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Messages - EnFool

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General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: August 14, 2007, 01:34:51 am »

General Chat / awesome vids
« on: August 14, 2007, 01:13:14 am »

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:53:42 pm »
Also, an argument for religion.

Even if you don't believe in any religion, it has brought the world happiness and joy, not only from itself but also Christmas, Easter, without Christmas, who is to say that we wouldn't be able to spoil our sons and daughters and brothers and mothers and fathers and the rest with presents more than once a year.

Also, a serious question.

At what point in time would have the bible been created? If religion is false, you would think that people would remember Jesus, and of course Matthew Mark Luke and John all remembered him, but do you seriously think that people would all of a sudden say. 'Oh, I have never heard of this Jesus fellow but I suppose if you wrote a book about him then I will join you're religion.

Don't you think that the people of the time would have been outraged that these people had dared to go against their religious beliefs and probably killed them?

Now I'm just blabbing on and I really do hate this macbooks keyboard but oh well.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:48:33 pm »
Quote from: Bell;472599
While some of us seem to be raging, point in case YOU some are having a discussion.
Discussions are the reason behind having forums no?

Yes, but in most cases people will give up and accept that other people have different beliefs to themselves and let it be. But it seems that many people on here have no interest in the argument but infact want to 'convert' the believers to be non believers.

I have no real problem with Kill3r and anyone else arguing their cause, but I just see it pointless, he has argued his point. I am sure that 90% of the ICONZ Arena members know that Kill3r is against religion. Yet he seems to want to argue more and more and more.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:30:47 pm »
Why is it that people have it stuck in their mind that just because something doesn't exist it is so bad to believe in it?

Santa clause, Tooth fairy, easter bunny, none of them actually exist, sorry to all of you who believed in them. But you still live with the fact that a large portion of the younger generations of our population believe in at least one imaginary character.

Did you ever believe Goku or Ash or any of those characters from your favourite Cartoon/ kids show actually existed? Even if not, many kids did/ do. Do you run after them yelling 'THE EASTER BUNN IS FAKE!!!!! OH MY GOD HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING THAT I DONT!!!! IT IS FAKE, IT DOES NOT EXIST THEREFORE YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO BELIEVE IN IT!

As I see many of you people have already said, live and let live. Die and shut the fuck up.

If you disagree with christianity or Religion in general then laugh at all of us, sure, think you are better because you know that our superior being does not actually exist. But please, stop being such a knob jockey in trying to prove something that I for one don't care about. I am a complete Catholic, I have attended Church serimonies and am proud to say that I have wasted those many hours of my life. But, to be honest I don't give a fuck. So why don't you all just calm the hell down and as I said, live and let live.

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