Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Into The Void

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church talk IS on topic because it is strongly related to religion. Now can you christians stop trying to change topic when people make good points. Just because you want to ignore the truth. You know it's true so you ignore it.

Columbine, Virginia Tech were both miracles aye. All this shit in iraq etc. The US war. One great big miracle. Now answer me this. If god wastes his time saving peoples pathetic equipment, why isn't it spending more time stopping war, etc.

Anyone who thinks they've seen a miracle, consider it good luck. Until I see pigs flying and people coming back to life from being dead or something amazing like that, nothing can be proven a miracle.

The problem with religious people, is they're brainwashed. Being religious IS having a mental illness. It's like an addiction  . They couldn't stop if they tried. They also get themselves soo worked up over what they think is true that they confuse it with being fact. Theres no use trying to change them. This thread is therefore, pretty useless

Reply #3300 Posted: July 10, 2007, 11:09:20 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;479888
Hey i posted some stories but you guys all skipped them.


go backa few pages and you'll see mine Deathowl.  

One of these was when they stole copper from the unit upstairs.  THey stole sinks and showers too.  They had turned off teh water so when another tenant complained of having no water, a plumber came out and turned it back on.  So that night the water was running upstairs.  It found its way through the electrical conduit and the cracks in the concrete and started to fill our unit up with water.  On the easter Sunday i came in just to take in some gear people were returning.  And thats when i saw it.  I walked into the service dept and then SPLOOSH.   what the....  and then i turned on the lights.  Water was EVERYWHERE!  We had so many people come in to help move eveyrthing and dry the premisis.  Ended up calling some friends to help too.  A week later when we were assessing the damage.  THERE WAS NONE!   Things were a little dirty and needed drying out but there was no damage what so ever!

The chemdry and the insurance people were both suprised.  And so were we.  Well then it was all about THANKS GOD!! THANKS HEAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It could have potentially been THOUSANDS and thousands of dollars damage.  Not to mention possibly having to replace the amps and speakers people had given us to repair.

The buckets we had to keep emptying every 2-3 minutes

Water pouring down the side of the wall & on top of the drivers and cabinet hardware

Those white smudges/streaks in teh center of the image is water pouring down from above.  

sploosh.  All the repairs amps and dj lights were sitting on the ground here.  We've moved them here.  They were all in excellent condition even after getting wet.

All the vehicles here was to help clean up the shop.

As you can see.  Heaps of water. No damage.  And we didn't have to claim on insurance. The Landlord covered it!  Thanks again God!  You pwn!

Flea was right... It doesn't really mean anything to me and it just seems like you thank God because you believe in God in the first place.

Reply #3301 Posted: July 10, 2007, 11:18:49 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: KiLL3r;479905
someone get this guy a clue. its amazing how you think god saved you from "thousands" of dollars from water damage.


millions of jews (gods chosen people) died in nazi concentration camps with no form of intervention at all.

either your that arrogant or a idiot

hehehehe do i have to repeat the idea of Free will?  Either way whether they are Gods chosen people or not, God has a plan for everyone.  Even you!  Why God decided that those people needed to pass i can't begin to understand.  I will never understand the mysteries of God.  All i know is, God has my back.  He's been looking after my family even since we were Hindu's.  And God will be looking after us in the future also.  Maybe having you here trying to disprove peoples beliefs is part of his plan too!  He might be slowly working with you and strengthening the faith of other people.  Including myself! :bounce:  

Read the Bible more pls kthx

So like i was saying about the jews.  There is Free will.  The Nazi party didn't have to slaughter all those people.  They had a choice.  The same with one guy who said if there was a God why would all those people in africa be dieing!  Once again think of free will.  We don't have to let those people starve.

Oh and he did save us from thousands of dollars worth of water damage. :rnr:

Edit:  I have seen someone come back from the dead.  HA!

And about thanking God because i believe in God in the first place.  Thats a valid point and i agree with that.  But i'm sharing my beliefs.  I'm not trying to force anyone to be a Christian.  Be a muslim if you want.  Or an atheist.  It would be pretty boring if we were all the same! Thats what makes this world  and peoples opinions so interesting. It's the differences.  

