Topic: Disappointed Guys

Offline ThaFleastyler

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I have to say, I'm fairly disappointed eh guys - I just put the thread there out of curiosity. Sorry that some of you weren't mature enough to talk about an issue that I thought was worthy of discussion - namely, a predisposal of authorities to find excuses for everybody. Contrary to what you might think, I wasn't getting at the "maori" angle - just the fact that we seem to make excuse after excuse for people who simply aren't taking responsibility for their own actions. This was one example.

What about Graeme Burton? It wasn't Grahams fault, it was the parole board!

What about Liam Ashleys killer? It wasn't him - it was the guys who put Liam in a truck with that bad man!

What about the NZ cricket team? Its not the players fault - its the selectors!

Ok, that last one was a joke, but you get my point. I'm just fed up with people being allowed to submit lame excuse after lame excuse - and believe me or not, the colour of the guys skin didn't even factor into it.

/angry rant

PS: I don't care about the neg rep - sincere thanks to the guys who left their names.

Posted: March 09, 2007, 11:53:41 pm

Offline Retardobot

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Don't worry.

Zarkov is given way to much power and kills threads willy nilly. If he doesnt like them, then they are deem'd unworthy, despite what the majority of the community thinks.

Although there were a few people complaining.

without jumping on sides, i agree. i saw no point of racism in your post, and saw no anger pointed towards the guys ethnicity. was a little bit disheartened to see the amount of people getting all worked up. Especially fragin. he is usually pretty level headed.

Reply #1 Posted: March 10, 2007, 12:07:35 am

Offline Wandarah

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I dont really get why it was closed either.

Reply #2 Posted: March 10, 2007, 12:21:56 am
Immanentize the eschaton

Offline Menial

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Reply #3 Posted: March 10, 2007, 12:26:53 am

Offline 5loth

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after reading thru the thread,

i think its sad to see a subject such as this cannot be discussed in an appropriate fashion.
a couple of possibly unnecessary comments simply could have been deleted,
there was no resaon to close the thread. sieg hail zarkov.

The original poster, thankyou for posting, i found it interesting

Reply #4 Posted: March 10, 2007, 12:30:39 am

Offline GhostOfGallipoli

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i dont think your intention for the thread was nefarious fleastyler, and you're dead was a bullshit (IMHO) attempt at getting out of a charge.

but if some of you had actually READ the article instead of going off all half cocked, you would see that he didn't get away with anything....he got nine months.

so no "bloody murries" got away with anything....which was the comment that originally got my back up in the first place

Reply #5 Posted: March 10, 2007, 12:37:36 am

Offline fembot

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I think you should just close this one too :P

Reply #6 Posted: March 10, 2007, 01:00:12 am

Offline TofuEater

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I was disappointed too, and like i said - we have a long way to go.

Mr de Bres' report lists a continuing series of racial incidents such as eggs and stones being thrown at a Korean couple in Hamilton last May and Somali-born Hamilton athlete Shafat Salad, 20, saying he had suffered frequent racial abuse.

In Auckland, an Indian-born worker for the migrant women's group Shakti, Philomena Nazareth, was beaten in her car by two women driving behind her last August after she gave way to a car coming from a side road. The women got out when she stopped at a traffic light and punched her through her car window.

"I was easy prey ... if I was a Maori or Pakeha I don't think I would have been attacked," she said.

A reporter at Auckland's Chinese-language World TV, Ling Ling Liang, said she had also been given the fingers and told to "go back to your country" two or three times while driving, and received complaints from Chinese viewers about similar incidents every week.

"We tell them to lay a complaint but they don't because of the language barrier."

Mr de Bres said most complaints to his office were about discrimination at work - not employing people of minority races, not promoting them, and harassment from other workers.

Several complaints were about employers requiring staff to speak only English at work.

A fast-food chain that sacked a Chinese woman for instructing other Chinese staff in Mandarin within earshot of customers is now working with Mr de Bres' office to develop new guidelines.

A blanket ban on speaking languages other than English was probably a breach of human rights, said Mr de Bres. "But if there are good reasons for a requirement to speak English ... then that's fine - for example to do with health and safety."

I'm disgusted at reading this - these people have come to this country to make a better life for themselves. How would you like someone to go back to their country and say that this was how they were treated in NZ?

