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Messages - psyche

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General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 03:57:08 pm »
Yet you seem to think the Big Bang explains everything.

Pfft, you're as much of a joke as kill3r. Out of my intellectual depth? You can't even spell 'concepts' mate. That's all you know how to do is insult people, you can't come up with any intelligent arguments at all just like kill3r, it's unbelievably pathetic.

This thread is a waste of my time, i'll let you guys get back to the usual boring old religion bashing since that's all you know how to do.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 03:17:48 pm »
No I don't, and if it seems that way, it is not intentional.

I've got a few crazy thoughts running around in my mind about our existence too, I was thinking the other night.. what if the universe is one gigantic science experiment, our universe is but a bubble in some huge cosmological laboratory and we are being studied by supernatural/otherwordly beings. Now that's a pretty out there idea :eek:

but still, when I look at things more closely I can't help but come back to the whole 'God' thing, it does make a lot of sense and makes the puzzle of our existence fit together almost perfectly.

It's weird to think, if the Big Bang is indeed correct, that all of us, everything, time, space, matter, the essential forces of the universe, EVERYTHING, came from this one finite point... I mean wtf, it's craaazy... the universe then, and everything in it, essentialy, was created... but by what!? How could any kind of natural force "known" to do all that, or it all just happens by random coincidence, I guess is the general assumption :/ Stephen Hawking I think, and possibly a few other people, have likened the universe to some kind of supercomputer that has been intricately programmed. Which is an interesting way to look at it, considering the importance of numbers and mathematics in our daily lives and in science...

I'll admit, i'm as confused what anyone else is, but I find it a bit disconcerting that some people seem to be relying only scientific knowledge to try and explain the existence of the universe, you have to admit that.. science came from somewhere, and I think the ultimate goal of science to try and explain the existence of everything using soley the rules of science... just isn't going to happen, I think it's a futile effort in all honesty and I hope the scientific community will some day realise this and start admitting that there are some things we can't realistically explain using the method of science... I have no problem with them trying of course, my problem is more with the saps like Kill3r and Cobra who are blinded and mislead by these modern neo-darwinist fanatical atheists who are preaching their own biased, miscontrued views that there is no purpose to anything, we exist by accident, "science will explain everything", and encouraged to express hatred towards religious people, anyone who believes in God or anyone who even mentions anything about the universe being designed or created, supposedly because it's 'holding back science', which is a crock of shit.

The implications of a Darwinism-type belief on society, would mean we can wipe out entire races of "inferior" people and animals, and think nothing of it. Mass genocide? Sweet as. Sounds like a world run by Hitler, sounds like a world I would not want to live in.

I only hope that people like kill3r, Cobra, ect. will realise that there is more to life than science, if you seek answers to our existence.. I would say science is quite probably the wrong place to look. But who knows, we all have our own beliefs and ideas, maybe one day one of them will be proven. Until then I am going to keep expanding my knowledge, and will continue to believe that life was created with some kind of purpose, mostly because it is the most plausible explanation in my mind and based on what I am learning, and because I have nothing to lose by leading a good life and believing in God, i'd take eternal bliss over non-existence any day thankyouverymuch.

There's a lot more i'd like to say, but i'll leave it at that... need to get some work done >_<

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:01:11 pm »
Think about this; how can everything NATURAL spontaneously arise from NON-NATURAL, ie. nothing? It would have to have had the involvement of something supernatural, logically.

And what is the plausability of something like that happening completely by chance?

something to ponder.

Quote from: cobra;699331
so it does turn out that you have nothing, who would have thought

I'm a bit sick of explaining certain things over and over again, so just forget it.

Quote from: cobra;699331
"i dont know" is an honest response - but that doesn't lead on to therefore god

Maybe not scientifically, but it could.. if you are motivated to seek a deeper meaning to existence through philosophical and other means, rather than solely scientific means. And evidently it has for many people.

If you are seeking God through scientific means, I don't think you will ever what you are looking for. If you seek God outside the restraints of science however, you just may find enlightenment. If you don't want to believe in God though, or a an ultimate creator of the universe, and you form your beliefs to suit that, then it doesn't really matter and I don't know why you would bother debating it in the first place.

