Topic: post yourself!!

Offline Gunnarnz

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Quote from: sacredpossum
cheap :F

I'd prefer to say its a realistic assesment of my financial assets, which are essentially nil.
I guess its true, GrrLs DO only like cars and money... :(

Reply #250 Posted: August 31, 2005, 08:51:08 am

Offline laurasaur

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well, if i send u my bank account u can deposit the $1.80 in ok :D

Reply #251 Posted: August 31, 2005, 09:13:18 am

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Satchelmouth
I'm pretty bloody dissappointed to see that Xt1nct isn't a Chav after hearing him talk on BF2 VOIP.

What the fuck is a Chav??

Reply #252 Posted: August 31, 2005, 09:40:46 am

Offline Gunnarnz

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Quote from: laurasaur
well, if i send u my bank account u can deposit the $1.80 in ok :D

Deal, PM me.

Reply #253 Posted: August 31, 2005, 09:54:40 am

Offline Slapper

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Quote from: Gunnarnz

I guess its true, GrrLs DO only like cars and money... :(

Heh you forgot chocolate  :D

Reply #254 Posted: August 31, 2005, 09:59:36 am
*GrrL Resurrection*

Offline Gunnarnz

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Quote from: Slapper
Heh you forgot chocolate  :D

*Slaps forehead*


Reply #255 Posted: August 31, 2005, 10:14:11 am

Offline -DC-

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Quote from: laurasaur
can some one go to greenlane mcdonalds get me a med chocolate thick shake and bring it too me at work? working on sundays is asscrack  :cussing:

bleh, cant be bothered going to greenlane maccas (I live only 3 mins walk from there tho :P). Burger Wisconsin represent! :D If you havent had BW then you're missing out D: Pay me a visit sometime peeps ^___^ I only work twice a week tho...

Reply #256 Posted: August 31, 2005, 10:44:09 am

Offline ice_lioness

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Quote from: -DC-
bleh, cant be bothered going to greenlane maccas (I live only 3 mins walk from there tho :P). Burger Wisconsin represent! :D If you havent had BW then you're missing out D: Pay me a visit sometime peeps ^___^ I only work twice a week tho...

You're obviously paid to say that! Burger fuel is the best Mate!

Gunnarnz can I have some chocolate too :)

Reply #257 Posted: August 31, 2005, 11:19:43 am

Offline Verrt

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Quote from: Xt1ncT
What the fuck is a Chav??

Here here

what is a chav!?!

Reply #258 Posted: August 31, 2005, 11:54:51 am

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: ice_lioness
Burger fuel is the best Mate!

Amen to that - mmmm Burger Fuel........

Reply #259 Posted: August 31, 2005, 12:01:49 pm

Offline Baffled

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I had no idea either...apparantly they are just little punks who need a good smack..

1. chav     
Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 ½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says “Whats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.

5. chav     
Chavs are arrogant twats that love to wear hats at the most riduculous angle humanly possible, and are usually seen outside MacDonalds, or any shops that sell alcohol or fags. Of course they have usually been banned from the shop (because they can't hold a civil conversation with anyone who isnt a chav, because they cannot accept that there are people who have opinions different to their own) and so ask every passer bye "oi m8, can u go in da shop 4 me"
They also love to hang around in the streets drinking cheap cider or stellar, and try to pick fights with harmless loners, because the groups they hang around in (of several hundred) obviously feel insecure about their sexuality, and so must get it back by assaulting innocent members of the public.
Beware the socks and those big puffy red jackets

Chav is a slang term in popular usage throughout the United Kingdom, and is usually used in a derogatory fashion. It is of recent origin and came into widespread use in 2004. It refers to a subculture stereotype of a person who is uneducated, uncultured and prone to antisocial or immoral behaviour. The label is typically, though not exclusively, applied to teenagers and young adults of working class or lower-middle class origin. Chav is used for both sexes; a male chav may sometimes be referred to as a chavster and a female as a chavette. A more complete list of synonyms can be found in the Derived and Similar Terms section below. It is similar to the United States terms white trash, (although many Chavs are part of multi-ethnic inner city communities like London council estates) and trailer trash or the Australian bogan. In Ireland a Chav is known as a Skanger, or a "Spide". Response to the term has ranged from acceptance to criticism that the term is a new manifestation of classism.

The features of a Chav are given later in detail and are briefly summarised here: A fashion sense which includes brand name tracksuits with white trainers (sometimes with 'bling' jewellery and/or flat fronted, occasionally Burberry caps), a magnetic attraction to congregation points (sometimes known as chavaramas) such as fast food outlets or other shopping areas, a concentrated music taste (centred loosely around RnB, Rap and Hip Hop), and a culture of anti-social or "yobbish" behaviour.

nuff said   :)

Reply #260 Posted: August 31, 2005, 12:03:53 pm

Offline ice_lioness

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Quote from: Xt1ncT
Amen to that - mmmm Burger Fuel........

now they give u free burger on ya bday!

Reply #261 Posted: August 31, 2005, 12:13:04 pm

Offline Xt1ncT

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Quote from: Baffled
I had no idea either...apparantly they are just little punks who need a good smack..

1. chav     
Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 ½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says “Whats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.

