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Messages - zEnnus

Pages: [1]
Get Some Game Servers / !
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:28:15 pm »
Hey guys. The reason nobody is playing the GetSome server is because the map cycle was set to the Red Orchestra 2 maps only.
Everybody is playing Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm!!!!!!!

Get Some Game Servers / Awesome
« on: June 07, 2013, 03:28:34 pm »
Awesome bro! you're the man!

Hey guys.
New game.
Red Orchestra: Rising Storm.
Only AUS servers atm. Vodafone (telstra) customers can get 100ms ping times at the best to the available AU servers.
Great game. Game seems pretty popular.
New on steam. Nicely prices FPS. A lot of people adopting it.
Can we PLEASE get a GetSome server?

Battlefield / lol
« on: March 12, 2013, 05:54:51 pm »
He is a "Head Admin" after all.

General Chat / Aliens: Colonial Marines! Unlocks in 5 hours on steam!
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:55:20 am »
Aliens: Colonial Marines! Unlocks in 5 hours on steam!

Here's a look at one of a few very impressive gameplay trailers on youtube.

Add me to steam if you are keen for some games as soon as it unlocks. I'm pre downloaded and ready to rock.
I'll be on GetSome mumble in the battlefield 3 room if anybody wants to jam with with voice.
Since I'm a huge Aliens fanboy i've also watched the Alien quadrilogy over the last few days. lol :playful:

Battlefield / Kiwi and play battlefield 3 on the regular?
« on: January 16, 2013, 06:12:51 pm »
Kiwi and play battlefield 3 on the regular?
Have sub 50ms ping to GetSome servers?
Have microphone and enjoy social as well as competitive gaming?

Add me to Origin : ColonelCold

Good move gettting premium. If you are kiwi and play heaps add me to origin. origin ID: colonelcold.

Pages: [1]