Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: TofuEater;389968
If science beats religion, can science please explain to me why i'm here?

We are here as a byproduct of the way the laws of this universe work, that is the reason. There is no greater purpose, to suggest there is a purpose would mean that there is an intelligence to universe.

Reply #2075 Posted: April 16, 2007, 03:08:12 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: dirtyape;392291
We are here as a byproduct of the way the laws of this universe work, that is the reason. There is no greater purpose, to suggest there is a purpose would mean that there is an intelligence to universe.

So as a "byproduct" there is no need for us to have laws, to protect the environment, to even ponder the nature of our existence.

Global warming is just a waste of time, because the "laws of this universe" will have the ultimate say anyway (funnily enough this is what i have argued). Thanks science!

Reply #2076 Posted: April 16, 2007, 03:11:45 pm
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Having only read the last 4 posts above mine (making me annoying by my own standards), I have 2 points to make:

1) Does anyone else find it funny that the most vigorous posts in this thread generally occur between the hours of 3am and 7am? :D

2) To do with TofuEaters post above mine, questioning DirtyApe on the implication of his comment that "we are here as a byproduct of the way the laws of this universe work": in the Bible, quite early on, God gives mankind the job of looking after the earth. And I quote:

Quote from: Genesis 1:26
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so."
Is that not a "purpose"? To "rule" over everything?

To dismiss life as a "byproduct of the way the laws of the universe work" is to admit that all life is pointless. It honestly saddens me that some of you guys really think there is no purpose, no point to any of this. Heck, even if you take any semblance of God out of the picture, you still need to have hope that there is some point to life.

Reply #2077 Posted: April 16, 2007, 03:36:46 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;392333
you still need to have hope that there is some point to life.

no not really.

i could die tommorow or anytime in the next few seconds. if there was a point to life there would be no death.

Reply #2078 Posted: April 16, 2007, 03:54:21 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: KiLL3r;392357
no not really.

i could die tommorow or anytime in the next few seconds. if there was a point to life there would be no death.

Might I suggest that if life is merely a "byproduct" of the laws of the universe, then death is as well?

Maybe the point of life is to end.

Reply #2079 Posted: April 16, 2007, 04:15:45 pm

Offline Steady

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My point to life is bein leet

Reply #2080 Posted: April 16, 2007, 04:22:46 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;392383

Maybe the point of life is to end.

so are you advocating we all commit suicide to accomplish life?

Reply #2081 Posted: April 16, 2007, 04:48:50 pm

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: TofuEater;392294
So as a "byproduct" there is no need for us to have laws, to protect the environment, to even ponder the nature of our existence.

Global warming is just a waste of time, because the "laws of this universe" will have the ultimate say anyway (funnily enough this is what i have argued). Thanks science!

errr wtf are you on about?? How did you arrive at that conclusion?? Self preservation is the motive.

An intelligent designer is not a requirement for the self preservation motive of an intelligent species.

And laws of the universe have the ultimate say? wtf do you mean by that??

We are operating within the "construct" which is the universe, our existance is determined by the functions and parameters of that universe.

Reply #2082 Posted: April 16, 2007, 04:56:45 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: KiLL3r;392418
so are you advocating we all commit suicide to accomplish life?

Not at all, but that dismal outlook is the only outcome of a life with no point.
If life is so pointless, why wait around for it to end?

This idea that there is no purpose to life is ridiculous. Even if Gods not a part of it, I refuse to believe that we are here by accident with no possible reason for existing other than "because" and "thats why".

Reply #2083 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:11:46 pm

Offline Steady

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I find I often don't care why I'm here, only that I'm here

Reply #2084 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:22:18 pm

Offline Zarathrustra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;392333
To dismiss life as a "byproduct of the way the laws of the universe work" is to admit that all life is pointless. It honestly saddens me that some of you guys really think there is no purpose, no point to any of this. Heck, even if you take any semblance of God out of the picture, you still need to have hope that there is some point to life.

I see this as another attraction to religion.  It is sad, but I can personally live with it.  Many people, including yourself I assume, are quite disheartened by the possibility life has no meaning(surely you accept it as a possibility?)

