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Messages - mattnz

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 92
General Chat / Bloody Students!
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:41:48 pm »
Yeah National totes have the long game in mind, selling off assets to pay debt that costs less than the they are returning.

Best way to get a knowledge economy, stop subsidising those who are generating the knowledge.

General Chat / Bloody Students!
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:45:18 pm »
I don't think that you have enough life experience to make a reasoned contribution here.

Quote from: Retardobot;1487504
Mrs. just got her visa renewed until March 2013.

So, 10 months left in this cancerous gang-land of fish and potatoes.

Fuck off bro, that's my home you're talking about.

General Chat / Bloody Students!
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:11:41 pm »
This is pretty good news. I was just thinking that we need to make it harder for people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to become doctors.

General Chat / Bloody Students!
« on: May 25, 2012, 02:15:54 pm »
I think inmotion may be wrong there. I don't think they're changing the 10-year limit on loans. So you can keep on studying, you just need to borrow living costs.

Intellectual Discussion / fuck I love science
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:31:47 pm »

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: May 18, 2012, 11:30:03 am »
Hmmm, I'm not sure where I said I was....

Creative Media / Cool photos you've taken
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:41:46 pm »
Cool, what's your instagram username?

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:03:38 pm »
Quote from: Spork;1485990
Goes hand in hand with the words Government and politicians.

That's some cutting-edge political commentary.

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:07:29 pm »

The results are a bit strange though. Might be an issue with sampling or operationalisation of drug use.

Quote from: Pyromanik;1485072
I think you mean raized, not ruined.
If it was ruins then it'd be torn down because it was falling down :P

Also, that shit gets my goat too.
Russians are out there ripping up ancient cobbled roads that have survived for 100's of years to replace it with tarseal that lasts about 1/2 a winter.

Sounds a little hypocritical though, because I'm also firmly in the "pull that cathedral down!" camp.
But that's a little different, it's more like "clear away the rubble" than anything else. It's totally fucked.
Fuckers protesting going "restore the cathedral"... mate, there's nothing to restore. "REBUILD the cathedral" would be a better phrasing... which I could probably sympathise with.

I think you mean razed, not raized bruv.
If it was ruins then it'd be torn down because it was falling down :P

Also, that shit gets my goat too.
Russians are out there ripping up ancient cobbled roads that have survived for 100's of years to replace it with tarseal that lasts about 1/2 a winter.

Sounds a little hypocritical though, because I'm also firmly in the "pull that cathedral down!" camp.
But that's a little different, it's more like "clear away the rubble" than anything else. It's totally fucked.
Fuckers protesting going "restore the cathedral"... mate, there's nothing to restore. "REBUILD the cathedral" would be a better phrasing... which I could probably sympathise with.

Quote from: Pyromanik;1485072
I think you mean raized, not ruined.
If it was ruins then it'd be torn down because it was falling down :P

Also, that shit gets my goat too.
Russians are out there ripping up ancient cobbled roads that have survived for 100's of years to replace it with tarseal that lasts about 1/2 a winter.

Sounds a little hypocritical though, because I'm also firmly in the "pull that cathedral down!" camp.
But that's a little different, it's more like "clear away the rubble" than anything else. It's totally fucked.
Fuckers protesting going "restore the cathedral"... mate, there's nothing to restore. "REBUILD the cathedral" would be a better phrasing... which I could probably sympathise with.

I think you mean razed, not raized bruv.
If it was ruins then it'd be torn down because it was falling down :P

Also, that shit gets my goat too.
Russians are out there ripping up ancient cobbled roads that have survived for 100's of years to replace it with tarseal that lasts about 1/2 a winter.

Sounds a little hypocritical though, because I'm also firmly in the "pull that cathedral down!" camp.
But that's a little different, it's more like "clear away the rubble" than anything else. It's totally fucked.
Fuckers protesting going "restore the cathedral"... mate, there's nothing to restore. "REBUILD the cathedral" would be a better phrasing... which I could probably sympathise with.

Taser is Zarkov?

Stupid woman make up a sizeable section of society, one which should be represented in parliament.

