Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline TuataraDude

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Quote from: Tiwaking!;442945
There is always a down-side to being God(or a God). This is one of them

Pineapples prove God's existence! The only people that God created were people who either like Pineapples or dont like Pineapples. This clearly shows God's divine plan for all of us, we just have to figure out which of the people God loves: Pineapple eaters or the Pineapple shunners

If His balls are made of Pineapples, I sure hope it is the pineapple shunners he is looking for. The alternative is just too hideous to contemplate.

Reply #2800 Posted: June 01, 2007, 09:36:28 pm
Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: TuataraDude;439491
No doubt about it now. The argument is over. Here is your proof:

Im not sure if any of you know but recently in America there was a televised debate of Atheists lead by Brian Sapient of the "Rational Response Squad" vs Christians led by.....Kirk Cameron.

The Christians lost. Badly. Here is a small clip from the two or three hour long debate
Apparently being a Christian also demands that you are less sensible than a normal person. Or a handful of dirt.

Loved the "What a numbnut" comment from Brian

Reply #2801 Posted: June 02, 2007, 10:51:26 am
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Offline ThaFleastyler

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While I appreciate your zest Tiwa, I think that clip made everyone involved look bad.

1) Atheist "Kelly" says that any historical documents that contain reference to Jesus are hotly debated and often dismissed as false - for example, when the Christian guy says about Josephus, the atheist guy says "its a fraud."

What he forgot to mention, I guess, is that the only people 'hotly debating' Jesus' existence as a man are groups like the Rational Response Squad. Even within this thread, while 90% of the participants have been anti-religion and questioned Jesus' divinity, I would venture to say that from what I have read in the 70+ pages so far, most consider Jesus a historical figure, they just don't consider him a God.

Also, what kind of stupid name is the Rational Response Squad? Were they purposely trying to sound like a group cartoon superheroes? Are they fighting against the X Men or the Justice League? FFS :disappoin

2) Christian Kirk Cameron is a dick. End of story.

Further than that, you never show a picture of any kind of theorised "transitional species". Personally, I don't know how any person, Christian or not, could deny that evolution is a part of life on earth in the 21st century. It just is.

Reply #2802 Posted: June 02, 2007, 11:11:08 am

Offline DEATH0WL

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lol... he really is a numbnut

the reason I don't think Jesus was "divine" is because
  • It happened 2000 years ago, "helped" may have turned to "cured"
  • There is absolutely no way of proving the existence of a spiritual world
  • The universe has absolutely no use for a spiritual world
  • And a side note: "Eternal Life" just seems like religious propaganda to me. Think about it "Hey there would you like to live forever?!" "Oooohhh yes I would love to because a 70 year life expectancy isn't enough for me" "Just come to our Church, Pray for a few hours, then give us some cash, and your guaranteed eternal life!"

Reply #2803 Posted: June 02, 2007, 12:14:19 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: DEATH0WL;443278
There is absolutely no way of proving the existence of a spiritual world

See, I believe that a spiritual world, or "plane", does exist, but I still don't know how to prove it. But I think there is a difference in proving something exists and knowing something exists.

Quote from: DEATH0WL;443278
The universe has absolutely no use for a spiritual world

Or from another perspective: God is a spiritual being and had a use for a universe ... :)

Reply #2804 Posted: June 02, 2007, 02:07:32 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443236

Further than that, you never show a picture of any kind of theorised "transitional species". Personally, I don't know how any person, Christian or not, could deny that evolution is a part of life on earth in the 21st century. It just is.

I thought that you deny the fact that Man evolved from apes

Reply #2805 Posted: June 02, 2007, 05:10:04 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443360
See, I believe that a spiritual world, or "plane", does exist, but I still don't know how to prove it.

But to be accepted worldwide you would need to "prove it's existence". A impossible task when it is just another religious belief started to attempt to explain questions through stories.

All religions have their set of "beliefs". Most of these can never be proven and this would probably be the reason behind more and more people leaving religion: Lack of evidence and a complete lack of "predicted events". Even if Jesus came back he would probably just be executed by a firing squad :knife:  

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443360
Or from another perspective: God is a spiritual being and had a use for a universe ... :)

Yeah but that requires a belief in "God" which also requires a belief in a "spiritual world". Which just puts you into an endless loop of mis-information...

