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Messages - Captain.Keyes

Pages: [1]
General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: May 27, 2008, 08:10:44 pm »
religious is following the same events over and over - religiously, such as muslims praying to mecca at certain times, and catholic mass.

General Chat / joke thread
« on: May 27, 2008, 06:47:15 pm »
^^ If we put it in the bank it will go to Oz

Two blondes walk into a bar - you would have thought one would have seen it

A blonde wants to buy a TV, so goes to 100%.
The man at the till says he won't sell it to a blonde

The blonde dies her hair red that night and goes back.
"sorry i won't it sell to blondes" says the man.

The blkonde dies her hair brown and goes back to 100% - but again the man says he won't sell to blondes.

She dies her hair black that night and goes back
"sorry, i can't sell that TV to blondes" says the man

Exasperated the blonde says"my hair hasn't been blonde for three days, how did you know that i'm a blonde?"

The man- "it's not a TV, it's a Microwave"

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