mean bro i love having rich parents, or mates that have rich parents haha. my mates mums gota saab aero sumting turbo. all leather luxery and fast as! itd boost any homo in ther honda n keep up wif subies n nissans. getting in2 off road now, mates got 33z on his surf boosting thru reddiz along the beach n shit
anyone had 18year old jameson whiskey? my uncle says its the shiz, mine n heapsa mates bdays coming up soon so mite get one of these.. 160 bucks but alll good.
Gay series, just like Coronation Street, Shorty Street, Neighbours..... all gay.
home n away has more hot chicks then any other show yo except for entourage which is the best show haha. i havent seen home n away for a couple of years coz its on too early but yea nah hotties make the show