Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Temp

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Please can Christians explain to me Dinosaurs? Or has that been done?

(Sorry i am new to this thread - have had my head in the sand obviously!!)

Reply #3325 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:36:08 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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Quote from: Templar;480223
Please can Christians explain to me Dinosaurs? Or has that been done?

(Sorry i am new to this thread - have had my head in the sand obviously!!)

God places the fossils to test our faith...

Reply #3326 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:41:09 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: TofuEater;480052
I've had this theory that humanity actually discovered a way to travel through time - which allowed us to go back to the birth of Christianity and walk among the masses. It's brilliant. Anyone from the present age would appear like a God amongst the n00bs, even if they pulled out something as simple as a cellphone. If my theory's true, then we become our own God - which more than fits with most religous theories anyway. :rnr:

Cellphones would be pretty useless. Hey look this thing can provide light and... err... you can play mini games on it!

Reply #3327 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:45:14 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Templar;480223
Please can Christians explain to me Dinosaurs? Or has that been done?

(Sorry i am new to this thread - have had my head in the sand obviously!!)

been discussed. they believe dinosaurs were in the ark etc and existed at the same time as humans :S

so not only could noahs ark take 2 of every animal in the world but also two of every dinosaur!

page 45 for more details

Reply #3328 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:51:29 pm

Offline Bell

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Reply #3329 Posted: July 11, 2007, 12:59:02 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Bell;480273

yup nick and his trilobyte loving. i think he still believes i believed him stupid nub

Reply #3330 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:01:18 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: KiLL3r;480259
been discussed. they believe dinosaurs were in the ark etc and existed at the same time as humans :S

so not only could noahs ark take 2 of every animal in the world but also two of every dinosaur!

page 45 for more details

See generalising again - I have never said I believed that, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find where Krash or Rice said that as well; in fact, I believe the earth is (as science has shown) 4.5 billion years old and that the dinosaurs existed before man. How or why the bible is different to this view I don't know, but I know it makes little difference to how much I believe in God.

Reply #3331 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:06:14 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: krasher;480135
No. I have explained before. Re read the old posts. I know it's a mission but yeah. I have addressed the issue of the bible and its proper role as a library and understanding context, literary types, author intention and prescriptive verses descriptive text. Basically, you can't just read it and understand it without taking things into careful consideration.

I won't try to explain those scriptures because I am not a theologian just like it wouldn't make sense for you to try and explain some complicated scientific stuff if you were not studied in that area. What I can say is that much of the old testament of the bible is more a record or what happened than it is a record of God's attitude towards people. I realize that doesn't explain all of the scriptures there, but it is all I have time for at the mo.

It's probably sciences turn to explain some stuff. I need to think up some juicy questions in return :)


and simon... i can't help but think you're leaving a bit out at the beginning and the end.  It looks as if those passages are taken out of context.  And didn't you know the New testament overrules the old testament?  The old testament still has truth but the new testament has all the cool stuff and all the things that apply to TODAYS living.  And did Joshua destroy sinful cities?  I'm going to read that tonight. Looks really interesting

Quote from: KiLL3r;480016
So if the fields were reveresed believing in god means you join him in eternal torment you would be fine with that?

I doubt you would choose eternal torment with your loving (as demonstrated by simon) god, than eternity in heaven without him?

thats a bit silly seeing as how Im worshipping God!  Isnt it the universal truth that God is Love.  If he loved you why would he get you to join him in hell?  That doesn't make any sense. :bounce:

Quote from: KiLL3r;480016
personally i find it hilarious you think god is helping you out on a daily basis. There is nothing good thats happened in my life i can attribute to some form of divine intervention. If we are all equal what makes you more equal than the rest of us?

Hey.  i never once implied i was better than any of you or "more equal" 0_o...

I think it's what Deathowl and theflea said.  I must think its God because i believe in God.
There are certain things which strike me on a regular basis which make me believe its the work of God and not just coincidence or the fact that i jsut got lucky.

It might not be for you.  But i think it would.  So im glad it amuses you :bounce:  The God stuff sure keeps me happy =D

Even if God isn't real...  since i believe he is.. it makes me think about what could have happened.  For isntance i got into a car accident while i was working as an apprentice.  %am in the morning i smashed into another car.  I was like. GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!! 5AM!! IM LATE FOR FOR!! WHAT THE ~~  then i remembered seeing all these cars goign passed on the oncomming lane and i realised... shit.   Lucky it was teh car infront than the other cars comming towards me.