I guess the point i'm trying to make is, you shouldn't do yourself the injustice of limiting yourself soley to the pursuit of scientific knowledge, when there are so many other sources of limitless knowledge available to us, including your own advanced, thinking, contemplating mind.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:52:04 pm »
Quote from: cobra;699316
for your edit

you were talking about everything having a cause - hence l2quantum physics - when you l2quantum physics it will make sense

No it won't, because if it did make perfect sense then it would already be accepted as proven fact, when it is not.  Otherwise no-one in the world would even believe in God, would they? If we already knew how the existence of everything could come from nothing by completely naturalistic means? Think about it.

Ask any scientist in the world today how the existence of everything could have come from nothing, and I guarantee they will say "I don't know." or they might give some kind of theory, but it's just that, a theory, based on speculation and guesswork.

Quote from: cobra;699318
can you explain what you have learnt - or does it turn out that what you just typed is meaningless as you having discovered anything deeper?

You're not listening to what i'm saying, so i'll leave it at that.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:38:21 pm »
lol.. pathetic.

Your entire belief is in the Big Bang, but you don't even care to think what came before the Big Bang, what caused the Big Bang, or why? :sly:

Like I said, if you restrict yourself only to the limited contraints of science, you're never going to discover anything deeper than how certain things in the universe work. And that is, I think, a sad thing.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:31:06 pm »
Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;699303
sowing, reaping.


Quote from: psyche;699294
I'm not religious.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:23:38 pm »
Anyway, i'm done with this thread I think, back to GP forums for me. Might drop in every now and then if any actual interesting discussion comes up (I won't hold my breath though)

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:17:50 pm »
Quote from: cobra;699268
please recognise the difference between being too stupid and ignorant to understand something and something being "a load of bollocks",

and who the fuck is charles dawkins? Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins genes put into a super evolutionist?

Calm down faggot, it's called a typo.

Dawkins is a FANATICAL atheist, his ideas are therefore fanatically atheist, in the same way that we have fanatical religious people. As I've already said a lot of the arguments in his book have already been debunked/debated/questioned/refuted... I can find some of these articles and post them for you if you like. Dawkins himself lives his life by an almost 'religious-type' belief, and that is Darwinism. He has taken the ideas of Darwin, someone just as confused about the world as most other people, and spun them into an almost 'doctrine' set of beliefs.

As Darwin himself said: “I was a young man with uninformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them.”

Granted, he was an amazing man and some of his amazing discoveries are turning out to be true, but people like Dawkins are taking his ideas too far and honestly I don't think Darwin would have approved of it were he still around.

Quote from: cobra;699268
l2anthropomorphic principal

That's basically just the 'multiverse' argument, is it not? The multiverse theory is not even scientific theory, because as you say, science only studies phenomena that we can physically observe.

Quote from: cobra;699268
For an christian to say it's GOD to (sic) something came out of nothing, is again, a complete cop out - it explains nothing and leaves you with more questions than you have answers. As one of the guys in the video says, the word god is a word which correlates to ignorance, if you can't explain how something happened it's easy to just say "it's because of god"

What about people who aren't Christian, and say it is more plausible for the existence of everything to be have set in motion by an intelligent 'Creator'? People like myself, and Einstein (sort of), and numerous other freethinking and scientific minds?

It might be easy to say "God did it", but I don't think that's what people are doing... they are looking at the evidence, and saying that God, or an ultimate Creator, is quite possibly the most plausible explanation. It might not be correct, as it can't necessarily be proven, but it's not something that should be readily dismissed unless you do want to submit yourself to ignorance.

Quote from: cobra;699268
science doesn't have anything to say about god because science is the study of things that exist, science looks at evidence and imaginary things cant leave evidence

'grats smart guy, did you even read my post?

Quote from: cobra;699268
l2quantum physics

Explain how something comes from nothing using quantum physics please...

Quote from: cobra;699268
no offence but you are a good example of religion springing up from ignorance - i can understand therefore god

I'm not religious. And no offence, but you are a good example of ignorance arising from more ignorance, as evidence by the fact that you don't actually listen to anything I say. I have yet to hear any plausible theories for the existence of everything from you yet...

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:08:59 pm »
Quote from: KiLL3r;698774
this was the article i was trying to comment on. i said " the reason atheist do not debate with religous types is because it gives them creability". i also wrote it totally un argumentative but alas i didnt get accepted

We are back to religion bashing already? How boring.... is that all you people know how to do?

