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Messages - Meoith

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:56:36 pm »
Quote from: Ngati_Grim;1265496
Really, You know where I get my news from?

I think you filter what you look at in teh very same way that a religious person does, the fact you feel the need to go far out of the way to disbelieve 911 points to that tendency/need.

Care to give me sources?, etc.

Did I say that America was evil?

I said websites/etc, besides Ive seen your previous posts(for longer than this account has existed), i already have a idea what type of personality/chips on your shoulder you have, you'd sooner visit a "America is always upto no good/evil" filtered web site cos you think thats where the lol@truth lies.

Did I mention where I get my news from?

Why bother its obvious what you subscribe to.

Did I say I relied on one source?

When i say source i mean filtered sources, no trendy conspiracy fan boy can limit themselves to one filtered source obviously.

General Chat / Re: Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
« on: May 14, 2010, 11:05:25 pm »
Quote from: Ngati_Grim;1265488
Quote from: BerG;1265443

Because I was watching it live when it happened?

So that'd make you and George W. the only people who saw it 'live'.

It's nice you trust the media so much.

At the end of the day you get your info from a selected media source as well determined on the premise America is always upto no good/evil, seriously your media no fucken better.

General Chat / Re: Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
« on: May 14, 2010, 11:02:17 pm »
Quote from: swindle;1265475
Like the old school way

We want it so were taking it, though shit

The old way is if your going to stage something you dont make it complicated also you make it obvious who did it(anti americans had a field day with 911), also most of all you limit the damage, ie kill a shit load of unimportant people/whatever it takes but dont damage your country important infrastructure/economy, the damage that was caused by 911 was hardly beneficial on that front.

I just think you guys are so twisted you can not bare to accept it being anything else but a setup.

General Chat / Re: Conspiracy Theories : You decide.
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:18:44 pm »
Quote from: chavez-oi;1265462
5000 dead people is a small price to pay for 3.125 trillion dollars in oil

Regardless, if they wanted a good reason to goto war, they still could have done it all in a much more simpler way.

General Chat / re: downfall - bunker scene one man play
« on: May 08, 2010, 01:18:21 am »
Quote from: Tiwaking!;1261467

Here is the embed of this video, though the article is quite interesting too. I have to say that

I would have posted it correctly but youtube :drop: is banned here in China, im hoping to come back here and see it, when i get back lol.

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