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Messages - Spanners Watson

Pages: [1]
Sports / Fitness / Cricket Thread
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:53:17 pm »
Quote from: mattnz;1081401
Yeah, it's not really fear if we get the same amount of batsmen, but have to bat less overs. It's supposed to be calculated so that, based on history, we have the same chance of winning as we did before the interruption.

Still, 5 overs? Could they not have just kept everyone up an extra half hour and played the game properly. That's what they did back in my day.

Yep, it's a shame they didn't extend the game time, the loss of a power-play overs was b/s too.

Sadly the D-L system will work against us in 9 out of 10 cases considering that the majority of our runs are made by our bottom order after we are 3-5 wickets down (which factor into the D-L equation).
Perhaps if our top order was more consistent we'd have had a much better chance? Also, I'd like to add that Franklin is also pure batting fail.

Hope Taylor pushes on for a hundred today! Go BCs! :rnr:

Sports / Fitness / Cricket Thread
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:09:42 am »
Quote from: Zarkov;1077918
I've seen enough of Franklin tbh.


He bowled alright (as you should expect from a bowler) but I have no idea what they're thinking putting him in at 5, talk about a brain melt! It looked like his pedestrian run rate was going to cost us the match at one stage.

Sports / Fitness / Cricket Thread
« on: March 03, 2010, 01:13:57 pm »
Quote from: runing;1077551
Will the Aussies make 400 today?

Depends if we bat first! :asian:

Seriously though, that pitch is as good as you'll get for batting in NZ, plus with the short square boundaries/fast outfield if whoever bats first decides to get a move on then I would think 350 would not be too inconceivable.
Let's hope McCullum is on form again today and I'd also like to see Taylor get some runs again. Oram really needs to step up, as he was very much underwhelming in the T20's.

Should be a cracker of a game! I can't wait! :rnr:

TV, Movies & Music / What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
« on: August 25, 2008, 08:56:01 am »
Quote from: Chillipepper;782438
Metallica's - The day that never comes.

The guitar solo at the end reminds me of Iron Maidens riffs. Greatness.

I agree, the harmonies before the main solo are definitely reminiscent of Maiden! :rnr: The main solo sounds like a mix of all the solos off And Justice For All.. (Which isn't a bad thing!). I'm also quite proud that Kirk refrained from using his wah :bigglasse
Fingers crossed Death Magnetic will be good!

Listening to The Cult - Fire Woman

General Chat / Who would you cast as Jack Reacher?
« on: May 08, 2008, 04:40:36 pm »
Pretty tough decision really...

Quote from: Xt1ncT;712624

This guy is BIG - 6' 5" and about 240 pounds of solidness. And there are no actors around that big who could do him justcie. Plus you have his age - 40 something in the first one IIRC, so this narrows it down even more.

I agree, it will be hard to find someone to play a ~40 year old, 6' 5" 240lb ex Military Cop.
Also, the fact that in almost every book he tends to 'seduce' females with his nonchalant manner makes me think they will need an actor who can convey his 'strong & silent' charisma which IMHO will be hard to find!

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