Quote from: KiLL3r;698774
this was the article i was trying to comment on. i said " the reason atheist do not debate with religous types is because it gives them creability". i also wrote it totally un argumentative but alas i didnt get accepted

Wtf... if you don't want to debate why the hell are you even commenting on their website in the first place, have you not got anything better to do? They probably didn't accept it because you didn't even make any kind of argument, you just said "I don't want to argue with religious people, because i'm a huge failure and I don't know how."  Congratulations.

probably a Destiny Church-funded website or something, but they are right about Charles Dawkins book being an absolute load of shit, I've started reading bits of it and good lord that guy talks a load of bollocks, not to mention the majority of his arguments have been thoroughly picked apart by various people.

Also I found this video quite interesting:

I don't agree with everything they say, but they bring up some good points. If the universe is 'chaotic' and random, then the universe would not be intelligible, it would not be ordered in any kind of way and we would have no way of understanding anything. Therefore it is unreasonable to assume that the universe is completely chaotic.

Without the physical laws and constants that govern the universe, we would not exist. If any one of those well-defined laws had been even 1% different from their current values, we would not exist. Planets would not exist, starts would not exist. Where did those laws come from, and how can something that clearly and specificly defined have randomly come from nothing? The only reasonable explanation atheists can come up with for this is that we live in one of a millions of infinite universes in a huge multiverse, and we just happen to be in the one that got everything right. Sounds like a cop out to me, but those crazy atheists gotta justify their belief somehow I guess.

For an atheist to say it's CHANCE for something to have come from nothing, is again, a complete cop out - it explains nothing and leaves you with more questions than you have answers. As one of the guys in the video says, the word "chance" is a word which correlates to ignorance, if you can't explain how something happened it's easy to just say "it's because of chance, random spontaneousness"

But really, how plausible is it that something could  randomly arise from NOTHING by completely naturalistic means? To say that the existence of everything comes down to chance, just is not logical -  no matter how far you go back you will always need a cause, and an uncaused cause.

It is said that science has nothing to say about God, and nothing to say about why or what might have caused the universe. But that's exactly it... the existence of everything isn't a scientific issue, it's a philosophical issue. That's the problem these days, we have hardheaded scientists that only accept science and reject everything else. But if you do so, you're never going to figure out anything deeper than how something works, you will never figure out why something works, because it is outside the realm of science. Einstein said "God doesn't play dice." and Newton said that he was "..doing no more than explaining how God ordered the universe." These great scientific minds had no problem incorporating philosophy into their studies, why should anyone else? Should we stop referring to anything Newton or Einstein said, simply because they dared to think outside the box, and think outside the contraints of science? Of course not. Science without the external input of philosophy is a monumental failure, atleast in terms of trying to figure out our existence.

Interesting video anyway. WATCH IT FOOLS.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 02, 2008, 02:11:54 pm »
Quote from: DDM;687392
About 60 pages of this is psyche quoting wikipedia and crazy religious people then abusing people who have alternate views.

It's morons like you that make this forum shit.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: April 02, 2008, 12:52:40 pm »
One day we will find the little green martians and UFO's on Mars, eh Ngati !

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:54:14 pm »
lol, hilarious. Ever considered stand-up comedy? you'd be a riot

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:47:49 pm »
The problem is, it's too much having this entire topic condensed into this one thread like this, we need seperate threads for seperate topics - it's confusing responding to multiple arguments from different people in one go, especially with the annoying forum interface.

fucking wall of text gives me a headache

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:26:20 pm »
You have some serious, serious problems kill3r.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:11:09 pm »
Quote from: KiLL3r;682708

Dude, it was 1000's of years ago. After being translated through 100's of different languages, over 1000's of years. Also realize that the Bible is not written by one person, it is written by many different people based on their experiences, I think it's undertandable that everything in the Bible would not be completely accurate to the very letter of the word. While there are inaccuracies, there are also many accuracies and predictions about the universe and mankind made long before we even made the discoveries

one example would be the Bible teaches that 'life is in the blood' - for a long time scientists thought that life was provided by the function of the brain, when in fact that is wrong and it has only recently been discovered that life does in fact come from the blood (I don't know the technical details, I could find a link if you want). That is just one example off the top of my head, there are many others.

Also the story of David & Goliath was in the city of Babylon wasn't it?

All that remains today of the ancient famed city of Babylon is a mound, or tell, of broken mud-brick buildings and debris in the fertile Mesopotamian plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in Iraq.