Reply #2806 Posted: June 02, 2007, 05:21:12 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443236
While I appreciate your zest Tiwa, I think that clip made everyone involved look bad.

1) Atheist "Kelly" says that any historical documents that contain reference to Jesus are hotly debated and often dismissed as false - for example, when the Christian guy says about Josephus, the atheist guy says "its a fraud."

Um. The historical figure of Jesus does happen to be quite fradulent, even the Christian side of the argument couldnt argue FACTS against that simple truth.
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443236
Also, what kind of stupid name is the Rational Response Squad? Were they purposely trying to sound like a group cartoon superheroes? Are they fighting against the X Men or the Justice League? FFS :disappoin

Actually their name was decided after a group called something like "The Christian Justice League" was created. Their name was an obvious mockery of everything you mentioned above.
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443236
2) Christian Kirk Cameron is a dick. End of story.

Like Simon Barnett. What an arse that guy is!
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443236
Further than that, you never show a picture of any kind of theorised "transitional species". Personally, I don't know how any person, Christian or not, could deny that evolution is a part of life on earth in the 21st century. It just is.

Evolution is totally against fundamentalist Christian teachings. Moderate Christians dont make as good reality TV

Reply #2807 Posted: June 02, 2007, 05:57:00 pm
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Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;443453
I thought that you deny the fact that Man evolved from apes

I said "Personally, I don't know how any person, Christian or not, could deny that evolution is a part of life on earth in the 21st century." As in, evolution is definitely a real biological process. However, as I've said before, I believe that that fits in with the belief that God created humans uniquely.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;443478
Um. The historical figure of Jesus does happen to be quite fradulent, even the Christian side of the argument couldnt argue FACTS against that simple truth.

See, I'm gonna have to ask you for more information here - I'll need to look it up again, but some of the material I've read proves that Jesus was a recorded historical figure, from documents printed at the time (as in, not Christian documents).

Quote from: Tiwaking!;443478
Evolution is totally against fundamentalist Christian teachings. Moderate Christians dont make as good reality TV

Lucky I'm not a "fundie" then huh ;)

Reply #2808 Posted: June 02, 2007, 06:10:15 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443491

See, I'm gonna have to ask you for more information here - I'll need to look it up again, but some of the material I've read proves that Jesus was a recorded historical figure, from documents printed at the time (as in, not Christian documents).

the same goes as Santa, doesn't mean some fat guy comes down your chimney every December though does it?

Reply #2809 Posted: June 02, 2007, 06:18:09 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443491
See, I'm gonna have to ask you for more information here - I'll need to look it up again, but some of the material I've read proves that Jesus was a recorded historical figure, from documents printed at the time (as in, not Christian documents).

Actually: You can go first. Josephus and Saul of Tarsus would be a good start.
Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443491
Lucky I'm not a "fundie" then huh ;)

Yeah the Fundies in this thread were less 'Fun" and more "die"

Reply #2810 Posted: June 02, 2007, 06:53:38 pm
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Offline cobra

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443491
I said "Personally, I don't know how any person, Christian or not, could deny that evolution is a part of life on earth in the 21st century." As in, evolution is definitely a real biological process. However, as I've said before, I believe that that fits in with the belief that God created humans uniquely.

so you believe that people ran about with dinosaurs - when did people get created? i cant follow how your belief can fit with reality - can you give me more info?

Reply #2811 Posted: June 02, 2007, 08:09:56 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: cobra;443563
so you believe that people ran about with dinosaurs

he raises a important point.

dinosaurs would never let us survive we would have been a flightless, easy snack to them. Also they were wiped out by a meteor so we would have gone with them.

You may not be a fundie but you'll have to do :bounce: Unless you want to post more about "proof in the bible" then you will be a true fundie

Reply #2812 Posted: June 02, 2007, 08:45:39 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Dear God,

Please help me to keep my mouth shut. Please give me the wisdom to understand when a thread is dead. Please give me discernment to know what I should and should not say. Please give me till tomorrow (or the next day) to answer these questions.



