Interesting article displaying how top dogs get paid nice amounts of money for signing things as compared to the grunts who get paid almost chips for working their asses off.
Just bought it today on PS3 (herpderpconsoleetc.) but my laptop is a POS, not designed for gaming. So keen for a play after some aviation meteorology study. Maybe I should install it now..
Dents in the wheels? They really should make the next rover with even more of a recognisable 'face'. I reckon in draws more interest from the general public if it seems like a real living creature. Makes us care about him completing his mission.
People who come into a a site obviously different from the one they were previously working at, and product & equipment around to how they're used to, CONSTANTLY without consulting others on how things are done at our particular boutique.
^^ Not true at all, I mean, consoles do the same thing, but thanks to consoles the Battlefield series has changed completely.
Where's my BF3?
Also, COD is crap as fuck now because of consoles.
Definitely, not reallly a big fan of the BC series, only play them because they're there. Hoping BF3 will be super-über-epic on the PC with 128 players with BF2ness + more and consoles only getting like 16 or 32 (Maybe 128 for PS3 like MAG) players or whatever the max they can handle is. BC seems to be scaled down to seem more similar to COD that a traditional BF game.
MW2 is over there ->
X = Battlefield series + What it needs X= I've been doing too much physics study lately...
Eyetoy for the PS2 didn't take up too much room and you could play it sitting down. But from what I've seen to play kinect you need the size of a lounge to play it, which is probably why they're marketing it towards family fun over an OMGFORZAROFLHALO experience. I do like the idea though, just not right for "serious" gamers at the moment.