Killer makes good points.  So does into the void.  Most people do.  You can beleive inw hat you like. This isn't the BECOME A CHRISTIAN or a BE AN ANTHEIST thread is it?  

i thougth it was science vs religion thread in which case.  I apologise for my posts being so off topic.

mmmm... i can't believe its not butter!

Reply #3302 Posted: July 10, 2007, 11:20:59 pm
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Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;479929

Edit:  I have seen someone come back from the dead.  HA!

i think krasher said the same thing back near page 1 but when it came to details it turned out he didnt even see it with his own eye or sum bullshit. please give us your story. And congrats on finally writing replys i can read without a translator :thumb:


Free Will is bullshit.

believe in God or goto Hell!


free would be believe in god and goto heaven or dont believe in god and goto paradise where there is no god but no eternal damnation either!

Reply #3303 Posted: July 10, 2007, 11:36:16 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: KiLL3r;479939
i think krasher said the same thing back near page 1 but when it came to details it turned out he didnt even see it with his own eye or sum bullshit. please give us your story. And congrats on finally writing replys i can read without a translator :thumb:


Free Will is bullshit.

believe in God or goto Hell!


free would be believe in god and goto heaven or dont believe in god and goto paradise where there is no god but no eternal damnation either!

Interesting.  It's like islam belives in a Paradise after death.  Christians believe in Heaven and Hindu's believe in reincarnation.  

Atheists probably believe in nothing after death.  So when you life ends there is nothing.  You just stop existing.  If that was the truth i wouldn't care. I mean... i'll be dead.  I wouldn't be able too.  But my beliefs have me facing in the direction of heaven.

The bible also says along with eternal punishment in hell there is seperation from God.  So the seperation from God part is a big thing they teach too if not as equally important as the lake of fire.  The seperation aspect is something i do not want according to my beliefs.

Also the reason i started to follow Christianity and not any other religion is that anyone could come to God.  You wont expected to do anything major but give you heart to the Lord(which can be a real difficult thing to do for some people) but it's truely awesome when they do.  Once again its their choice.   You don't have to pray in temple 5 times a day. You don't have to go to church but you can have fellowship with your christian brothers and sisters anywhere!   You can just speak to him.  I just finished doing some paper work and i was speaking to him.  Thats the awesome thing about the Holy spirit.  Another key element to Christianity.  God is with you always and you can talk to him when ever you like.  It was up to you! its your choice.

You wont be punished if you eat beef or pork.  Because Jesus has made all of those things ok to eat.  Christianity preaches, as long as you give thanks for the food it is ok to eat.  so if you feel like scorpions in China to try it out.  GO for it!  Its your choice!

Alot of the teachings in REAL churches encourage people to really eat up the bible and follow its teachings.  But they wont push you to do anything you don't want to do.  Free will is a very important thing.  

Panadol.  Its my choice.

oh... and those harae krishna people?  They arent true hindus =P  heheh you can only be born a Hindu.  And you aren't supposed to go out and preach their message.  Their religion speaks out against that.  but meh!!! they play funky music sometimes and they liven up the place.  so who cares =P

And have you noticed no other religion has had a God die for the people who follow it?  Only Christ has.  Thats pretty cool im my eyes.

Reply #3304 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:11:36 am
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Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;479957
You wont be punished if you eat beef or pork.  Because Jesus has made all of those things ok to eat.  Christianity preaches, as long as you give thanks for the food it is ok to eat.  so if you feel like scorpions in China to try it out.  GO for it!  Its your choice!

Don't be too sure someone might decide to beat you to death with a raw fish... and then release it back into the wild.

You kill the animal! You pay the price!!!