Reply #2813 Posted: June 02, 2007, 10:13:12 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Remember the best way for a religious person to win a religious flaming is to threaten the other with Hell then kill their whole population when they still laugh at your beliefs.

I think I'm describing the Crusades quite well... Never really bothered with listening to the Catholic side the Muslim side is much better "We decided to stop the flow of visiting foreigners and they killed all our civilians!!!"

And yet still the catholic religion is corrupted by false leaders and all the other bs. Another reason why people are turning away from religion as a whole...Corruption.

Reply #2814 Posted: June 02, 2007, 10:49:37 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;443624
Dear God,

Please help me to keep my mouth shut. Please give me the wisdom to understand when a thread is dead. Please give me discernment to know what I should and should not say. Please give me till tomorrow (or the next day) to answer these questions.



Dammit. I thought I could drag you back into the thread again!

Looks like you're still the only sane Christian on the planet

I might start bashing Islam instead

Reply #2815 Posted: June 03, 2007, 12:53:46 am
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Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Hori;443685
That has nothing to do with Jesus' Divinity (or lack thereof, if you're that way inclined).

I truly disagree with your point, if a sense of spirituality enhances peoples lives, and allows them to be happier, what's wrong with it?

Though not religious myself, I support people having spiritual beliefs until the point where they infringe on onther's lives.  

I think anything helps people have a better life experience, or makes them a happier person is great, at least it's an alternative to LSD.:sly:

Indeed religion is a useful tool for keeping people calm. The only thing "wrong" with it is that it gets people thinking they will live forever. This would be incredibly useful if somebody started a war; "Hey if I die I will just go to Heaven and be happy with everything I could ever want, forever, right?", "Indeed. Sign here. Grab your weapon, and go die for your country!". It also (in some cases) starts the war in the first place.

Basically if there is no spiritual world, then God can't exist, Jesus was just a inspiring person, miracles are either hoaxes, luck or a delayed event (e.g cancer: Some people survive past the expected date after operations, some don't).

And as of the last 2000 and 7 years no proof has surfaced...

Reply #2816 Posted: June 03, 2007, 01:21:24 am

Offline DEATH0WL

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mainly cause theres not much to say about the spiritual world or lack of one.

People shouldn't need to think that some "God" or "Pope" is needed to decide between right, wrong, or how to live their life. Many a Catholic has claimed that without the Bible the world would be a worse place but then you look at all the isolated island communities (Maori's, PI's, Aborigine's) and know that the world doesn't need someone to claim the existance of a "god" then claim that they have ordered them to write down some laws.

Does that answer it?

Reply #2817 Posted: June 03, 2007, 01:49:29 am

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Hori;443708
And this is why the Bible is the most produced book in the world, this is why new churches, sects and faiths are yielded every year. This is why people attend church, synagogue and their local mosque in their millions each week...because there's just not much to say about the spiritual world.

Thing is: I have always seen the Bible as a lengthy and violent fairy tale so only read what they force me to read in school. So in my world: the spiritual world is bs and doesn't exist, Jesus was a normal dude and like everybody else who has died; wont come back.

So the only things I have to talk about the Bible and the spiritual world is that it's a magical fairyland invented by a couple of people trying to make some easy cash and gain support to get more money.

Quote from: Hori;443708
The bible is not alone in these affects, and try to fathom a world with no spirituality, it would be a very uniform, robotic world.

I choose spirituality, I choose creativity it brings to me, I choose beauty it brings to my eyes. What do you choose?

I think not. The Bible sets regulations so why would not having it be "uniform" or "robotic"?

I'm able to enjoy life without it so nothing different there...

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Reply #2818 Posted: June 03, 2007, 02:27:51 am

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Hori;443733
You've always seen it in one light? Perhaps you should try looking at it differently?

Have, and it didn't work out.

Quote from: Hori;443733
We'll take it back to the point I originally debated.
The universe, does not revolves around you.

But the Bible's a fairytale, what's to say Jesus even existed? What makes him normal?

No it does not. It's just another way of me saying that I reckon the whole spiritual world and religion stuff is bs.

Nothing says he really did exist. The real Jesus may have been just a thief that died through crucification and had his identity stolen and turned into something else. He's normal because he's still dead; and always will be.

