Do you feel because you are a regular on our server you should be above the rules set out?
-I do not feel above the rules which is why I don't metagame and walk around shooting people in the head.
Yet you get T's to let you into the T rooms (even drop you T weapons) then you fail to kill them, knowing fully well they are a T. pretty much a form of metagaming.
How are you any different from a Mass RDMer when using T traps as an Inno?
You killed over 8 Players with the T traps (some were T's yes) but you are killing them blind with no proof. also calling out false KOS's (as a innocent) as you run around the map is also RDM, you have to think about how other players feel about this while playing.
Up untill the perma ban I was not aware that Role abuse was a rule because I use traitor traps as an innocent in front of other getsome staff members and they do not take action againist me.
How were you not aware that what you were doing was wrong when I banned you (and Zylos) for two days for "Role Abuse" a week earlier, then when you returned this was explained to both you and Zylos, only you continued after this point.
on top of the pointshop bind spams that you continue to do its all trolling behavior, yes you can have fun in the server but when it starts to move from being a joke to annoying people constantly is when I start getting complaints.
The ban will be lifted, but if you continue with using T traps as an inno blindly it will be reversed. I will also move this topic to the correct area.