Might not make much sense to you.  Just lucky you didnt kill anyone.  But for me its thank you got for not killing me or the other occupants of the car!  It sure helped me with the stressed and i never complained to God about the damage to my car ever again.

So yeah about that mental health report.  I see truth in that too.

Reply #3332 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:10:36 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline Black Heart

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480294

Even if God isn't real...  since i believe he is.. it makes me think about what could have happened.  For isntance i got into a car accident while i was working as an apprentice.  %am in the morning i smashed into another car.  I was like. GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!! 5AM!! IM LATE FOR FOR!! WHAT THE ~~  then i remembered seeing all these cars goign passed on the oncomming lane and i realised... shit.   Lucky it was teh car infront than the other cars comming towards me.

Might not make much sense to you.  Just lucky you didnt kill anyone.  But for me its thank you got for not killing me or the other occupants of the car!  It sure helped me with the stressed and i never complained to God about the damage to my car ever again.

So yeah about that mental health report.  I see truth in that too.

If thats a sign of mental health then I'd rather be a psychopath.

Reply #3333 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:29:46 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;480289
See generalising again - I have never said I believed that, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find where Krash or Rice said that as well; in fact, I believe the earth is (as science has shown) 4.5 billion years old and that the dinosaurs existed before man. How or why the bible is different to this view I don't know, but I know it makes little difference to how much I believe in God.

What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? The term "dinosaur" wasn't used in Biblical times, but we do have a passage in Job 40:15-18 that describes a huge, sauropod-type animal that ate grass (the behemoth). Until recently, no grasses were found as fossils in rocks containing dinosaurs. However, in 2005, a group of scientists discovered titanosaurid sauropods did eat grass.21 They found evidence for grass in fossilized dinosaur dung (coprolites) from Late Cretaceous rocks of India. Even the "tubes of bronze" (literal rendering of "strong pieces of brass") has been backed and supported by discoveries of dinosaur bones, as sauropod vertebrae are hollowed out with structures called pleurocoels along the sides of the centra,22 and possessing strong leg bones like "iron." Again and again, scientists find that dinosaurs were in fact, a unique group of reptiles, not truly like modern lizards and not bird-like either, but indeed one of God's marvels of creation.


21.  Prasad, V., C. A. E. Strömberg, H. Alimohammadian, and A. Sahni, 2005, "Dinosaur Coprolites and the Early Evolution of Grasses and Grazers." Science, 310:1177-1180.
22. Lucas, S. G., 2000, op. cit., pp. 86-87.

Reply #3334 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:30:13 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480322
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? The term "dinosaur" wasn't used in Biblical times, but we do have a passage in Job 40:15-18 that describes a huge, sauropod-type animal that ate grass (the behemoth). Until recently, no grasses were found as fossils in rocks containing dinosaurs. However, in 2005, a group of scientists discovered titanosaurid sauropods did eat grass.21 They found evidence for grass in fossilized dinosaur dung (coprolites) from Late Cretaceous rocks of India. Even the "tubes of bronze" (literal rendering of "strong pieces of brass") has been backed and supported by discoveries of dinosaur bones, as sauropod vertebrae are hollowed out with structures called pleurocoels along the sides of the centra,22 and possessing strong leg bones like "iron." Again and again, scientists find that dinosaurs were in fact, a unique group of reptiles, not truly like modern lizards and not bird-like either, but indeed one of God's marvels of creation.


sauropod-type animal that ate grass (the behemoth)

so they used the word sauropod in the bible?

if nt then the behemoth could be almost any large animal and probly still exists today

Reply #3335 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:34:05 pm

Offline TofuEater

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480294
And didn't you know the New testament overrules the old testament?  The old testament still has truth but the new testament has all the cool stuff and all the things that apply to TODAYS living.

I don't know too much about that - but surely only the New Testament can speak for Christians, because that is the only part of the bible that deals with Christ?

Reply #3336 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:42:42 pm
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The best thing about Finance Minister Bill English\'s latest Budget is that it does finally signal a much greater role for the private sector in the New Zealand economy. And another step along the way to extract this country from the political cul-de-sac in which Helen Clark\'s Labour Government parked us.

