If people believe god has been around forever, before everything we know.. why is it so hard to flip the coin and believe the same of the universe?
Its not hard, you either believe it or not. You cant believe in both?? :sly:
P.S We'd be far more advanced (i say advanced, not better off) if science was allowed to grow freely without religion getting in the way. i.e stem cell research/human cloning.
Society would be a better place if all the non christians just let christians get on with life without persecution (ever stop to think about that?). We'd be far more advanced (yes, & better off).
Modern society is slowly moving away from christian values. Years ago it was "shock horror" to read about ANY murder in NZ, nowadays we have 15 yr kids doing it on a reasonably regular basis. We have a general break down of society, more and more gays "coming out of the closet" & now aloud to get married.
We have come from pretty conservative roots & yes some things did need to change but I think the pengilum has swumg a bit too far into the liberal side now. You only need to look at the youth of today compared to 40 years ago to see that.
Last lil rant :bounce:
Our wonderful leadership of this country seem to forget this country was founded on christian values/principles & has taken alot of steps to take it out of schools, yet only a short time ago Helen Clarks government decided in their infinite wisdom to spend $120,000 (or close to) on a Muslim pray room <-------- wtf??? Yeah lets say no to even talking about christianity in schools but its ok to spend tax payers money on a different religion??? Please dont tell me im alone in thinking that stinks.
Ok last one: Since this topic is on science vs religion.
Most have probably heard it a 100 times but I dont think it really sinks in with alot of poeple or they dont fully comprehend what it actually means when its said that religion and christianity are two totally different things.
And lastly, science actually proves the existance of God (weather you call God Muhumeed or Jesus or whatever) but it does prove it. If you ever get the chance to see an "appoligetic speaker" then I highly adivse you go and listen. I have and its amazing, they look at the whole subject purely from a scientific point of view, all things discussed are tangable & therefore alot easier to grasp than God & creation etc etc.
Oh and just so no one asks, they dont actually appoligies for anything :chuckle: