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Messages - darkwalker79

Pages: [1]
General Chat / joke thread
« on: July 03, 2008, 01:35:53 pm »
mark and gary are having gay sex, on the gravey stroke mark says"i have aids"   "WHAT!!"  replies gary.  No i dont really says mark, i just like the way yr bum tightens when i say that.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:08:01 pm »
perhaps also the egyption myan and dear i say aborigini ancestral hyrogliphs were also misinterpreted, but doesn it make more sense than some ficticious character creating all we know in 6 days. it also answers the question "what is our pupose"  perhaps im in too deep but come 2012 ill be holidaying in the mountains.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:59:02 am »
creationism and darwinism both hold certain flaw3s, yes perhaps the summerians tablets were misinterpreted, but the fact is there is a rather large planet coming this way as detected by nasa's iras in 1992,  im glad to see some1 has been reasearching this topic aswell.

General Chat / RELIGION VS SCIENCE:The Ultimate Battle Thread
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:28:18 am »
this is an iteresting thread, personally i think religion is a fascard men with power use to make $$$$$ please you tube/google the planent nibiru and the anunaki. i have perhaps just saved your life, send your dollars now lol.

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