wut. A lan that doesnt run overnight? Its like... 13 hours of gaming? A bit short isnt it? inb4thatswutshesaid
is swearing banned? it looks like swearing would be banned.
13 Hours is just way to short.Like way way to short.If its not 2 nights, who bothers? Honestly.
Just curious. If I can't swig a brewsky while shooting $#@!s at my comp, do I have to walk to and fro to my car to maintain my happiness and stay in the zone?If so, am I able to get close parking to the main entrance and what are the temperatures like there at night in winter?I will try not curse and will be as gentle as a lamb......
Damn, that's a fair staggering distance. If it rains, I'll be a very moist pussy!
You know us westies bro; sticky or go home!I'll provide the wheels, you bring ya camera, and we'll crash this LAN and stick it to these cunts. You pilot the chopper and I'll be your gunner. Epic lulz! :very_drunk: