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Messages - ILoveMescaline

Pages: [1]
Battlefield / Battlefield 4 Officially Confirmed
« on: July 26, 2012, 01:46:31 pm »
Quote from: Bell;1495756
BC2 > 2142 > BF3

C'mon, where is the love for 2142!! It has got to be the most well-balanced battlefield game ever! As an added bonus it also came with a working in-game VOIP system! ;)

Battlefield / Battlefield 4 Officially Confirmed
« on: July 24, 2012, 05:48:54 pm »
Quote from: SheepShagger556;1495473
Most people don't like change but couple that with changing/removing the features that people LOVE and that equals hate.

Honestly they have to be $#@!ing retarded to remove voip/commander mode and have small squads after bf2. Honestly, just god damn retarded.

Exactly! What were they thinking removing the features that actually made BF unique and more appealing than other FPS's?! I can't fathom what they were thinking... or maybe I can (make game more COD-like?). I really do hope they re-introduce VOIP and commander back into BF4, but realistically I think the golden-days of battlefield are probably over - console won.

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: July 23, 2012, 02:07:57 pm »
Quote from: Super_Hori;1495298
Fair points, but again the conservative in me is, as yet, unconvinced that reform is required. The status quo has served me well enough over the years that I've not been prompted to seek change.

If I had bothered to check the facts, this would probably change. But in my experience, there's nothing too $#@!ed about our law in this area.


I disagree. Reform IS required as currently if you are charged with possession/use of marijuana it can result in seriously damage your career and future career prospects. I support legalization, but would happily settle for decriminalization of marijuana use/possession/growing. I believe it should be viewed as a health issue rather than a justice issue, as punitive measures means everyone ultimately loses. For all I care they could keep small 'token' fines for people caught with it as long as there are no long-term repercussions: Read criminal record.

This is the silliest thing about it all.

Other Games / DayZ General Chat
« on: July 22, 2012, 03:25:30 pm »
Noob question, but srsly: What is the most fun thing about Dayz (i.e. what makes people keep playing it?)

I ask this as I am contemplating purchasing ARMA for Dayz (as it looks pretty awesome) but I need a little nudge to convince me to do it, and that Dayz will be able to hold my attention. Is it worth getting it or the money be better spent on another game?

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: July 22, 2012, 02:41:03 pm »
Quote from: Lyesalot;1495105
All I know is that many of my mates back from highschool were talented, social, exciting - Had everything going for them
They found weed and now all they do is $#@! around all day, no job, have very little going for them and have next to no motivation of changing.

Anecdotally speaking, all of my friends who used marijuana (myself included) have done very well. Regardless, we shouldn't look at the anecdotal opinions but rather at the current scientific evidence which currently points to marijuana being a relatively safe and low-risk substance. The big question I find myself asking is why isn't our drug policies based on the findings of such research? Then I remember we have a government who prefer to ignore scientific evidence and choose instead to follow ideology. Sigh... :dispirited:

General Chat / Decriminalisation of marijuana
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:47:46 pm »
Quote from: Spacemonkey;1494914

What are we Cavemen?!? Vaporizers :eagerness:

Battlefield / Battlefield 4 Officially Confirmed
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:40:26 pm »
I just hope they don't dumb the game down any more! The team-aspect of all the previous BF games is missing in BF3 and I think lack of in-game VOIP is mainly to blame. If BF3 had a working VOIP, non-regenerating health/vehicles and a few better maps then I would call it 'a good game'. I still enjoy BF3 but it doesn't compare to the past BF titles and for me personally (flame away!) I enjoyed 2142 the most as (like Matt said) it was so well balanced and the teamwork was there.

I'll probably give BF4 a shot but if the series goes downhill any more then I'm sadly I think my BF days will be over.

Also, bring back the commander FFS! :)

Battlefield / Battlefield 4 Officially Confirmed
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:39:50 pm »
I can just imagine the future of battlefield if we extrapolate the 'progress' they made from BF2 --> BF3:

BF4!!! New Features:
  • No squads - No need to worry about pesky squadmates again!
  • No teams - Players with highest K/D now win!
  • Customizable camouflage for your combat-knife - download 50 great additional camouflage options for your knife for only $19.99 each!
  • Regenerating ammo - No more dependence on others!
  • No classes - Now have the option of having both your favorite sniper rifle and your favorite RPG
  • Kill-locater - New in Battlefield 4! Reveals the exact real-time position of the player who killed you on minimap and HUD. The ultimate payback!!!!
  • Great maps - Play on the default map 'Operation choke-point' or if you want more variety download new maps for only $59.00 US per map!
  • Downloadable expansions - Coming up: Back to Metro, Return to Tehran Highway, Operation M320 spam.
  • MOAR dogtags!! - Because you can NEVER have enough dog-tags!!!!!!

General Chat / Old games that used to float your boat?
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:25:14 pm »
Wow, some of these posts really take me back! Crystal caves, golden axe, Cosmo's cosmic adventure, Wing Commander, Kings Quest....Funny how much I enjoyed some of those old games. Almost makes me a bit sad that I'll never play games like them again.

Here's 2 more games that some may have played: Dr Brain & Biomenace.


General Chat / Old games that used to float your boat?
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:56:50 pm »
Ah the memories....


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