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Messages - Lathium

Pages: 1 [2]
Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:39:03 am »
Really missing my freaking Acog/m24 now. I've had multiple chances to kill some players but haven't been able to, due to not having the range on this freaking m16a2 m203...

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 18, 2012, 12:19:05 pm »
I'd be willing to help if I wasn't busy with Uni & work from 1pm - 10pm. Sorry dude :/

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:02:39 am »
Fufufufuufufuuuuuuuuuucking hell!

I died. Found a vehicle, was driving to Stary, hit one of those small fucking walls. I fall outta the car with 5k health and bleed before I regain conciousness. And then Server crashes about 5 minutes into my new character running up to my gear, north of Novy.

Bye-bye M4A3 CCO and M24. We had some good memories...

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:31:45 am »
Even more good news. The new tents on NZ10/20 have reappeared.

Servers at the moment have some nice 'duping' issues for us. :)

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 16, 2012, 11:48:15 pm »
I found all the tents back on NZ10/20. Bringing over all the new/old Ghillie suits again for our returnees. They'll be there in the morning.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 16, 2012, 11:41:44 am »
lolz good stuff. Bloudy hell that was a good day.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:18:28 pm »
WTF?! What's gone and what isn't?

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:55:04 am »
oh man how annoying, I'm finally kitted out with some decent stuff but I got trapped in a wall and got ravaged by zombies before I could work my way out, I'm now just outside of elektro with only 3600k blood and I got no blood packs. If anyone is friendly and has some blood I could swap them for some ammo or food?

I can quite possibly help ya out too. Hop on TS and we'll see what we can do mate.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 14, 2012, 12:15:05 pm »
Was there any mention of the engine that they'd be using? RV 3 or 4?

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:18:57 pm »
I hate coming into human contact.

Lost the loot that I looted from that campsite I found to a dumb-ass axe psycho. I'm too nice, I give them too much time to stop but they just keep coming.
Assholes. Bye-bye DMR, AK-74 Kobra and every other easy thing to obtain.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:09:50 am »
I'll definitely be covering my tracks ;)

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:29:07 am »
Double post, different events.

Found another camp site with roughly 6 tents and 3 vehicles outside it on NZ10. Whoever you are (If you frequent these forums) you had Ghillie suits for Africa. I took the liberty of freeing them to some poor souls (when they get fixed) and sent them to my own tent.

Oh also. I may have taken some ammo and possibly your FN FAL NV gun...  Was pretty tempted to take the DMR as well, and the M249. I might be back for those later :P

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:20:44 am »
Double post, different events.

Found another camp site with roughly 6 tents and 3 vehicles outside it on NZ10. Whoever you are (If you frequent these forums) you had Ghillie suits for Africa. I took the liberty of freeing them to some poor souls (when they get fixed) and sent them to my own tent.

Oh also. I may have taken some ammo and possibly your FN FAL NV gun...  Was pretty tempted to take the DMR as well, and the M249. I might be back for those later :P

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:05:50 pm »
Yup, if they're looking at you from a fairly decent distance they'll generally notice that you're 'edible' and chase after you.

Bad luck if you happen to fire off a shot when there are other zombies in the vicinity as well.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:42:34 pm »
Thanks for the heads up Dirty. I'll keep my eyes peeled next time.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:59:57 am »
Yeah it's fairly buggy.

Anywho, had about 263 kills. Went to NW airfield, saw heaps of Stationary zombies didn't add to the kill count. Killed a few, got a few pieces of loot, left, then headed east. Found an M24 with a mag, used it, and then found a bloudy helicopter crash site - First one I've found since I started playing. Started to snipe a few of the zombies, went up to try and loot it, and low-and-behold - I couldn't. Couldn't find the loot location anywhere over it.

Anyway, I see one zombie spawn in front of me, and then I back away. Instantly, one zombie - literally 100 meters away from me agros onto me, I shoot him, then I get all the bloudy Corps on my ass, I run backwards and try to shoot, yet they knock me down, and I die.

Had that character for a while. Oh well, time to Rambo again.


HOLY SHIT. Thank god for NZ10 Disconnecting/crashing. I load up the game expecting to start a new character, but my toon is still alive. The Server must of rebooted/DC'd right before I got facked up.

Thank the lord for bugs for saving my character. *Breathes huge sigh of relief*.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:50:13 am »
No Name tags on Vet, Map doesn't show player locations on Vent (both compared to Reg). That's all I've noticed so far.

And then there's side channels. Direct, Group and Vehicle on Vet.

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