I had been meaning to go down to National Bank since this thread, but never had time.
Today I noticed my ASB account was negative one dollar, and knew the impending doom of a $20 fine was coming.
I drove down to National, and was immediately approached by a woman who asked if she could help, and told me to sit down with her.
10 minutes later I had a new account all set up.
It was quick and easy, and the woman, although about 40, was dead sexy. Even though she knew my course would be finished in a few months she extended the tertiary account for an entire year.
Not to mention she gave me this badarse mp3 player even though the promotion ended months ago.
GG National bank.
ASB Bank are a bunch of arseholes.
*Although hard to make out, the ASB envelope is ripped (A powerful symbol I decided to add for impact)