$11 per kilo

Reply #3305 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:02:03 am

Offline Simon_NZ

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Book of Joshua,

30: and the LORD gave it also and its king into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and every person in it; he left none remaining in it; and he did to its king as he had done to the king of Jericho.
31: And Joshua passed on from Libnah, and all Israel with him, to Lachish, and laid siege to it, and assaulted it:
32: and the LORD gave Lachish into the hand of Israel, and he took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and every person in it, as he had done to Libnah.
33: Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he left none remaining.
34: And Joshua passed on with all Israel from Lachish to Eglon; and they laid siege to it, and assaulted it;
35: and they took it on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword; and every person in it he utterly destroyed that day, as he had done to Lachish.
36: Then Joshua went up with all Israel from Eglon to Hebron; and they assaulted it,
37: and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and its king and its towns, and every person in it; he left none remaining, as he had done to Eglon, and utterly destroyed it with every person in it.
38: Then Joshua, with all Israel, turned back to Debir and assaulted it,
39: and he took it with its king and all its towns; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed every person in it; he left none remaining; as he had done to Hebron and to Libnah and its king, so he did to Debir and to its king.
40: So Joshua defeated the whole land, the hill country and the Negeb and the lowland and the slopes, and all their kings; he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded.

I understand that 'he left none remaining' means, Joshua killed the men, the women and the kids—even babies. At the command of Yahweh.

And we read this in the Book of Isaiah:

"Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

some food for thought;)

Reply #3306 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:17:04 am

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;479957

The bible also says along with eternal punishment in hell there is seperation from God.  So the seperation from God part is a big thing they teach too if not as equally important as the lake of fire.  The seperation aspect is something i do not want according to my beliefs.

So if the fields were reveresed believing in god means you join him in eternal torment you would be fine with that?

I doubt you would choose eternal torment with your loving (as demonstrated by simon) god, than eternity in heaven without him?

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;479957
Also the reason i started to follow Christianity and not any other religion is that anyone could come to God.  You wont expected to do anything major but give you heart to the Lord(which can be a real difficult thing to do for some people) but it's truely awesome when they do.

basically becoming christian is giving away your free will, if you truly follow the bible you wont be able to do anything you want.

personally i find it hilarious you think god is helping you out on a daily basis. There is nothing good thats happened in my life i can attribute to some form of divine intervention. If we are all equal what makes you more equal than the rest of us?

Reply #3307 Posted: July 11, 2007, 07:28:19 am

Offline Black Heart

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all hackers burn in hell don't you know?

Reply #3308 Posted: July 11, 2007, 08:43:30 am

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;479714
Yes but catholics firmly believe that transubstantiation is actual.  My complete inability to reconcile that with the fact that the bread and wine had clearly undergone no physical change, was one of the early  cracks in the facade of faith I was being raised in.

The physical universe exists with or without our presence and understanding. Being sentient in such an oblivious environment is a powerful incentive to add some sort of meaning to your personal story.

I've had this theory that humanity actually discovered a way to travel through time - which allowed us to go back to the birth of Christianity and walk among the masses. It's brilliant. Anyone from the present age would appear like a God amongst the n00bs, even if they pulled out something as simple as a cellphone. If my theory's true, then we become our own God - which more than fits with most religous theories anyway. :rnr:

Quote from: KiLL3r;480016
basically becoming christian is giving away your free will

There is no free will.

Reply #3309 Posted: July 11, 2007, 09:29:28 am
Quote from: Fran O\'Sullivan
The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Into The Void;479919
church talk IS on topic because it is strongly related to religion. Now can you christians stop trying to change topic when people make good points. Just because you want to ignore the truth. You know it's true so you ignore it.

Quote from: Into The Void;479919
The problem with religious people, is they're brainwashed. Being religious IS having a mental illness. It's like an addiction  . They couldn't stop if they tried. They also get themselves soo worked up over what they think is true that they confuse it with being fact. Theres no use trying to change them. This thread is therefore, pretty useless

Firstly, bashing the church and insulting Christians' beliefs are not relevant to this thread - this is a RELIGION VS SCIENCE thread, not a Religion-bashing thread.