If beliefs based on faith are what it takes to find comfort in life, then thats fine, i can respect that.  But don't believe in something just because the alternative is discomforting. :)

Even pointless things can be fun - like arguing Science vs. Religion

Reply #2085 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:26:21 pm

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;392383
Might I suggest that if life is merely a "byproduct" of the laws of the universe, then death is as well?

Maybe the point of life is to end.

Death is a byproduct the way multicellular organisims developed on earth.

The "reason" for human life is the same as the "reason" for all other life - to procreate and die. It's what life does. Everything else is simply a means to that end. This is the simple truth about life.

Any other reasons for life are defined per individual and are not universal.

I would hazard a guess that most reasons are created purely out of the inability to imagine a universe without you in it. The whole afterlife thing is "I want to live forever" syndrome. There simply is no need for eternal life. Eternity has no meaning outside the confines of your mind.

edit: oops, sorry for the tangent

Reply #2086 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:32:04 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: dirtyape;392423
errr wtf are you on about?? How did you arrive at that conclusion?? Self preservation is the motive.

An intelligent designer is not a requirement for the self preservation motive of an intelligent species.

Arrogance. How do you know that we're intelligent? In fact, you don't or can't know that our very existence isn't controlled by an exterior force.

Quote from: dirtyape;392423

And laws of the universe have the ultimate say? wtf do you mean by that??

We are operating within the "construct" which is the universe, our existance is determined by the functions and parameters of that universe.

You've answered the last bit by yourself - but you don't seem to realise it. Taking your premise: if our existence is determined by the parameters of the universe then nothing we say, do, act, instigate or respond to makes any difference.

So if the universe "determines" that we should no longer be alive then we won't be. It's actually a good point - for instance, there's no need to ban ads for Hyundai's with babies in them because the universe determines whether they will live or die - not the actions of a bunch of wet, handwringing liberals who have too much time on their hands.

Thanks science, you've given me a philosophy to live by (actually, i've spent the last ten years or so honing a theory based around this, so science can't really take the credit).

Reply #2087 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:33:05 pm
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline Zarathrustra

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Reply #2088 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:39:25 pm

Offline TuataraDude

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Quote from: dirtyape;392470
The "reason" for human life is the same as the "reason" for all other life - to procreate and die. It's what life does. Everything else is simply a means to that end. This is the simple truth about life.

By suggesting the reason for life is to procreate, you imply there is a reason. If there is a reason, there there must have been fore thought prior to implementation, which in turn implies intelligent design (I love that term, so careful not to say God, yet in reality say there is).

I would suggest there is no "reason" for life. In the same way that there is no reason for a mountain, or a lake, or a planet or a galaxy. As suggested  by others, life is a result of the laws of physics that govern our universe and therefore possibly an accidental outcome.

Quote from: TofuEater
So if the universe "determines" that we should no longer be alive then we won't be. It's actually a good point - for instance, there's no need to ban ads for Hyundai's with babies in them because the universe determines whether they will live or die - not the actions of a bunch of wet, handwringing liberals who have too much time on their hands.

That is indeed what some scientists are suggesting. The only problem is as you have pointed out, people could blame their actions on the laws of the universe and say it was beyond their control. They may be right, but I'm not sure anyone in their right miond would like that to be used as a defence in a court of law.

Reply #2089 Posted: April 16, 2007, 05:53:43 pm
Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: TofuEater;392472
Arrogance. How do you know that we're intelligent? In fact, you don't or can't know that our very existence isn't controlled by an exterior force.

You've answered the last bit by yourself - but you don't seem to realise it. Taking your premise: if our existence is determined by the parameters of the universe then nothing we say, do, act, instigate or respond to makes any difference.

So if the universe "determines" that we should no longer be alive then we won't be. It's actually a good point - for instance, there's no need to ban ads for Hyundai's with babies in them because the universe determines whether they will live or die - not the actions of a bunch of wet, handwringing liberals who have too much time on their hands.

Thanks science, you've given me a philosophy to live by (actually, i've spent the last ten years or so honing a theory based around this, so science can't really take the credit).

Ever considered that our purpose here is to rise up above the percieved requirements of our existence? Im not talking about Ascetic style isolationist hermitages here, Im talking about self-improvement.

