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Messages - TheGimp505

Pages: [1]
Quote from: Ngati_Grim;1313417
...oh but I can and maybe I still will, and you imply it with all your talk of voodoo, pharoanics, sumerian death cults and star worship...
lets see how smug you are when cthulhu eats you. bid adieu.

Quote from: cobra;1313381
Quote from: TheGimp5'0'5;1313374
him knowing what you are going to do and letting you do what you want to do, doesn't make him not know what you were going to do or make you do it, choice was still yours even tho god knew you were going to do it.

there can not be choice if there is a god, god created you knowing all the choices you would make, if god wanted you to make different choices he would have created you differently, we are just puppets in gods cruel play

you're only saying that because god choice you to say that. if he wanted you to choice otherwise he would have created you to.

Time to sum up this thread in picture form.

you may pick from the two

Quote from: winter;1313396

Ahh, I think I missed what you were getting at :(
I wear pyjamas :D - but man.. got home from the 'Mayhem' gig and they asked about the gig and what not.. and I was like "aww man it was fucking epic, the lead singer had an upside down cross and blah blah blah" and one of them was like .. "Do they even know what that means?" .. /facepalm insert bitchiest voiced girl trying to tell me all about Saint Peter or whoever the fuck got crucified upside down and how the upside down cross is not evil and they are using it wrong.. to which I simply said..

It had CHRIST on the cross not Saint whoever.

to which she shut the fuck up and I went about my business of being a badass on the internets.

Again, the end.

hahahahaah that story had everything.. i laughed, i cried... i pooped alittle.

Quote from: Bell;1313392
Pretty sure I'm a reverse vampire, I love garlic so much
Garlic mayo on a steak.........................Mmmmmmmmmmmm. guess you'd want it on some broccoli tho.. being a reverse vampire.

Quote from: winter;1313380

Organized religion will be the death of the world, not 2012 or a moon-sized meteor.

as well as the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires,

Quote from: Spoonguard;1313368
If god is truly omniscient then we are completely predestined, therefore no free will under almighty god.

Omniscience (pronounced /ɒmˈnɪsiəns/)[1] (or omniscient point-of-view in writing) is the capacity to know everything infinitely, or at least everything that can be known about a character including thoughts, feelings, life and the universe, etc.

him knowing what you are going to do and letting you do what you want to do, doesn't make him not know what you were going to do or make you do it, choice was still yours even tho god knew you were going to do it.

General Chat / joke thread
« on: December 12, 2008, 12:47:17 pm »
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General Chat / post yourself!!
« on: August 28, 2008, 02:02:11 pm »
DD|5'0'5 reporting in. crappy web cam is crappy

Pages: [1]