General Chat / Random Images
« on: April 28, 2012, 07:04:37 pm »

General Chat / awesome vids
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:53:46 pm »
Well there's a massive demographic overlap between dudes who like to jack off to videos of weapons in his videos, and dudes who like to jack off to sparkly sniper rifles in COD.

Change it to OutMotionŠ™ imo

General Chat / Random Images
« on: April 19, 2012, 05:21:15 pm »

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:20:23 pm »
Quote from: dirtyape;1480952
Play nice children.

Oddball, all you offer is opinion. You should realise this. Your experience is not infallible. And neither is your opinion. So you don't have to be so offended if someone contradicts it. Blanket statements about there not being any credible evidence regarding this subject is just silly.

Matt, studies have been wrong. But being science you realise this.

Growler, are you cyber stalking again?

This is true, and I have no problem being convinced by other well-conducted studies.

This area of research is relatively young, and the variables being investigated are so hazy, it is actually not that hard to come up with reasoned arguments (and perhaps even a few papers) that go against what I'm saying.

@oddball Sorry for assuming that I know more about it than you, it's just that in my opinion you come across as reasonably uninformed (from a scientific perspective). Surely you can see why my argument is a whole lot stronger than yours?

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:57:49 pm »
Quote from: Oddball;1480920
Ok, first of all, you have no idea what I know, but I know what you know because you've told us your so called 'education' into it, which as far as I'm concerned, doesn't even give you the right to comment on what psychosis IS, let alone any cause of it. The fact is you don't have the education or experience to know anything actually useful to anyone about it. And if you knew how strong psychosis is, you wouldn't even entertain the idea that something as weak as weed can cause it. For all you know I could have full blown psychosis or a fucking phd. Or both!

You can't ask me to provide evidence that cannabis doesn't cause psychosis when no proven evidence exists that it does. You're the one trying to say it does, so prove it - if you can. There are fake studies out there, I'm sure you'll try and link them. If I tell you there's a clown hiding in the moon, I'd have to provide evidence, not the other way around - and people seem to want it 'the other way around'.

Oh fuck. Really? Is that how science works? Thanks for the info.

Not to mention that I did present you with sound scientific evidence from reputable publications, and you seem convinced that you have successfully disproved my view by talking out your arse about what you think has happened to you.

And so sorry, I forgot you know everything.

Just for extra irony points:
Quote from: Oddball;1480882
Hah reminds me of christianity.

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:43:22 am »
Quote from: Oddball;1480882
To begin with, there are zero 'reputable', as you call them, studies that prove cannabis can act as a cause (or anything more than an acceleration) of psychosis. So even claiming that to begin with is either a lot of guess work, assumption, supposed logical probability, or a lie that is (frequently) used by the media to scare people and certain people choose to believe- Hah reminds me of christianity.

There is however, the fact that during the cannabis epidemic period (1960-1970) in the West the rate of schizophrenia flat lined or even declined.

The first time I smoked marijuana was white rhino with a lung. Since then I've smoked some bad stuff, and some really really good stuff. Nothing induced by any quantity of marijuana will even resemble paranoia experienced by sufferers of psychosis.

And even that white rhino in a lung isn't one tenth powerful enough to damage the brain into a state of permanent psychosis. Smoking it regularly, that way, every day, wont give you psychosis. Not that I'd ever advise it. You'd fuck yourself really bad, but you wouldn't develop psychosis.

Wow, stop the fuckin press, virt has some subjective evidence from personal experience.

Spoiler alert: You do not know more about this subject than me. Continuing to believe that you do is incredibly arrogant.

We're not even talking about acute cannabis induced psychosis here, so I don't know why you're jumping on that. Cannabis use is a psychosis risk factor that accumulates in a dose-dependent fashion over many years. There is some anecdotal evidence of acute psychosis induced by cannabis, but the state is generally transitory, and regardless it is a very difficult phenomenon to observe ethically.

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: April 16, 2012, 12:43:41 pm »
Quote from: Oddball;1480789
Your wordings a bit weird, so to clarify you're saying that taking cannabis can cause you to later develop psychosis?? It only accelerates it if you were already going to get it. Cannabis isn't anywhere near potent enough to do the damage necessary to develop psychosis or schizophrenia.

My apologies. Please tell me more.

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