflected in my attitude here. You are asking quite personal questions here and I am giving personal answers. I would appreciate that my beliefs are treated respectfully.

Not at all arrogant my friend, your thoughts are yours freely, na appreciate the answer was just curious as to how you see it, im not here to judge or dissprove someone's ideas and beliefs +1 krasher once again :bounce

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 09:44:54 am »
Quote from: DDM;670737
Who decides which parts of the bible are to be interpreted as literal and which are metaphorical?

I've seen a lot of "Oh thats not meant to be taken literally, but this other part over here is!"

Serious question btw, i want to know how you/your religion decide which parts of the bible to take literally... and if when they were written they were meant to be taken literally.

logic and common sense....some things science discredits religion and if you take them in a literal sense they are not feasibly possible

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 08:55:23 am »
question for krasher.

"That is the point God didn't make them that way."

is your religion the only religion that is correct? and do you believe and your god the only god?

just curious as to your thoughts.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 06, 2008, 08:48:05 am »
as to reply to your comments cobez

cobez said:
"you dont think she would be as good a person with out religion? she wouldn't be as nice a person with out church? - i find that weird and scary, is she just acting good from fear of repercussion from god?"

she would have still be a lovely person yes, a persons nature is based on many external factors, im just suggesting that religion is something that does instill good morals if looked at in the right light, i am sure she wouldnt be the same person and yes her good nature would always be there, but again external factors, if she was born into a family where the mum was cooking dope in the kitchen and the dad beat the crap outta here and the uncle touched her. well then i am sure that good nature will be masked....

acting in repercussion from god no, being nice because she is happy knowing she makes other people happy, more so.

cobes said:
"but you dont need religion for good ideals, the good people i know who go to church are still good, the cunts i know who go to church become bigger cunts as they feel the have Space Merlin behind them"

of course not but it is a way of teaching or learning good ideals / morals / practices and giving hope / faith, by no means am i saying you must be religious, as stated i am not and still consider myself a good person (most of the time)

too early to think

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:02:51 pm »
i cant be bothered answering that ngati at this stage as imma bout to leave work but will get back to it, i believe you are only looking at one side of the story here!

will elaborate later....

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:11:23 pm »
quality post Nick + Krasher

if i was not at work i would be able to put a little more thought and time into my posts instead of flying thru a post and rambling far too much maybe sometime i will post up something a little more well thought out when im not at work!

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 05, 2008, 01:46:05 pm »
Quote from: $lim-$hot;669809
@ Killer - God your're unintelligent.

The Christian faith has evolved dramatically over the last 100 years - away from Dogma and Canonical law and towards a more accepting faith akin to what it should have been from the start.  Much of Islam is the same.  You seem to just take the tiny minority of extremists found in any religion and use them to exemplify the religion as a whole.

i have to agree with with slim on this idea, religion has evolved with time i am not religious and am not pro or anti religion but religion has changed quite a bit since its earlier days. As with all religion there will be extremists and traditionalists who interpret passages and readings and practices in the utmost literal sense and to me that is incorrect as they often clash with Natural law as this has evolved in society and these practices and preachings do not seem to fit with the mold of society.

My brothers wife is quite catholic, church every sunday, and always has been she interprets Catholiscism in a way that makes her a better person (she is one of the nicest people i know) but also believes in Science and understands there are parts of the bible which can be only interpreted metaphorically (she is a forensic scientist so obviously she strongly believes in science too) so the two can co-exist

religion if exercised in the right manner has some very good ideals in it but if exercised in the wrong fashion can create horrible things and social ineptness.

those who so strongly preach Religion and interepret its excerpts in such a literal sense are generally blind to everyone elses idea's and beliefs and will state that any other religion is wrong, yet links in the bible and the koran are so noticable having the same people and characters in it.

i am rambling but yea the other day some goon was talking to me he was christian.... i am buddhist tis not a religion per se but to an extent has lots of comparibles to a religion obviously ( im a half ass buddhist btw) and he was trying to tell me that all my morals and idea's that i have taken from it are wrong and ill founded without even understanding any concepts of buddhism.
now that is retarded and thats how you make a religion look retarded by being so bling an naieve that only what you know has to be correct.

Science is Fact.
Religion is Faith.

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