If we have no free will, then what good does living a life like we have no free will do?
Quote from: TuataraDude;392497
By suggesting the reason for life is to procreate, you imply there is a reason. If there is a reason, there there must have been fore thought prior to implementation, which in turn implies intelligent design (I love that term, so careful not to say God, yet in reality say there is).

Quinquae viae style infinite regressive argument
Quote from: TuataraDude;392497
I would suggest there is no "reason" for life. In the same way that there is no reason for a mountain, or a lake, or a planet or a galaxy. As suggested  by others, life is a result of the laws of physics that govern our universe and therefore possibly an accidental outcome.

That is indeed what some scientists are suggesting. The only problem is as you have pointed out, people could blame their actions on the laws of the universe and say it was beyond their control. They may be right, but I'm not sure anyone in their right miond would like that to be used as a defence in a court of law.

Why is the idea that our existence is one based purely on luck and happenstance so abhorrent?

Because your brain is programmed to not think like that. Chaos theory and quantum mechanics is your friend and if that fails: The Dao Te Ching

Humans attempts to explain things cause blame which allows it to avoid its on personal responsibility to the environment and each other.

Morality needs no gods
Quote from: Zarathrustra;392477
Physics is God.

God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History Is a book that may interest you.

Reply #2090 Posted: April 16, 2007, 09:37:10 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline BerG

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Quote from: Fleastyler

2) To do with TofuEaters post above mine, questioning DirtyApe on the implication of his comment that "we are here as a byproduct of the way the laws of this universe work": in the Bible, quite early on, God gives mankind the job of looking after the earth. And I quote:

Thats hilarious.

Us looking after the world?

How exactly do we 'look after' it? We destroy it. Animals and their habitats are screwed because of us. We reproduce too quickly and dont die enough, like a virus of the earth.

Perhaps if an asteroid was hurtling towards us and we destroyed it like in that movie then we would be protecting it, but then why would god send the asteroid in the first place if he didn't want Earth destroyed.

Anyway, I've been making an effort to stay away from this frustrating thread so I'll try again.

Reply #2091 Posted: April 16, 2007, 10:22:44 pm

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: TofuEater;392472
Arrogance. How do you know that we're intelligent? In fact, you don't or can't know that our very existence isn't controlled by an exterior force.

I think therefore i am. I know i am intelligent enough to transfer information to others able to recieve it. If this is arrogance, then i am arrogant.

Does a rock know it is a rock?

Quote from: TofuEater;392472
You've answered the last bit by yourself - but you don't seem to realise it. Taking your premise: if our existence is determined by the parameters of the universe then nothing we say, do, act, instigate or respond to makes any difference.

So if the universe "determines" that we should no longer be alive then we won't be. It's actually a good point - for instance, there's no need to ban ads for Hyundai's with babies in them because the universe determines whether they will live or die - not the actions of a bunch of wet, handwringing liberals who have too much time on their hands.

Thanks science, you've given me a philosophy to live by (actually, i've spent the last ten years or so honing a theory based around this, so science can't really take the credit).

Please tell me exactly what difference humans are meant to make to the universe? You called me arrogant, yet you imply that the lack of a purpose is somehow an abhoration to the universe.

So does everything need a purpose? Is it the purpose of water molecules to form crystals when frozen? Is that a purpose? Why must there be a reason for the laws of nature to function.

And blaming the universe for your actions is not an excuse, even if free will is an illusion it is a illusion you have within your brain. The same brain that causes you to behave the way you do. Essential YOU. The thing that thinks. And that means your brain is responsible for your actions. Not the universe.

Quote from: TuataraDude;392497
By suggesting the reason for life is to procreate, you imply there is a reason. If there is a reason, there there must have been fore thought prior to implementation, which in turn implies intelligent design (I love that term, so careful not to say God, yet in reality say there is).

I would suggest there is no "reason" for life. In the same way that there is no reason for a mountain, or a lake, or a planet or a galaxy. As suggested  by others, life is a result of the laws of physics that govern our universe and therefore possibly an accidental outcome.

