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Messages - ABC

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Random Images
« on: August 30, 2008, 10:56:13 pm »
Quote from: NZJeebs;786033
Some douche trying to jump ...blah blah..lots of stuff that doesnt make sense..blah blah!

come ffs, i mean why come in here and e-threaten and call people out (ghost), cause they didnt like your fucking picture, then post to whaaa about rep? Shit was was laughable. but im a bit let down how seriously you take all this tbh.

General Chat / Random Images
« on: August 30, 2008, 10:07:29 am »
Quote from: GhostOfGallipol;785797

why do people insist on red repping me for this image, would one of you gutless cowards like to PM me and actually explain it, cause i'll be fucked if im wearing your petty red squares for no reason.

many have liked it, but 5 of you haven't, and never bothered to make a comment why.
wow rage quit.

why moan like a bitch? red rep- big fucking deal dood! who cares? some liked it some didnt, grab a tissue

Pages: [1]