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General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: March 04, 2008, 09:21:45 pm »
Quote from: Black Heart;669866
Without us (or life thats intelligent) to beleive, god doesn't exist...

Not quite sure what you mean... Yes, without any life to believe in a God there would be no need for a God. So how extraordinary it is that life exists then?

Quote from: Black Heart;669866
And how do you know what sciences limits are, many have tried to guess before (hsitorically) and are now a laughing stock.

Because no matter how much science can explain, ultimately science and all it's methods and principles had to come from somewhere, which of course cannot be explained.

Quote from: KiLL3r;669868
anyone seen the show stephen hawking master of the universe? Just about to watch it should be a quite interesting.

Should be good, haven't yet seen it myself though, just remember though as intelligent as Hawkings is he is prone to make mistakes aswell and has had made plenty of mistakes with some of his scientific theories... still, if you want to try to understand the universe he's probably the best guy to explain it

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