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Messages - Shadow Warrior

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General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 04:58:06 pm »
I am amazed me and my posts have lasted this long. Lack of Moderation/Administration here if you ask me tbh. :chuckle:

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 04:48:05 pm »
Oh yes, For sure I will do everything you tell me Arnifux, I bow before you and your greatness.

Your signature clearly shows what type of person you are. A WANKER. :piss:

btw the fux part was deliberate.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 03:55:46 pm »
Yes, Cause trying to act cool and be all knowledgeble and posting about it on the internets forums is something to get excited about, KiLL3r I think you need to interact with people in real life more often. You may learn a thing or 2 about life in general. Do you really think I care about what any of you idiots think?

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:29:12 pm »
I am just putting forward a subjective and straight forward arguement against Evolution. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs aren't they.

You all should look at the most full of shit Skeptic that exists in this Country named Vicky Hyde, Her arguements against the Paranormal and other such matters regarding the Mysteries of the World like UFO's are so fruitless and laughable.

I didn't read anything after the first page cause unlike some of you idiots I actually have a Life and don't have the time to read through 119 pages of BS in a false belief of the evolution theory. good day.

And actually my Beliefs fit more in with Tibetan Buddhism than anything else, It is a religion that is peaceful, obviously something you know nothing about.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 12:52:12 pm »
obviously I didn't see that error in my previous post as I was basing that comment from people who have had NDE's that have had perfect vision throughout their lives and seen colours in a new perspective when they had their NDE being aware that people born blind obviously haven't seen any colours on earth.

Get off your high horse dipshit. ooooooh I said that to an Admin, lmao. I will be banned, Scarey shit...

 These kind of discussions are pointless cause this kind of arguement will go on for eons. Atheists will be believers when they cross over.

Just another point I want to make to KiLL3r before I go regarding the arguement about Reincarnation, true Heaven exists on a Higher Plane and vibrates at a Higher Frequency, There are many Humans that don't deserve to be there after they die and go to lower Planes. Reincarnation happens due to free will and Karmic Debt, An all merciless God like the Christian God does not exist. I yet to see anything you say that disproves the existent of Ghosts by the way.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 12:29:34 pm »
KiLL3r obviously doesn't believe in something called the Mind's Eye or Third Eye cause he is so close minded. :sleep:

and in regards to Dreams, Your Etherel Body is actually leaving your Physical body each night when you dream and entering the Spirit World. This is the reason why our Dreams look so different, Sleep Paralysis has a connection to this when it happens the Etherel Body hasn't fully returned to the Physical. People who have been born Blind and had NDE's report they can see things in vast distances and the Colours are much more vivid than on earth, Obviously this proves your arguement is a load of bullocks. Since when have dreams had really Vivid Colours?

Poos, You are dead right, I myself believe in something called the Master Vibration and also the Christ Conciousness, The Master Vibration is responsible for all of Creation and has always existed.

KiLL3r and ThaFleastyler through their own ignorance haven't done anything to disprove what I've stated. They obviously think Science has the answer for everything. :chuckle:

As far as Sensing Murder is concerned, Deb Webber is probably the most gifted Medium on that show and highly accurate, I'd say she is right up there with James Van Praagh and John Edward.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:27:11 am »
Ok this is my first post here, came across a link to this Discussion from other forums and couldn't resist posting my 2 cents.

1st of I am a believer in Creationism more than I am in Evolution for the following reasons...

1. People who were born blind that have had Near Death Experiences and reported they could see when they were on the "Other Side" I'd like to see you people who believe in Evolution to explain this one. :sly: :chuckle:

2. Ghost Activity, If you ever go to a Graveyard or any other place that has a reputation for Ghost Activity late at night and happen to take a Torch with you with fully charged batteries, the batteries will be drained extremely fast. Orbs are another unusual mystery that hasn't been explained yet but I think it's Ectoplasm merging.

3. Children who have memories of Past Lives (I know Christians are dead against the idea of Reincarnation but many Buddhist's and Hindu's will beg to differ) but  it's more convincing evidence of there being an Afterlife, The Cases of Cameron Macauley and James Leininger are perfect examples,  James is in particular because of his fascination with WW2 Fighter Planes in this lifetime and even knows the proper names for Planes. It's hard to believe these kids are making claims as serious as this up.

4. Well known Psychics/Mediums who seem to be extremely accurate when giving readings to people, Watch shows like Sensing Murder which is a fine example of respectable Medium's accuracy when it comes to Murder Cases. I find it hard to believe they are getting information about the cases from other sources.

5. Quantum Physics. Need I say more.

LOL I expect someone to reply to what I've written with half assed arguements against all of it, Honestly though I have no time at all for debunkers of the "Paranormal"

By the way I think some of you should look at Victor Zammit's website he is a Lawyer who is out to prove the Existence of the Afterlife. He gets agressively attacked by Hard Nosed Skeptics but they have never disproved any of his Evidence. all they do is attack him but what he shows there is pretty damning evidence.

I am far more comfortable with the idea of existing after this Life than the idea of being nothing at all, Skeptics say we base our beliefs on Faith, that may be but there is so much evidence out there as well.

That is all.
Have a nice day.

/end Rant.

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