Secondly, you're making an assumption that Christians and religious people are "brainwashed" - how many times do I have to insist I'm not some kind of brainwashed fool? 3,000 times? 30,000 times? 3,000,000 times? Frankly, I think I would know if I was a brainwashed fool - church does not rule my life; furthermore, God doesn't brainwash people, church leaders brainwash people. My church leaders don't - thus I'm not brainwashed. I make decisions for myself; if I want to be involved in church, I do it; if I don't, I simply don't get involved; its not like I'm being forced to things I don't want to do. Your comments are no better than a lame personal attack, so how about you cut it out mate.

Reply #3310 Posted: July 11, 2007, 09:34:08 am

Offline Temp

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;480055
Frankly, I think I would know if I was a brainwashed fool -

Do people know that they are brainwashed? I thought the point was for them not to know?

Honestly curious, not a sarcastic remark at your expense.

Reply #3311 Posted: July 11, 2007, 09:55:01 am

Offline krasher

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Thanks simon for a pile of unexplained scriptures out of context, and thanks to others for more any Christian comments highlighting the fact that Christians are more compassionate, loving and accepting than purely scientific people. Waits expectantly for more hate feedback.......

Thanks rice for putting your views/experiences out there. A gutsy thing to do in this place.

Anyway, Religion wins again. I have done a few seconds of research regarding voids post about mental health. According to LOTS of separate research there IS a positive correlation between GOOD mental health and church attendance/support.

The data suggest that the frequency of maternal church or temple attendance is an important protective factor in the behavioral functioning of middle school youths from age 11 through 13. The results suggest that young teenagers are more likely to be satisfied with their lives when coming from a family where the mother participates in religious services at least once a week and where both parents are living at home. In addition, children are more likely to feel socially supported if they come from a family whose mother attends religious services at least once a week."

"Family caregivers often rely heavily upon their religious faith to cope with the burden of caring for their loved ones. Religious involvement can lower the risk of depression (Picot, Debanne, Namazi, & Wykle, 1997), which is a common issue among family caregivers. Rabins and colleagues (1990a) at Johns Hopkins University surveyed caregivers of persons with Alzheimerís disease and of those with end-stage cancer. They found that successful coping was associated with only two variables: number of social contacts and support received from religious faith."

"Religion/spirituality has been identified by individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD) as an important factor in coping with stress and in determining quality of life. Research has demonstrated positive associations between religiosity/spirituality and better physical and mental health outcomes. However, few studies have examined the influence religiosity/spirituality has on the experience of pain in chronically ill patients. Our aim was to examine three domains of religiosity/spirituality (church attendance, prayer/Bible study, intrinsic religiosity) and evaluate their association with measures of pain. We studied a consecutive sample of 50 SCD outpatients and found that church attendance was significantly associated with measures of pain. Attending church once or more per week was associated with the lowest scores on pain measures. These findings were maintained after controlling for age, gender, and disease severity. Prayer/Bible study and intrinsic religiosity were not significantly related to pain in our study. Positive associations are consistent with recent literature, but our results expose new aspects of the relationship for African American patients. We conclude that religious involvement likely plays a significant role in modulating the pain experience of African American patients with SCD and may be an important factor for future study in other populations of chronically ill pain sufferers."

Reply #3312 Posted: July 11, 2007, 09:59:59 am

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Offline Temp

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It seems to me to be a pretty no brainer than religious people would suffer less from mental illnesses than non-religious people. I mean on the one hand there's a group of people with the belief that this is but a stepping stone to nirvana, while on the other there's a group of people that see this as a fairly quick and bleak existance in the greater scale of things!

On a mass average, I am sure one group would have a few more misgivings about life in general? Religion, it's like a natural anti-depressant I guess, regardless of whether it is right or wrong.

Reply #3313 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:04:53 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Templar;480070
Do people know that they are brainwashed? I thought the point was for them not to know?

Given the number of people in here trying to provide evidence that I am brainwashed, I would imagine that having read every post in the thread I would be starting to get some idea of whether I was brainwashed or not :D

Reply #3314 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:08:04 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: krasher;480075
Anyway, Religion wins again. I have done a few seconds of research regarding voids post about mental health. According to LOTS of separate research there IS a positive correlation between GOOD mental health and church attendance/support.