Quote from: Hori;443733
There is an old woman praying for her husband of 50 years who has recently passed away, through this process she can mourn her loss and take the first steps to move foward.

Now go and tell her, her praying is of no use.

Maybe she just got used to talking to someone every night for 50 years so talking to a dead husband in bed may be considered praying. Note the husband isn't there anymore she's just imagining he's there and talking to him like she has for the last 50 years.

A bit like how people go to graveyards, put down flowers, say Hello and make "one-way" talk like if they were talking to an animal, it's just because they want to talk, even if that person is completely unable to listen.

Reply #2819 Posted: June 03, 2007, 03:15:27 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Hori;443698
Claiming death owl flip flopped

Um, no he didn't. He said we have no use for a spiritual world. He then said that religion was a useful tool. Simply because something was useful, does not mean that it is useful. I do not find carrying a shield with me to be useful, because it is highly unlikely I will be attacked by enraged ninjas. Back in the days that carrying a shield was useful, then I'd have had one. Now, I do not. I instead wear a suit of powered armor.

Also, if you're going to be picky, the Universe has no use for spirituality. That's so astoundingly arrogant. The Universe has no use for any of us. If we all suddenly died, I doubt the Universe would even notice.

Reply #2820 Posted: June 03, 2007, 08:16:07 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: DEATH0WL;443688
Basically if there is no spiritual world, then God can't exist, Jesus was just a inspiring person, miracles are either hoaxes, luck or a delayed event

Quote from: Tiwaking!;366646
Quote from: Tiwaking!;300268
If Ghandi had been born 2000 years ago he most likely would have become a Jesus like figure today

Quote from: ThaFleastyler;300401
So you're implying that 2000 years from now, people will regard him as such? Lets not forget that Jesus Christ had an immediate impact on history. I mean, He did RISE FROM THE DEAD! Or did you miss that part? Personally I can't remember Ghandi turning water to wine, or healing the sick, or rising from the dead, for that matter. Not only that, but books started popping up about the life of Jesus Christ almost immediately, and became known as the Gospels, plus His closest followers (the 12 apostles) went into all the world and caused an almost-immediate explosion of the Christian Church. Ghandi has had none of these effects on society at large, and in this information age, I'm sure we would have heard if he had.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;300449
People will NOT view Ghandi as a Jesus like figure for the simple fact that a) He claimed he was only a man. b) He claimed he was a Buddhist, and a Christian, and Hindu AND a Jew. c) He never claimed divine holiness or divinity. d) We have both is writings AND video footage of him i.e Proof of existence.

The point of my post was not to discredit the possiblity of Christ. In fact it was in response to the idea that Jesus was merely a "Martin Luther King" figure, which is entirely correct. I was merely to pointing out that given the lack of FIRST-HAND information about his TRUE teachings anyone could become an influential figure in biblical times.
Even Musilims give Jesus credit, but do not believe him to be the son of God.

Rastarfarianism: Faith moves mountains
Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie I is(was) the temporal incarnation of God. This occurred in modern times and is quite a strong religious movement. Haile Selassie never acknowledged the movement as fact but unlike Ghandi he never tried to actively discourage worship of his personage.

Why is this relevant? Because Rastarfarians belief in an observable God frees them from the intellectual baggage of having to justify their beliefs!

Please note: Im not a Rastafarian

Quote from: Hori;443698
Consider the effect the spiritual has had, yes there has been tragedies, and death, but there have been great things

UNFORTUNATELY the credit for those 'Great things' gets attributed(eaten) by the invisible fangorious sky daddy INSTEAD of being seen for what they are: Great works for the benefit of ALL humanity
Quote from: Tiwaking!;402978
The Incredible Hulk story

The Incredible Hulk was created during a scientific experiemetn which went horribly wrong. David Banner was subjected to a burst of gamma radiation giving him super-powers which involved him turning green, large and muscular when he loses control of his temper. As time has progressed many other incarnations of the Hulk monster and the original Hulk have come to pass.

How is this relevant?