Well if that's all that is left of Babylon, then of course there is not going to be any distinquishable evidence left...

fuck, I'll respond to your post later if I can be bothered Simon, need to take a break from this thread.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:08:31 pm »
Quote from: KiLL3r;682708

Dude, it was 1000's of years ago. After being translated through 100's of different languages, over 1000's of years. Also realize that the Bible is not written by one person, it is written by many different people based on their experiences, I think it's undertandable that everything in the Bible would not be completely accurate to the very letter of the word. While there are inaccuracies, there are also many accuracies and predictions about the universe and mankind made long before we even made the discoveries

one example would be the Bible teaches that 'life is in the blood' - for a long time scientists thought that life was provided by the function of the brain, when in fact that is wrong and it has only recently been discovered that life does in fact come from the blood (I don't know the technical details, I could find a link if you want). That is just one example off the top of my head, there are many others.

Also the story of David & Goliath was in the city of Babylon wasn't it?

All that remains today of the ancient famed city of Babylon is a mound, or tell, of broken mud-brick buildings and debris in the fertile Mesopotamian plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in Iraq.

Well if that's all that is left of Babylon, then of course there is going to be distinquishable evidence left...

fuck, I'll respond to your post later if I can be bothered Simon, need to take a break from this thread.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:33:50 pm »
Quote from: NZJeebs;682657
But you haven't either and your defending it? O.o Thats how i see it anyway, haven't read the whole saga.

I'm not defending it. Remember though, there is a lot of historical evidence surrounding the Bible, and the recountings are from real people in our history, and since it is written by so many people all telling the same thing, I don't think it would be fair to instantly dismiss it as a bunch of crazy loons writing fictional stories for shits and giggles.

We have a very mysterious ancient history, and unless you were actually there I don't think it would be good to critisize any of it.

Also, if anything else, one of the good things about the Bible from what i've seen is that the scriptures are very good and wise teachings of character, morals, love of your fellow man, respect and appreciation of nature, ect. ect. and so forth. To be honest, if more people followed the teachings of the Bible the world would be a much happier place.

Not trying to convince you or anything, but yeah just remember it is an ancient, sacred book with a lot of deep meaning to it (both literal and non-literal) and historical evidence to support a lot of it, so it would probably be a bit more wise to respect it rather than critisize it, mainly because you have no basis with which to critisize it.

Quote from: NZJeebs;682657
If the world is so complex, so sophisticated that it required intelligent design, then wouldn't the designer also be so complex that it requires intelligent design? and so on....

Already been explained. Many, many, many times. In fact probably on the previous page I explained it, for like the 50th time, to kill3r.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:07:04 pm »
Quote from: Ngati_Grim;682642
I'm eating dinner atm, but I'm gonna enjoy this one! :rnr:

Don't bother, I'm not giving anything you say any credibility anymore after the whole 'multiverse' thing :disappoin

Anyway, I think the argument has come to a conclusion. You think the existence of everything somehow came to exist from nothing completely by random chance, and that science is one day somehow going to explain it all. I think that's an absolute crock of shit, and you're a delusional brainwashed atheist nutter.

What more is there to discuss?

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:04:34 pm »
Quote from: KiLL3r;682630
As an atheist i dont have to explain how the universe wasnt created by a superior being because i dont believe in a superior being! Theres hardly a need to prove something which hasnt been proven to begin with.

No, but you need to explain logically how everything could come from nothing by mere coincidence and work effectively instead of being completely random and chaotic.

You really have no idea wtf you're talking about, do you? >_<

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:01:24 pm »
Quote from: Arnifix;682631
Actually, it's because the brain is a surprisingly resilient organ, able to reroute sensory inputs to different areas of the brain if the area that input is meant for is damaged. To assume that the universe was designed for humans is an act of supreme arrogance. Idiot.

Now, since we are the product of the creation of the universe, I think it is fair to assume that since we have somehow developed the gift of a functioning brain that can discover the universe in a way that is understandable to us, it is not merely coincidence.

If you sincerely believe the universe was not created with humans in mind, why was Earth created? Why did it have every possible condition that is suitable for human life to live in, while no other planet seems to?  If you believe humans are not the only intelligent lifeform in the universe, what exactly other kind of lifeforms do you think would be out there in the universe?