5. chav     
Chavs are arrogant twats that love to wear hats at the most riduculous angle humanly possible, and are usually seen outside MacDonalds, or any shops that sell alcohol or fags. Of course they have usually been banned from the shop (because they can't hold a civil conversation with anyone who isnt a chav, because they cannot accept that there are people who have opinions different to their own) and so ask every passer bye "oi m8, can u go in da shop 4 me"
They also love to hang around in the streets drinking cheap cider or stellar, and try to pick fights with harmless loners, because the groups they hang around in (of several hundred) obviously feel insecure about their sexuality, and so must get it back by assaulting innocent members of the public.
Beware the socks and those big puffy red jackets

Chav is a slang term in popular usage throughout the United Kingdom, and is usually used in a derogatory fashion. It is of recent origin and came into widespread use in 2004. It refers to a subculture stereotype of a person who is uneducated, uncultured and prone to antisocial or immoral behaviour. The label is typically, though not exclusively, applied to teenagers and young adults of working class or lower-middle class origin. Chav is used for both sexes; a male chav may sometimes be referred to as a chavster and a female as a chavette. A more complete list of synonyms can be found in the Derived and Similar Terms section below. It is similar to the United States terms white trash, (although many Chavs are part of multi-ethnic inner city communities like London council estates) and trailer trash or the Australian bogan. In Ireland a Chav is known as a Skanger, or a "Spide". Response to the term has ranged from acceptance to criticism that the term is a new manifestation of classism.

The features of a Chav are given later in detail and are briefly summarised here: A fashion sense which includes brand name tracksuits with white trainers (sometimes with 'bling' jewellery and/or flat fronted, occasionally Burberry caps), a magnetic attraction to congregation points (sometimes known as chavaramas) such as fast food outlets or other shopping areas, a concentrated music taste (centred loosely around RnB, Rap and Hip Hop), and a culture of anti-social or "yobbish" behaviour.

nuff said   :)

Ok so I'm English, but I am none of the above..!!!



Reply #262 Posted: August 31, 2005, 12:25:59 pm

Offline Baffled

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Quote from: Xt1ncT

Ok so I'm English

Same here  :rnr:  although ive basically lived in NZ all my life... GO THE POMS!  :D

Reply #263 Posted: August 31, 2005, 12:39:42 pm

Offline Verrt

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You learn something new every day

I guess that'd make Q our resident Chav
or maybe Langerz

Reply #264 Posted: August 31, 2005, 02:22:33 pm

Offline QUPHOZ

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Quote from: Verrt
You learn something new every day

I guess that'd make Q our resident Chav
or maybe Langerz

bei. dont mention my name bei .

lean back.

Reply #265 Posted: August 31, 2005, 03:49:01 pm
R.I.P Dirty Heathan

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Offline Baffled

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Id say its langerz, but he would have to be an internet only chav...probably too busy getting beaten up in RL

Reply #266 Posted: August 31, 2005, 03:51:46 pm

Offline endmaxd

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I'm english too!! Glad i'm not the only one

Reply #267 Posted: August 31, 2005, 04:01:36 pm
There are 10 types of people those who can read binary and those that can\'t!!

"I\'m a nightmare, a disaster that\'s what they always said, i\'m a lost cause not a hero, but i\'ll make it on my own" - Simple Plan

"Same World Different Planet" Sammy aka *Luperus*

Offline QUPHOZ

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Quote from: endmaxd
I'm english too!! Glad i'm not the only one

good love xtinct when he angry. " YOU BLOODY TWAAT" "FOR FUCK SAKES"

krack up

Reply #268 Posted: August 31, 2005, 04:24:09 pm
R.I.P Dirty Heathan

Affliction For life

Offline bloodyYOKEL-NZ

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would a chav have any interest in the internet?(apart from porn)

I have met who i believe are chavs in these forums but they dont last long when their flame posts get extinguished.

Langerz and Q are not aggresively stupid enough to be chavs, they may be more like e-jocks

Reply #269 Posted: August 31, 2005, 04:51:31 pm

There is certanly more to life, most people dont appreciate what that is.

Offline Heswe

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"e-jocks",  What a crackup.

Reply #270 Posted: August 31, 2005, 05:21:39 pm
"One day people love you more than they\'ve ever loved anything in the world. And the next,
you\'re in front of a courthouse dancing on top of a car." - Dave Chapelle

Offline Verrt

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Quote from: bloodyYOKEL-NZ
would a chav have any interest in the internet?(apart from porn)

0wnzoring n00bz on CS

Reply #271 Posted: August 31, 2005, 10:31:05 pm

Offline -DC-

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Quote from: ice_lioness
You're obviously paid to say that! Burger fuel is the best Mate!

I'm not paid to say that, but yes I'm paid to work there :D I'm not lying tho... all my mates not are BW fans (sure... but then again they do get alot cheaper burgers if not free... lol) I do like Burger Fuel too, TBH I like both equally.... but I choose Wisconsin cos I get it free/cheaper too  :rnr:

Quote from: ice_lioness
now they give u free burger on ya bday!

if u come in on ya b'day i'll give u a free burger ^_^

... provided i'm working that day :D

.... next thing I know I'm gonna have a whole lot of ICONZ ppl storming into BW screaming "ITS MY B'DAY TODAY!!! FREE BURGER!!!"  :cussing:

Reply #272 Posted: September 01, 2005, 01:29:02 am

Offline Gunnarnz

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Quote from: ice_lioness
Gunnarnz can I have some chocolate too :)

Sure, let me know your address and I'll email you some :P

Reply #273 Posted: September 01, 2005, 09:57:40 am

Offline Heswe

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Dont do it! Hes a stalker!

Reply #274 Posted: September 01, 2005, 10:36:23 am
"One day people love you more than they\'ve ever loved anything in the world. And the next,
you\'re in front of a courthouse dancing on top of a car." - Dave Chapelle