Maybe i should have said "nature" instead of "reason". I was rushed. What I was trying to say was that life exists to procreate - not that it is the reason for it existing at all. As in it is the purpose of life to procreate and die. There is no reason for it being there in the first place. Just random occurance.

Quote from: TuataraDude;392497
That is indeed what some scientists are suggesting. The only problem is as you have pointed out, people could blame their actions on the laws of the universe and say it was beyond their control. They may be right, but I'm not sure anyone in their right miond would like that to be used as a defence in a court of law.

Yes it is correct. Ultimately everything happens within the universe and therefore the universe is responsible for everything.

But you cannot blame the universe for anything any more than you could blame the bullet for killing a man. And while you could argue that every event in the entire universe and every law of nature had a bearing on the outcome of the event of you pulling the trigger - it was still your functioning chemical brain that processed and transpired the events that lead to it. It is the thing that is you that made it happen.

A killer may be a byproduct of his environment, but that does not mean he should be allowed to kill wantomly. Humans have enough sense of preservation to prevent that. Analyzing why he kills does not excuse it. Correction is required.

Reply #2092 Posted: April 16, 2007, 11:46:09 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline frog.

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Quote from: TuataraDude;392497
and therefore possibly an accidental outcome.

Quote from: dirtyape;392919

Just random occurance.

Great! im a fucking random accident.

Reply #2093 Posted: April 17, 2007, 01:12:44 am
pancakesrreal | Everyone of us is high but you

Offline cobra

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A question to all the christians, why dont you all die? if there is a paradise with seven virgins, or whatever cash prize you get when you die, why dont you just end it now? (may sound like i am taking the piss, but i really want to know)

Just because there is no high plan for us doesn't mean there is no meaning in life - I like moonlight walks on the beach and candle light dinners - there are enough things i enjoy to make sure i keep on living - If the only reason you religious people live is because of god, and not because you love living, then you live miserable lives

Reply #2094 Posted: April 17, 2007, 02:43:15 am

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: cobra;393001
A question to all the christians, why dont you all die? if there is a paradise with seven virgins, or whatever cash prize you get when you die, why dont you just end it now?

Because suicide is a sin, according to Christians.

Plus, there going to heaven anyway, whether they die tomorrow, or in 50 years, so in the meantime it would be best to make most of the life on Earth, no need to rush things to get into heaven.

And the 'paradise with seven virgins' things is a Muslim thing, afaik.

Reply #2095 Posted: April 17, 2007, 08:33:05 am

Offline TuataraDude

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Quote from: 'frog.;392967
Great! im a fucking random accident.

Didn't your parents tell you? Your older siblings were planned, you were not. But they still love you anyway. :laff:


Reply #2096 Posted: April 17, 2007, 08:35:12 am
Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in.

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: dirtyape;392919
Please tell me exactly what difference humans are meant to make to the universe? You called me arrogant, yet you imply that the lack of a purpose is somehow an abhoration to the universe.

I never called you arrogant - i said that your statement was arrogance. There's a difference (certainly in my mind) so please don't take offence as none was intended.

I also don't imply there is a lack of purpose - in fact, i will demonstrate completely to the contrary:

When science looks inside our body it finds much activity - activity that is designed to keep us alive. Most of this occurs autonomously. When science looks to the sky's there is a remarkable similarity to that which is internal.

If you take the smallest object we can measure - an atomic nucleus, you find a proton/neutron core with electrons circling it. When you look into the heavens you see planets orbiting the sun.

There is little difference - i postulate that we are just all part of the cosmos, the universe is a giant body, living in a giant world where it is part of an even greater giant body. Think of it like those Russian Dolls.

In which case, we are all being controlled by a giant brain, in much the same way that our brains control our functions. Most of our life occurs automatically, cells are born, live and die but the body lives on - until it reaches a point at which it's usefulness is complete and it dies.

That proves the existence of an afterlife - just not ours. We are pre-programmed for all sorts of actions, show me the difference between highways carrying carloads of people and the bloodvessels in the body.

Which means that nothing matters - put it this way, someone in the thread said that if there were no laws there would be nothing to stop you going out and killing everyone. It wouldn't happen, because you're not programmed to allow it to happen.