The fact is if Earth was anywhere else in the universe, we wouldn't have had the ability to discover the universe and how it works, because a) Earth is located in the perfect place in the universe for scientific discovery, b) if it had ended up anywhere else, the conditions wouldn't have been right or our planet probably would have been swallowed up by a black hole or something.

Quote from: KiLL3r;682630
As an atheist i dont have to explain how the universe wasnt created by a superior being because i dont believe in a superior being! Theres hardly a need to prove something which hasnt been proven to begin with.

No, but you need to explain logically how everything could come from nothing by mere coincidence and work effectively instead of being completely random and chaotic.

You really have no idea wtf you're talking about, do you? >_< Just reading your post, a lot of the things you just said make absolutely no sense. Sorry, not trying to insult you or anything, but yeah you're not making sense.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:49:23 pm »
Quote from: INmOTION;682625

Welcome to ignore list. If you ever have anything decent or intelligent to contribute, let me know. I won't hold my breath.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:34:34 pm »
Quote from: NZJeebs;682601

Just as an aside, how many of you have read the bible or any other religious texts?

I haven't, but I am going to start reading the Bible very soon, I am very interested in it and fascinated to learn about the history.

I bet kill3r hasn't, but he sees fit to critisize it anyway, because he's a gigantic noobie.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:32:38 pm »
Quote from: KiLL3r;682561
True atheists are the least ignorant among humans because they look at all the evidence while other choose to ignore it or cast it off as "god did it" such as the simpleton known as psyche.

You gotta be kidding me. Non-atheists look at the evidence too, and many people, based on the evidence, have concluded that there is no possible, logical way that the universe and all it's unimaginably complex laws and systems could have come from nothing without being created by a supremely intelligible being or force.

There is a reason why humans have become able to understand and learn about so much the universe and how it works, and that is because the universe was created in a way that would specifically be able to be understood by our minds.

By calling me a simpleton, you are indirectly referring to some of the greatest scientific, theological and philosophical minds in our history as simpletons aswell, so GG on that one genius.

As an atheist, you need to explain your belief of exactly how everything could come from nothing without the need of an intelligent being to put it into motion and make sure all the laws of gravity, nature ect. work perfectly and harmoniously  - how humans, a complex, consciously-aware, thinking, problem-solving form of life could come to evolve from nothing.

I would like to hear your beliefs and how they fit into your understanding of the universe. I asked you this earlier in the thread and you conveniently chose to ignore it.

Quote from: KiLL3r;682561
Thats exactly what we are doing and we are merely discussing them in this thread. But a certain individual has taken it upon himself to change all our opinions to suit his :disappoin

Wait, what are you discussing? I haven't really seen you discussing anything. Nothing coherent anyway.

Quote from: INmOTION;682597

Amazing Graphic Designers are irrational, illogical and rebellious.

Uuuh yeah, in the field of design. Doesn't mean you have to apply that same rationale to life outside of work :/

Quote from: NZJeebs;682601

Just as an aside, how many of you have read the bible or any other religious texts?

I haven't, but I am going to start reading the Bible very soon, I am very interested in it and fascinated to learn about the history.

I bet kill3r hasn't, but he sees fit to critisize it anyway, because he's a gigantic noobie.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 05:07:55 pm »
Quote from: Arnifix;682453
I now have fish and chips stuck in my nose. Thanks idiot.

If you are sticking fish and chips up your nose, the only idiot is you i'm afraid.

You know... not once have I seen you contribute any valid arguments or anything decent to this thread. You seem to have some kind of major problem with my point of view (and coincidentally, the point of view of probably the majority of people around the world), yet you seem to lack the ability to coherently explain exactly what your problem with my point of view is. Instead you just sit on the sidelines tossing in useless remarks that serve no purpose to anything whatsoever other than to create hostility.

What a loser, waste of space.

Quote from: INmOTION;682439
I didn't think Graphic Designers were allowed to be "rational, logical thinking" people.

What made you think that? :sly:

Well put Jeebs.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 03:59:57 pm »
Quote from: INmOTION;682426

You have generated a pattern through your posts. And Simon has just clarified it.

If there is something in a post that you "can't be bothered" with or just don't know how to answer, you will change the subject or just plain ignore it.

This time you quoted his whole post just to pick out a spelling mistake.

You fail.

Let's argue for the sake of arguing. It's so interesting.

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