I didn't know what to expect from Dishonored which usually makes for an opportunity to be pleasantly surprised but I felt underwhelmed.
I hate vague "do this mission 17 different ways" styles of gameplay. I like a decent amount of narrative to quests not "go here and kill this person by stabbing her in the fanny, shoving a tactical nuke in her rectum or drowning her in man-jizz".
nothing more to buy. i bought it all in the summer or winter sale a few months ago. I have a huge backlog of games and yet i still go back to playing anything but the games i purchased..
sword art online has taken a weird turn lately.... i thought it would remain fairly deep with the original context but it seems they decided to appeal to the masses just wanting a cookie-cutter protagonist/antagonist relationship
Hey guys i got a dota 2 key and another steam account with dota 2 activated on it.
so: 2x DotA 2 - you can pay me friendship or a chest key. i dont care, just hope you enjoy it!
1 key unused/1 account used for like 60games: point being you wont start with fresh stats or if new to dota 2, you will be playing with people with 300+ games etc until you lose a bit - this may/or may not induce rage*
i got one with 2 60's and a 40. (60s: barb/wiz 40:wd)
*edit* actually, scratch that. I just realised i got other things (starcraft 2) attached to the blizz account. so it isn't really what you are looking for.
Just crawled around on my belly for an hour then finally found a double barrel shotgun. Feeling chuffed that I had set myself up for my night of gaming after tea, i logged off. I log back in and find myself somewhere random with completely random gear and no gun. Fuck this.
make sure you check your settings as well as the View Distance. somewhere between 1000 - 3000 is where you wanna be. any more and it starts requiring super computers.
another messed up one is FLCL. same kind of randomness and amazingly weird.
i dont understand why some people feel so weird towards subbed anime. I enjoy it because the native tongue and emotions expressed goes well with the content of the anime which is very japanese in itself. It's like watching "The Raid" or "Old Boy" in english dub where the voiceovers are terribly done and simply don't express the culture which surrounds the film. majority of the jokes, expressions and the feel of the content can only be truely expressed in the native language.
each to their own, if you like dub thats all good. but to say all voice actors that are japanese is a bit silly