Hi there,
My apologies, I thought Orcon ran the GetSome servers, but I'm assuming this is incorrect? (I'm not very well informed on NZ hosters so I guess this was a wrong assumption?)
I have 5 servers on the go currently;
These are hosted over two machines, the Cherno one and Origins on a separate box which had a great net connection but unfortunately my ability to use it has come to an end (hosted at work) hence looking for a new host.
The Lingor, Taviana and Epoch Cherno are hosted on a PC off my home net connection which works fine for the most part but any users playing have to suffer a pretty high ping (200ms-ish most times)
I use batch scripts to start the servers and they are based off DayZ Control Center files to do the hosting, the also run Battleye and Battleeye Extended Controls to run a schedule for restarts (which use same said batch scripts) to restart every 6 hours or so.
I could live without the Origins server I guess as its not quite "official" being running of 1.7.1 and not the latest 1.7.5 files, one of my colleagues and I did however heavily edit the mission files, removing the standard AI at Salvation Island and replacing with SargeAI, as well as adding custom loot and missions for players to attempt (more AI patrols and special loot trucks)
Details of that here:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77430330/Origins%20AI/OriginsAIVersion1.0.htmlI'm not sure what kind of access I'd need at a minimum, I'm assuming ftp would be fine for uploading any altered files but how would I go about restarting the server if necessary (ie. running the batch files without login access?)
Any ideas would be appreciated, by far the standard Dayz Cherno map and Taviana are the most popular, I've customised both a bit with extra vehicle spawns, SargeAI and a special task on Skalisty Island (which now has a bridge access) as I've placed 3 weapon crates surrounded by several groups of AI bandits which patrol around them.
Jump on sometime and have a look and see what you think, if any interest let me know as would be good to keep them going