Getting a lot of use from this thanks, and just have one small niggle: I 'Switch Users' a lot, and when I switch to the 2nd account on my Win7 PC, I get a 'Duplicate process detected / Audio Switcher is already running' message. I then don't have the icon in the sys-tray of my 2nd account.
Uninstaller? Installed latest version to try it. Single-clicking on system tray resulted in Unhandled Exception Error. Can't see how to uninstall (or is it simply deleting the .exe?) Adjusted the .ini file to 'AutoStartWithWindows=False', but it still asked me if I wanted to run it on reboot
Here's a shot I got at the Tauranga airshow, Waitangi weekend: No work done to it, just liked the way it combined the movement of the rotors with the stillness of everything else