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Messages - Danica

Pages: [1]
TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 25, 2008, 12:32:06 am »
Quote from: Fornicatin’Mule;801559
Youre so hot!

the song ;)

Who sings that?

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:55:37 pm »
Kiwi band SolState

WOW! Someone worthy of picking up Blindspotts crown and running for the bigtime with it.

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:08:12 pm »
IT was Metrostation - gayly infectious unfortunately. In fact so is the guys sister Miley - I hate to admit see has a fantastic and unique voice for a 15yr old!! And I'm gettng bagged bigtime by my mates for admitting that and even for mentioning her name.

SO to redeem myself

Redline - was just on Rockzilla and wow they are pretty good! Lead singers cute too!!

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 12, 2008, 12:19:24 pm »
And for the win - the Rock 1000!

General Chat / Random Images
« on: September 11, 2008, 03:14:45 pm »
OMG your avatar is - disturbing. Is that the lead singer from 30 Seconds To Mars recieve the love From Mr Bale?

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:17:00 pm »
NIN - Bite The Hand That Feeds

Stylus - I Was Alone Until Tonight ----- Great song to chill to for me anyways.

Agent Provocateur - Red Tape ----- From the UnderWorld Soundtrack

General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: September 10, 2008, 09:18:17 pm »
and just for Sh#ts and giggles...

General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:10:26 pm »
Me then, and fu#k anyone thats got a problem with my pictures:cussing:

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 09, 2008, 11:43:56 pm »
Quote from: mattnz;792264
You're a slow typer.

Faithless - Insomnia

Its a Z Board, with the lights down I can't see so hot and the keys are in slightly different places and theres a gap where the board folds up and any number of other excuses :P

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 09, 2008, 11:09:13 pm »
NIN - Closeer
NIN - Everyday Is Exactly The Same
Infact all my NIN collection as I just saw them on The Latenight news and am now going to go to sleep listening to them tonight.

General Chat / What would YOU look for in a future game?
« on: September 07, 2008, 12:17:52 am »
The issue is seeing a woman in pain and or inflicting said pain. Its a hot topic on promotion courses with respect to training and control under fire/during a contact.

Yet they don't really even include the option in Sim games where your shooting a machine and not a person direct. And its a proven fact, the female body is the ideal for a pilot. Bigger heart ( for pregnancy, higher pain threshold for the same reason) shorter distance from the heart to the head and generally a little stockier. This means less blood flow loss from the brain during high G moves resulting in overall higher G's being pulled.

And just think how good Jessica Biel looked piloting the Talon Fighter in stealth.

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: September 06, 2008, 11:02:19 pm »
Pink - So What.... god shes funny!

Offspring - Hammer - great soldiers song

Metallica - The Day That Never Comes - Freaky realistic scene in the vid of a patrol approaching a disabled vehicle and its occupants. Makes my skin crawl and blood pump! Been in a similar situation that could have ended sooo badly so so easily while on operations.

General Chat / What would YOU look for in a future game?
« on: September 06, 2008, 10:53:17 pm »
A few more female focused games.

I know, I know,,, it runs the risk of cross dressing males playing as women and that whole ugly arguement, but...

Reality is us chix have our faces in alot of places we didn't 10yrs ago. We get hurt, we get shot and we hurt others in the execution of our duties every day around the world as we speak. Whether society likes it or not, its still happening. Its time the games caught up.

I'm a combat soldier in the real world. I would like to see the same ingame. Mechwarrior had an intro vid which included female actors piloting machines in battle. Lets see it repeated in an FPS game. please

Or even better bring back the Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear series, only with a decent physics engine.

Also characterisation of your player and a decent story/plot/background to the gaime, thats ever evolving, is a must have.

Humour -  My brother used to play a Starwars Commando game and it had some bloody funny, realistic banter between the NPC sqaud mates during fire fights. It created atmosphere.

On the subject of atmosphere, F.E.A.R. was the best I've seen at creating that. It used to make me jump!

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:26:14 am »
Remember... all the theory of christianity, sin, god, the holy spirit, jesus, everything, comes from the Bible.

The bible is a book,one that is said to be Gods word and given by him to man to record and pass along. One that has been interpreted many times over 2000 years, translated into many languages, with some words needing to be replaced as a language maynot HAVE a word that fits, change a sentences original meaning etc... Its not a reliable and historically accurate reference to pretty much anything.

Hence the term faith, if you have faith, you wont question.

Its like the line in Braveheart... "William Wallace, 7ft tall and shoots lightning bolts from his arse". He was a real man, but his legend was bigger than he by far. The bible is without a doubt, the same. Its a collection of legends and tales passed on from one generation the the next and each time a small part here and there changes, until the original story and its meaning are unrecognisable and loss in the myth and folklore.

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