As science has progressed so has the powers of The Incredible Hulk changed to accomodate the ever-expanding library of knowledge. The Incredible Hulk can split into the Grey and Green Hulks, can jump higher or occasionally fly, breathe in space and so on and so forth. For every miraculous discovery science claims, The Incredible Hulk benefits.

Thusly Intelligent Design a.ka HULK GOD benefits greatly from science by neither contributing anything of worth or stating any new facts. HULK GOD gets more powerful the more knowledge we gain about the universe, without ever having the need to justify his own exitence. HULK GOD, with his sidekick Intelligent Design, needs not prove by any observable natural phenonemon that he exists, because as Science advances HULK GOD'S become greater and greater.

Quote from: Hori;443708
And this is why the Bible is the most produced book in the world, this is why new churches, sects and faiths are yielded every year. This is why people attend church, synagogue and their local mosque in their millions each week...because there's just not much to say about the spiritual world.
Think about how stupid the average person is; now realise half of them are dumber than that. - George Carlin
Quote from: Hori;443708
Perhaps the world would be a worse place without the Bible, perhaps it wouldn't?

They'd be less religious people in prison for a start
Quote from: Hori;443708
The bible is not alone in these affects, and try to fathom a world with no spirituality, it would be a very uniform, robotic world

Just like how the world is a Big Brother state today after George Orwell predicted that an increasingly connected society would be oppressed
Quote from: Hori;443708
I choose spirituality, I choose creativity it brings to me, I choose beauty it brings to my eyes. What do you choose?

Cold. Hard. Reality
Quote from: Hori;443733
You've always seen it in one light? Perhaps you should try looking at it differently?

Quote from: The Simpsons
Homer: Kids, there's three ways to do things.  The right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way!
Bart: Isn't that the wrong way?
Homer: Yeah, but faster!

Quote from: Hori;443708
The universe, does not revolves around you.

Give him a few years. His head may become large enough to create gravity!
Quote from: Hori;443708
It's important to realise, spirituality is huge for people, you need to think about others here, if you think their beliefs have no use in this world, think about this:

There is an old woman praying for her husband of 50 years who has recently passed away, through this process she can mourn her loss and take the first steps to move foward.

Now go and tell her, her praying is of no use.

The number of people saying something is true doesnt make it right. If you told the old woman that her praying does nothing, she'd just keep on doing it anyway. The key fact here is: Freedom. Unfortunately when freedom is subverted for the cause of 'the greater good' then anyone who criticises the removal of a freedom gets referred BACK to "Its for the greater good!"

Argumentum ad consequentiam
Quote from: DEATH0WL;443736
Nothing says he really did exist. The real Jesus may have been just a thief that died through crucification and had his identity stolen and turned into something else. He's normal because he's still dead; and always will be

Or maybe he his a syncretism of many, many previous Man/God incarnations beginning with Dionysus
Quote from: Hori;443739
You can't have it both ways, either he existed or he didn't. For example's sake we'll say he did, it doesn't matter what he was, it's how he's perceived that's really important.

I put it to you that this is the use of the spiritual world in our Universe. Ipso Facto, the Universe has a use for it.

Quote from: Arnifix;443753
Also, if you're going to be picky, the Universe has no use for spirituality. That's so astoundingly arrogant. The Universe has no use for any of us. If we all suddenly died, I doubt the Universe would even notice.

True. Think of it this way: God created the universe for us because we are here, but by the same logic God could have created the universe because he wanted it to be populated by BLACK HOLES. We could be just an experiment in seeing what happens when intelligent beings gets sucked into a black hole and all the religious books could have been made to make people less worried about the unknowable end.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life because after you get sucked into the black hole even God doesnt know what happens to you!"

Reply #2821 Posted: June 03, 2007, 10:16:41 am
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Offline KiLL3r

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when i die i will ascend to a higher plane of existence just like daniel jackson

Reply #2822 Posted: June 03, 2007, 10:29:47 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: KiLL3r;443805
when i die i will ascend to a higher plane of existence just like daniel jackson

Will you also be a hippy?

Reply #2823 Posted: June 03, 2007, 11:24:39 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Arnifix;443852
Will you also be a hippy?

sif daniel jackson is a hippy

Reply #2824 Posted: June 03, 2007, 11:28:40 am