Not to mention that churches provide a good emotional support base for its attendees - in my experience, people that go to church are genuinely concerned about people that go to church with them, both emotionally and physically. I can't even remember how many times people have asked me if I'm alright, if things are going well, if theres any way they can help - not in a nosey way, but from genuinely wanting to help.

Reply #3315 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:11:09 am

Offline Dr Woomanchu

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Quote from: Templar;480081
It seems to me to be a pretty no brainer than religious people would suffer less from mental illnesses than non-religious people. I mean on the one hand there's a group of people with the belief that this is but a stepping stone to nirvana, while on the other there's a group of people that see this as a fairly quick and bleak existance in the greater scale of things!

On a mass average, I am sure one group would have a few more misgivings about life in general? Religion, it's like a natural anti-depressant I guess, regardless of whether it is right or wrong.


religion as cowpox. Interesting concept

Reply #3316 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:18:24 am

Blackwatch Off Topic - Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Offline Black Heart

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religion vs prozac ?

Prozac is drugs, drugs are bad mmkay.
number of children sexually abused by prozac = 0

so far its an even contest.

Reply #3317 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:39:31 am

Offline krasher

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Reply #3318 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:48:13 am

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Offline Into The Void

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Could you christians explain what simons post means? Instead of pretending it isn't there.

Reply #3319 Posted: July 11, 2007, 10:56:59 am

Offline krasher

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Quote from: Into The Void;480128
Could you christians explain what simons post means? Instead of pretending it isn't there.
No. I have explained before. Re read the old posts. I know it's a mission but yeah. I have addressed the issue of the bible and its proper role as a library and understanding context, literary types, author intention and prescriptive verses descriptive text. Basically, you can't just read it and understand it without taking things into careful consideration.

I won't try to explain those scriptures because I am not a theologian just like it wouldn't make sense for you to try and explain some complicated scientific stuff if you were not studied in that area. What I can say is that much of the old testament of the bible is more a record or what happened than it is a record of God's attitude towards people. I realize that doesn't explain all of the scriptures there, but it is all I have time for at the mo.

It's probably sciences turn to explain some stuff. I need to think up some juicy questions in return :)

Reply #3320 Posted: July 11, 2007, 11:04:59 am

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Offline Dr Woomanchu

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This whole thread is fatally flawed. religion vs  science is about as meaningful as cooking vs car racing.

Science has nothing to say about the existence of god(s) or otherwise, and religion has nothing to do with science, beyond when a few crackpots try to claim that personal beliefs overrule observation.

There are many  people who believe in various god(s) who are also scientists, there are also many people who profess no belief in god(s) who wouldn't understand the scientific method if it bit them on the arse

Reply #3321 Posted: July 11, 2007, 11:36:58 am

Blackwatch Off Topic - Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Offline BerG

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This thread does not fail!


The Ultimate Battle Thread

Reply #3322 Posted: July 11, 2007, 11:41:10 am

Offline krasher

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Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;480163
This whole thread is fatally flawed. religion vs  science is about as meaningful as cooking vs car racing.

Science has nothing to say about the existence of god(s) or otherwise, and religion has nothing to do with science, beyond when a few crackpots try to claim that personal beliefs overrule observation.

There are many  people who believe in various god(s) who are also scientists, there are also many people who profess no belief in god(s) who wouldn't understand the scientific method if it bit them on the arse

This thread isn't flawed. It is clearly a success actually - well if you count 100 pages as a sign of success anyway.

Also, science has much to say about God and religion. Religion - well the bible is all I can comment on - has much to say about things that science is also interested in. There is some overlap.

There are many crackpots too. In general that is. I have to agree there. They are everywhere.

Reply #3323 Posted: July 11, 2007, 11:42:12 am

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Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: Into The Void;480128
Could you christians explain what simons post means? Instead of pretending it isn't there.

Maybe after raping the shit out of woman and children and pillaging a country they just needed a excuse?

I mean lots of people and nations make up excuses to justify their actions.

Reply #3324 Posted: July 11, 2007, 11:51:48 am