Reply #7 Posted: March 10, 2007, 06:26:43 am
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline 1/2Pulse.

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Quote from: INmOTION;358941
Don't worry.

Zarkov is given way to much power and kills threads willy nilly. If he doesnt like them, then they are deem'd unworthy, despite what the majority of the community thinks.

Although there were a few people complaining.

without jumping on sides, i agree. i saw no point of racism in your post, and saw no anger pointed towards the guys ethnicity. was a little bit disheartened to see the amount of people getting all worked up. Especially fragin. he is usually pretty level headed.

He thinks he can talk to cats his comments are nilly willy

Reply #8 Posted: March 10, 2007, 06:57:27 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: INmOTION;358941
Don't worry.

Zarkov is given way to much power and kills threads willy nilly. If he doesnt like them, then they are deem'd unworthy, despite what the majority of the community thinks.

Although there were a few people complaining.

without jumping on sides, i agree. i saw no point of racism in your post, and saw no anger pointed towards the guys ethnicity. was a little bit disheartened to see the amount of people getting all worked up. Especially fragin. he is usually pretty level headed.

Retardomotion take your Zarkov hate elsewhere. Z-cat is required to close threads if he gets complaints about them. And some of the shit in that thread was pretty worthy of closure.

That said, there was certainly enough baiting going on in that thread, so it's not suprising it devolved so fast. Just because somebody doesn't think Maori deserve special treatment does not make them a racist, so stop fucking saying it does.

Reply #9 Posted: March 10, 2007, 07:00:50 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline private_hell

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in response to the graham burton thing - i reckon its 50/50 burton/parole board. imho government departments do seem to be accepting no accountablility for the actions that arise from some of there decisions. they make you accountable for you actions if something goes wrong but if they do something wrong no one is held accountable.

there has been one case that does to be bucking the trend though - waitakere city council and the leak homes. they lost a court case and stood up and said yes we will take accountablilty and make sure it doesnt happen again.

Reply #10 Posted: March 10, 2007, 08:25:00 am
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

Offline Zarkov

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The trouble with threads like that is that there are a few people on this forum who will always bring an agenda to any topic.

It makes it easy for them to post their sly innuendo if the subject is or can be construed as race.

It's unfair to others in the forum if they see this place continually used for that purpose.

Usually threads like that are just deleted [not by me]

I locked it with a comment so you could see what happened to it.

If it was up to me I'd IP ban the guys who have race as their chip on the shoulder.

Reply #11 Posted: March 10, 2007, 08:44:55 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Thanks guys, I appreciate your comments. One of my biggest concerns was that somehow I would be misconstrued as a racist, which I totally am not. And I don't think the issue here is too much power being wielded by the Z-cat - looking at the thread, it was probably better to close it than let it devolve anyways, especially if there were complaints/requests to close.

Reply #12 Posted: March 10, 2007, 09:18:51 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Zarkov;359048
The trouble with threads like that is that there are a few people on this forum who will always bring an agenda to any topic.

It makes it easy for them to post their sly innuendo if the subject is or can be construed as race.

If it was up to me I'd IP ban the guys who have race as their chip on the shoulder.

Good call.

Reply #13 Posted: March 10, 2007, 10:36:03 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Into The Void

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No the problem is you can't say anything about a race without being called racist. No matter what your intension is.

Reply #14 Posted: March 10, 2007, 09:16:49 pm

Offline BerG

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Black men have big penises.


Reply #15 Posted: March 10, 2007, 09:26:29 pm

Offline true

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Quote from: Zarkov;359048
The trouble with threads like that is that there are a few people on this forum who will always bring an agenda to any topic.

It makes it easy for them to post their sly innuendo if the subject is or can be construed as race.

Well said.

Off Topic has just become a market place for the narrow minded to hawk their wares.

Reply #16 Posted: March 10, 2007, 09:27:58 pm
bought wow
quit sauce

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Into The Void;359505
No the problem is you can't say anything about a race without being called racist. No matter what your intension is.

Quote from: true;359512
Well said.

Off Topic has just become a market place for the narrow minded to hawk their wares.

I thought that I'd get my posts deleted when I posted all those things bashing Aborigines. Thing is all that stuff was in the News! Or at least in the news that no one else seems to have read ever, which is thoroughly disappointing as that is and should be a big-big issue.

