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Messages - Netherai

Pages: [1]
Counter Strike / My thoughts on ICONZ CS scene.
« on: March 30, 2009, 10:50:21 am »
Quote from: Pyromanik;913681

Well, I guess this is _one_ way of drawing attention to an issue, sure :P

Counter Strike / My thoughts on ICONZ CS scene.
« on: March 29, 2009, 01:14:39 pm »
Totally agree with pix here, I'd also love it if there were some way of slapping the spec hax, people who switch to spec and back again to get the 800 :(

Counter Strike / My thoughts on ICONZ CS scene.
« on: March 28, 2009, 11:22:37 pm »
Anyway, didn't want to derail the thread, sorry.

Just figured this stuff is important, especially given the size of the community, I'd hate to see it fail.

CS has a LOT of competition now, just recently there's things like COD4, Killzone2, TF2, Left4Dead and that's just for starters.

I suppose it's a little heartening that CSSource is still on Valve's top-sellers list, the only game earlier than 2007 that is. For a game from 2004 to manage that there must still be a few players out there to add to the ICONZ community.

Thanks far q, growler :knife: guess I deserved that :whatever:

Is the ICONZ scene really that bad now?

Counter Strike / It's been a while
« on: March 28, 2009, 07:33:37 am »
Speaking from a position far far away where there are a LOT of servers accessible at pretty much any time, the most popular ones I see are:

GG (turbo sometimes, but not required)
DD2 24/7 (deathmatch _has_ to allow random weapons, otherwise it's just the same thing all the time, people take one weapon combo and stick with it and tire of it quickly, if it's a full server it's really hard to change weapons because you spawn, start choosing and die before completion, lather, rinse, repeat :sleep: )
Vanilla map servers
de-only map servers

Things that seem to hurt server popularity are some vanilla maps (aztec, assault maybe), constant downloads of new maps, in-game sounds/music, hackers (obviously, but it needs saying :))

The idea of skins sounds okay at first but surely then you also end up with people using fullbright skins and ruining things by "almost" cheating?

One thing that REALLY keeps people on servers though is the community, I can't stress this enough, if there are a number of friendly regulars and the admins make the world an uncomfortable place for those that make the game less fun, people will come and people will stay.

Stats are important, they're a way of judging if you're doing better or worse and what you need to do to improve, where on a map to avoid, etc. Could possibly remove the in-game stuff, limit it or something, no top10 or something maybe? If it's too expensive to run though, makes the game laggy, upsets reg, that's a different matter I guess.

Anyway, miss you all and hope you're all still doing well, it's a bit strange being disconnected from all this so I hope things are working out. Here's looking forward to a functional and fun ICONZ when/if I return (hell, there'll probably be a new version of CS by then :chuckle:)

Nice to know I'm remembered pix :)

Ciao for now,

General Chat / whats the best game ever
« on: November 24, 2005, 03:33:02 pm »
Quote from: Black Heart
of course i myself had no such moment of clarity, as i simply deleted the most boring game i have ever played since 'little computer people', on the c64.

to each their own i guess.

Little Computer People! :)

Eliot, his back-scratchy chair, his deliveries to his house, his little letters he wrote :D Totally forgot about that game.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 23, 2005, 04:30:42 pm »
Quote from: Growler
But if heaven and hell do exsist, and God is meant to be the all forgiving and died for our sins, then doenst that make every sinner elegiable for heaven anyway? regardless of how good or bad we are?

I think this is one area where Catholicism and greater Christianity disagree. Most sin in Christianity can be forgiven if you suffer true regret for your actions and ask forgiveness. One sin cannot be forgiven, suicide, as there is no time to repent since it's your own life you take.

I _think_ that Catholicism encourages "earning" forgiveness through your hail-marys and other tasks, I'm not sure if Catholicism requires true penetence, just hard work in order to earn forgiveness. I'm sure this has diverged from earlier Catholic dogma since earlier folk would have been truly god-fearing people, but no longer.

However, Catholicism introduces the new improved Heaven and Hell, with Purgatory, a means of redemption without entering Hell, you can earn forgiveness and ascend to Heaven by repenting in Purgatory. Can anyone actually end up in Catholic Hell?

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 23, 2005, 03:05:16 pm »
Quote from: laurasaur
If you're right, I WILL BE DEAD AND HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE of anything, and therefore seriously not care. So how can it suck to be me?

Because if he's right, this is all you have, EVER, the most precious gift of life and we're wasting it earning money, retiring, growing old and dying with nothing to look forward to :( This is it.

People have different ideas of what hell is too. Everything from the vision of Tartarus through to fire and brimstone, through to being in a place entirely devoid of God's love... I guess it depends what you believe, what's yours?


General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 22, 2005, 09:35:42 pm »
Quote from: bloodyYOKEL-NZ
Your going beyond what we are capable of understanding. But i would say yes, god and the universe are one. Consider god IS time...knowing god, that makes sence. but when i say Infinite being it is only about as good as me saying what triggered the big bang. You will be thinking about that question for a long time.

