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Messages - Michael Rosenigma

Pages: [1]
Server Bans & Complaints / Re: Prof. Sugarcube's Ban Appeal
« on: January 22, 2016, 01:16:25 am »
Disrespectful, argumentative, rude and not a nice person to have on the server?  Seems like the most half baked excuse for a ban ever.  I've been around Getsome's Trade Servers for quite some time now and I've seen a lot..  That said, let's get started..

The first thing I'd like to touch on is how incredibly false it is to say "disrespectful" and "rude" when referring to Sugarcube, one of the reasons for this being that most people on the server (the ones that I know are kind people with lovely personalities to go with the community) either know or are friends with Sugarcube as a result of his friendly and respectful nature.  The other reason for this excuse of "disrespectful" and "rude" being false is because I've only ever seen Sugarcube retaliate.  More specifically, in the decent amount of time I spend on the server, I've only seen Sugarcube being directly rude to people who are actually rude and disrespectful.  I see a lot of people around who are complete jerks (some of which are even long time members of the server) and never have I seen them told off (even in situations where an admin is present.)  What I've seen and heard myself leads me to believe that the treatment of players is biased (This of which I've been aware of to a certain extent before this incident.)

Moving on to the "argumentative" aspect.  The only thing you could possibly refer to are arguments regarding weapons (The only other type of argument I've seen from Sugarcube is related to economical questions.)  Considering that these "arguments" are not only very brief and that the second form of argument (or as most others would call it, discussion unless you're stubborn) that has come from Sugarcube comes from experience and knowledge (Other than myself, I've seen plenty of people ask Sugarcube questions related to the economy or trading with an outcome of satisfaction along with getting more help than most others could provide.) I have trouble believing that anyone could possibly see that as a fair reason to ban someone because not only is it informative and "educational" in a sense, but opposing perspectives would more likely be based on opinion rather than fact.

Now I'd like to touch on quite possibly the biggest god damn giveaway that this ban wasn't for fair reason, it's saying that Sugarcube is "not a nice person to have on the server."  I don't know what kind of whacky alternate reality courpse or treble are living in (and I have never had any quarrels, arguments or negative experiences with either of them before so don't think I'm targetting or attacking them for any personal reasons) because Sugarcube is a kind and caring person as long as you aren't a dick to him.  The very reasons presented for his ban suggests a more personal disliking by courpse  and treble than it does a decision that the community would support.  As admins are (hopefully) supposed to uphold the expectations of anyone else (but to a higher level) along with admin responsibilities, I find it surprising that certain staff members are more unpleasant and rude without consequence (doesn't exactly send a good message about behavior to newer players who pass by either) while Sugarcube (who is rarely either of those things) gets a permanent ban.

That's about all I have to say and I know plenty of others who would agree with me.  If there are spelling errors or sentences that make no sense, my apologies (haven't slept in 32 hours.)

Thank you for reading and I hope the right thing is done in the end.

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