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Messages - doberman

Pages: [1]
Intellectual Discussion / Re: CNN Isis Flag
« on: March 05, 2016, 06:33:04 pm »
Is this an improvement?

that makes to decision a no brainer :)

Intellectual Discussion / Re: THe Flag thread.
« on: March 05, 2016, 12:34:41 pm »
you know that this vote does not get counted and it will go towards the new flag count instead, right?

I thought spoiled votes don't count either way.
you thought right. it is invalid and doesn't count either way.

Informal and Invalid Votes

Under section 32 of the New Zealand Flag Referendum Act, an informal vote is recorded when for the first referendum, the voting paper does not clearly indicate the voter’s first preference and for the second flag referendum, where the voting paper does not clearly indicate the option for which the elector wished to vote.  This can be because the voter leaves the paper blank, the voter takes deliberate action to spoil the paper, or an error by the voter means that their intention is not clear. Informal votes are included in the overall turnout, but do not count towards the result.

Under Section 33 of the Act, a vote is recorded as invalid for a number of reasons including being a forgery or a copy, being received after the voting period has closed, where a person has voted more than once, or the voting paper is damaged in such a way that it cannot be processed.

The official results record turnout as percentage of enrolled electors, and how many informal votes and invalid votes were received in total.

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