I was always happier believing bang-crunch-bang-crunch-bang :) Ba'hai have said something like "Before Adam, there were a thousand Adams", but now people tell me that the universe will never collapse inward and trigger a big crunch again... I'm still not sure I believe them :)

Quote from: bloodyYOKEL-NZ
Your comparing his emotions to ours, do you think they are any the same? one can only emagine really. whatever feelings and conciousness we share is a form of proto-intellegence in comparison. Again this is also inunderstandable

I wasn't really talking about emotions, just whether God is aware of its own existence?

You wanted discussion :) I love discussion! Just wish my headache would go away :(

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 22, 2005, 08:40:34 pm »
This is going to ramble a bit so I'm sorry but it bundles together a whole load of little thoughts I've had whizzing around in my head today (maybe that's why I have such a headache).

Re: that females like to feel better about themselves by relating to god as a female, I don't think that's fair, men seem to relate to God as male, does this make them feel more powerful? Isn't technically God an It, lacking in gender because of its perfection?

Re: God as having existed "forever", if God created time, then technically there is no "before" since time must have had a beginning. If this is the case then doesn't that mean that God and the universe are one and the same? That God created the universe just as the universe created God? If God did _not_ create time, doesn't that mean that something else did, either that or it just "occured", if it just occured, doesn't that mean that it happened before God? If we bring in the concept that God exists outside this universe, doesn't that mean that God is enclosed in something else? A bubble around the bubble we're in? What created that?

Is God intelligent, does God have a conciousness? Is God self-aware? If this is the case then either God became self aware at some stage (sorry, I have to use the word time or at least the idea of time), and thus was not self aware before that. If that's the case then doesn't that mean that God has been not aware of itself forever (since the time between God becoming self aware and now can be counted)? If God has always been self aware then what did God do for that eternity before Creation (and don't take eternity lightly... it's forever, it's just a shorter forever than that forever, plus the forever from now until the other end of forever :) )

Which God is the "real" God? Christian? Islam? Judaic (sure that's the wrong word, sorry to all the Jews out there :( )? They all appear to be the same God, but they all argue about which God is which. Let's not also get started on Buddhist, Hindu and Shinto theology either :tongue:  Is there a "real" God and do we really know it?

I hope this doesn't make too many people's heads explode, mine still hurts, I'm sure I have more thoughts like this in there, but I'm afraid to type them out...


General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 22, 2005, 12:47:58 pm »
Quote from: Space Monkey
No one did, God may of have just always existed. The concept of a beginning is a human thing, as everything in our life has a start, but there is no reason why God would need a beginning.

God is intelligent though, right? and if it existed forever and ever and ever that means God would have been VERY bored before creating earth and heavens at the beginning of Genesis. Wouldn't that make an intelligent thing very lonely, depressed and maybe just a little bit crazy?

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 21, 2005, 10:02:20 pm »
These people say it much better than I ever could m3th :) Have fun reading!

Night night

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 21, 2005, 08:29:41 pm »
Remember that the Bible is a collection of stories transferred for hundreds of years by word of mouth, only collected into one volume after a LONG period of time, and even then it's likely that some meaning or parts of individual "books" are lost, mistranslated or simply forgotten.

Also, some ideas in the stories passed down over the centuries may have changed as the social and political climate changed too, depending on beliefs by the speaker, by the authors who penned it, by the translators who converted from ancient Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English... take everything with a grain of salt and it all leads to a good way to lead your life. The stories may very well be the word of god, but man has been the vessel for it over many hundreds of years, and we all know how fallible man is?

The book of Genesis could very well be a story that has scientific relevance if you assume that a "day" for God isn't a 24 hour period :) I think the only thing that ruins the big-bang then water/land then simple plants then fish, dinosaurs leading to birds, then mammals then man is that day 3 and 4 (I think?) are in the wrong order... but given how the stories are 2000 or more years old and passed verbally I don't think that's really so bad :) It's allegory, God may very well have done all these things, just because we also have scientific reasons behind things doesn't necessarily mean that she didn't set the ball rolling :D

The problem with reading any religious text is that treating it as fact without interpretation leads to fundamentalism, an evil in itself :(

General Chat / whats the best game ever
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:54:45 pm »
Quote from: Alex
all of the sim series was rather good, SIMANT gave me some good memories.

OMG, I remember simant... poor little spider! I loved the speech balloons with the spider deciding which ants he thought were most tasty, then not liking ants at all when he was overwhelmed LOL.

General Chat / whats the best game ever
« on: August 14, 2005, 12:39:13 am »

It's a game so open that I still haven't finished with it :)

When I first started playing, it was so pretty that I walked to the end of the pier in Seyda Neen and watched the rain on the water :) Later on that day I watched the clouds pass across the two moons moving through the sky.

I love it. It's like a home away from home... with diseased demons LOL :D


General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: August 09, 2005, 05:34:20 pm »
Quote from: Flash
When "Princess Netherai" shot me with her ray gun [see pic], I was frozen and completely at her mercy.

OMG LOL, thanks Flash, I haven't laughed like that in a long time :bounce: Still laughing as I write this.


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