As for my point of view about the 'Maori Sickness':

There is a word called "Amok", look it up sometimes. You might be surprised about its history

Reply #17 Posted: March 11, 2007, 02:22:24 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;360009
As for my point of view about the 'Maori Sickness':

There is a word called "Amok", look it up sometimes. You might be surprised about its history

Just read up on it at Wiki and your comment makes no sense. Care to explain what you mean?

Reply #18 Posted: March 11, 2007, 03:02:43 pm

Offline GhostOfGallipoli

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Running amok, sometimes referred to as simply amok (also spelled amuck or amuk), is derived from the Malay word mengamuk, meaning "to go mad with rage" (uncontrollable rage). In typical cases, a man who has shown no previous sign of anger and no inclination to resort to violence will take up a weapon in a sudden frenzy and attempt to kill everyone he meets. Amok episodes of this kind normally end with the amok-runner being killed by bystanders. The contrast between what was seen as the normal placid character of Malays and a sudden outburst of frenzied violence played to Western perceptions of the 'irrational' East.

Reply #19 Posted: March 11, 2007, 03:07:02 pm

Offline swindle

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I thought the thread was all just big deal or anything...bit of piss taking...

Me thinks people didnt take it that way...

Reply #20 Posted: March 11, 2007, 03:14:34 pm
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

Offline AntzBongo

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this is fucked. why cant we just have equal treatment for all? i mean how bloody hard is it? i feel sorry for supa_maori because he sounds like a good bastard, however he gets to hear all this shit. i mean if we only judged him by how he works/lives, and from what i can tell about him, he IS a tax payer, he contributes to society, and he doesnt rob old ladies. at the same time there are some white guys who do completely opposite, and vise versa. i know the statistics, and we all know there are more maori/islanders in prisons, etc. BUT we cant judge an individual just on his race, or generalise them. because if you put yourself in above mentioned guys shoes, i can only imagine how shit it is to hear about stuff you havnt done, but is aimed in your general direction.

i think nz laws promote racial segregation, i mean take anything, they judge you by your race when your applying for a scholarship, there are certain seats in the parliament for a certain race, i mean take any bit of paperwork, there are always separate things you have to fill out, i.e. european - point 1b, maori - point 1c, etc. why not just one fuckin point for all no matter what race you are? why do we need to give seabed to someone? arent we all kiwi? isnt it already ours? why do we need to separate into groups and fight over shit, arent we working towards the same goal - making our country better? i certanly am trying to.

rant over. wheres my medication.

Reply #21 Posted: March 11, 2007, 03:16:38 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;360045
Just read up on it at Wiki and your comment makes no sense. Care to explain what you mean?

Quote from: GhostOfGallipol;360054
The contrast between what was seen as the normal placid character of Malays and a sudden outburst of frenzied violence played to Western perceptions of the 'irrational' East.

Other cultures have recorded incidents of what could be considered ' sickness'. Calling it 'Maori sickness' isnt exactly racist, but its a bit of a misnomer since it is a well recorded historical mental illness or breakdown commonly known as a psychotic episode. The fact the people of different language/culture can suddenly and spontaneously start acting like someone from another culture has also been recorded and is usually preceeded by a head injury or emotional trauma.

I've only heard of one other incident of 'Maori sickness' which was blamed on a makutu or 'curse'

Quote from: AntzBongo;360060
i feel sorry for supa_maori because he sounds like a good bastard, however he gets to hear all this shit. i mean if we only judged him by how he works/lives, and from what i can tell about him, he IS a tax payer, he contributes to society, and he doesnt rob old ladies.

He's got bad taste in music. Thats an unforgivable sin in my book

Reply #22 Posted: March 11, 2007, 04:54:15 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Arnifix

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Race issues generally boil down to assumptions. And we all know what assumptions are.

Then again, I've personally seen plenty of reinforcements of "stereotypical" Maori behaviour though, so it's sadly not all assumptions. :( Why can't everybody just be kind to each other?

Reply #23 Posted: March 11, 2007, 04:57:48 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Zarkov

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Give it a rest please guys.

Reply #24 Posted: March 11, 2007, 05:09:21 pm