Every thought, action, emotion, reaction is preprogrammed into you. You will only act in the manner that best serves the greater body. There is no other way you can act. If someone is murdered, who's to say it isn't a cancer cell being eradicated? Who's to say that it isn't the cancer cell doing the murder?

There you have it - our purpose is to "serve" the universe, to keep it alive. It doesn't matter whether we live or die the universe as we know it will live on. There is an afterlife, the universe's. It's been around a long time more than any of us, and it will continue to be so long after our deaths. Go forth little uni-drones, go forth and make the universe whole.

Reply #2097 Posted: April 17, 2007, 09:03:53 am
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: BerG;392822
Thats hilarious.

Us looking after the world?

How exactly do we 'look after' it? We destroy it.

Thats exactly the point.

Reply #2098 Posted: April 17, 2007, 09:09:44 am

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: TofuEater;393083
I never called you arrogant - i said that your statement was arrogance. There's a difference (certainly in my mind) so please don't take offence as none was intended.

I also don't imply there is a lack of purpose - in fact, i will demonstrate completely to the contrary:

When science looks inside our body it finds much activity - activity that is designed to keep us alive. Most of this occurs autonomously. When science looks to the sky's there is a remarkable similarity to that which is internal.

If you take the smallest object we can measure - an atomic nucleus, you find a proton/neutron core with electrons circling it. When you look into the heavens you see planets orbiting the sun.

There is little difference - i postulate that we are just all part of the cosmos, the universe is a giant body, living in a giant world where it is part of an even greater giant body. Think of it like those Russian Dolls.

In which case, we are all being controlled by a giant brain, in much the same way that our brains control our functions. Most of our life occurs automatically, cells are born, live and die but the body lives on - until it reaches a point at which it's usefulness is complete and it dies.

That proves the existence of an afterlife - just not ours. We are pre-programmed for all sorts of actions, show me the difference between highways carrying carloads of people and the bloodvessels in the body.

Why must there be a greater controlling force? We are not working for the greater good of the universe, assuming that we are is arrogance. How could a human possibly ever influence anything that would make even the slightest difference to the universe? We are nothing, we live on a spec of dust, orbiting a average star, in average galaxy. And there millions upon millions of galaxies.

Whats more, according to some calculations the chance of life actually occuring is so remote that it should be nearly impossible. Yet here we are. Now what this ultimately means is that the chance of life occurring AGAIN is exponentially smaller. Chances are we are very alone in this universe. (assuming the calculations about life are correct, which i doubt).

So, you must also face the very distinct possibility that life on earth is the only life at all in this particular universe.

The only part we have to play in this cosmic system is that of fuel for the next generation star that follows this one we call sol.

Quote from: TofuEater;393083
Which means that nothing matters - put it this way, someone in the thread said that if there were no laws there would be nothing to stop you going out and killing everyone. It wouldn't happen, because you're not programmed to allow it to happen.

Essentially correct, although programming is a function of intelligence. Nothing is programmed accept by humans. Systems evolved.

Quote from: TofuEater;393083
Every thought, action, emotion, reaction is preprogrammed into you. You will only act in the manner that best serves the greater body. There is no other way you can act. If someone is murdered, who's to say it isn't a cancer cell being eradicated? Who's to say that it isn't the cancer cell doing the murder?

No. Again you elude to some form of intelligence which has written a story of which we are all puppets going through the motions. Programming requires intelligence. We will only act in the manner of which our brains have evolved. All the instinct, all the knowledge we have amassed, our thoughts, and all the people around us - this is what makes us act.

Quote from: TofuEater;393083
There you have it - our purpose is to "serve" the universe, to keep it alive. It doesn't matter whether we live or die the universe as we know it will live on. There is an afterlife, the universe's. It's been around a long time more than any of us, and it will continue to be so long after our deaths. Go forth little uni-drones, go forth and make the universe whole.

No. Is the purpose of a virus to keep it's host alive? We are here to use whatever resources we can to aid ourselves in our prime objective - to procreate. We have other objectives but the main one is to spread to all corners of the universe. To infect it all. Although obviously humans will never achieve this - our descendant species may.

Reply #2099 Posted: April 17, 2007, 09:39:44 am
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln