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Messages - Heretic

Pages: [1]
General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:45:12 pm »
Quote from: Fragin';537621
Lol!! Sure dude whatever. :chuckle:


I assume you are the 12 year old on this Forum.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:42:39 pm »
Quote from: cobra;537620
this makes me laugh - yes killer, you are the naive and stupid one, obviously your simple and reasonable answer is wrong, it is clear that these "glowing orbs" are exhibitionist ghosts

Flea - must warm your heart to have this guy on your team

Yet another closed minded idiotic skeptic, You people are all the same, Total jokes.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:20:53 pm »
lolz not Famous last words actually, You see the advantage being a Former Admin on a vBulletin Board you know ways to get around IP Address Ban's, Proxies anyone? ;)

Fragin, I am not the same Shadow Warrior from GP, I have no idea why you thought I was the same person, I seen his posts there and they clearly lack intelligence, I am 26 years old myself.

Before I finally leave here for good cause I have nothing more to share of significance I want to quote something KiLL3r said, I see in his Profile he is 20 years old, it's obvious he has much to learn in this World.

Quoting KiLL3r here.
orbs are nothing but dust. wanna prove orbs? get a camera and a dusty blanket. turn all the lights off start beating the dusty blanket and take a picture with the flash and you will get 100% authentic "spirit" orbs

LOL are you really that naive and stupid? Explain to me why when people take many photo's they only show up in some and not all of them? It is easy to see the difference between dust and an Authentic Orb in a photo, Someone even done a test to prove the difference between Orbs created from Dust and real Orbs, You my friend are an IDIOT. I suggest you do a lot more research in the future before you go and try to make claims that have no significant weight behind them.

Anyway it's been fun, I like arguing with deluded people. Laters for good.

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