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: TofuEater;480339
I don't know too much about that - but surely only the New Testament can speak for Christians, because that is the only part of the bible that deals with Christ?

exactly.  Where as the old testament is what the jews have.

Reply #3337 Posted: July 11, 2007, 01:49:30 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline krasher

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IMO it is not that simple. But once again. Bible = Library = Lots of books = Needs lots of knowledge to claim complete understanding = I don't have that right now. Both are valid books to the Christian faith IMO however how they are applied changes as much of the NT fulfills the OT etc etc, and much of the OT is historical and foundational explanation for the NT etc etc. More study is required before authoritative statements can be made.

Reply #3338 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:02:23 pm

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Offline BerG

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480294

Even if God isn't real...  since i believe he is.. it makes me think about what could have happened.  For isntance i got into a car accident while i was working as an apprentice.  %am in the morning i smashed into another car.  I was like. GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!! 5AM!! IM LATE FOR FOR!! WHAT THE ~~  then i remembered seeing all these cars goign passed on the oncomming lane and i realised... shit.   Lucky it was teh car infront than the other cars comming towards me.

Might not make much sense to you.  Just lucky you didnt kill anyone.  But for me its thank you got for not killing me or the other occupants of the car!  It sure helped me with the stressed and i never complained to God about the damage to my car ever again.

So yeah about that mental health report.  I see truth in that too.

Well I hate god. I use Jesus's name as a swear word all the time. Here's some examples:

"Fucken Jesus FUCKEN CHRIST"

"What the fucken christ is that?"

And bad things never happen to me. I've never crashed a car, or broken a bone (despite a history of motocross and rugby).

Family life is all good. I've gained a commercial pilot license without failing any tests or pranging any planes. I've just secured a fine job with a reasonably high income that will allow me to save up for the next couple of months.

I only know one Christian guy doing the same thing I'm doing, and lets just say nothings going well. He's well over budget for failing so many times, he's busted airspace and caused three commercial jets to go around at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars. He also got lost in the mountains.

God doesn't care about you. What happens to you is determined only by your intelligence, skill, luck or sheer coincidence. Stop kidding yourself. 6 billion people in the world and god is following you around, holding your hand all day?

You wish.

Reply #3339 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:27:08 pm

Offline krasher

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Reply #3340 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:31:04 pm

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Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: krasher;480383
Why do you HATE God if you life is so good?

because god had nothing to do with his life being so good whatsoever. god obviously didnt contribute at all to his ubringing and he turned out fine (except his toes) but thats genes not god

Reply #3341 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:32:56 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: BerG;480379

God doesn't care about you. What happens to you is determined only by your intelligence, skill, luck or sheer coincidence. Stop kidding yourself. 6 billion people in the world and god is following you around, holding your hand all day?

You wish.

ehehehehe :bounce:  I dont wish! I know!  And im happy about it.  BUT~!!!  he isnt JUST following me around.  He follows  everyone around!  Even you :bounce:   And he had his part to play in everything you've done.

heheh This is my belief anyway!  :bounce:   So God bless you =P

Reply #3342 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:34:21 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline BerG

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Quote from: krasher;480383
edit: Why do you hate God?

Long story. There was this stunner of a girl. Perfect. We were in love. But she was pretty hard out christian so couldn't go out with me.

So I hate God. I've hated him for a few years now but things are still going good.

Reply #3343 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:36:20 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480391
ehehehehe :bounce:  I dont wish! I know!  And im happy about it.  BUT~!!!  he isnt JUST following me around.  He follows  everyone around!  Even you :bounce:   And he had his part to play in everything you've done.

heheh This is my belief anyway!  :bounce:   So God bless you =P

where you dropped on your head as a baby?

Reply #3344 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:37:13 pm

Offline BerG

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And LOL Kill3r, yeah I can live with retarded toes :D

Reply #3345 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:37:52 pm

Offline Simon_NZ

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god you guys are so deluded it's not funny anymore.

Reply #3346 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:39:06 pm

Offline krasher

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Sounds like berg was dropped on his toes :P

Reply #3347 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:39:42 pm

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Thanks for neg rep Krasher.

I was only letting rice know that you dont have to be religious to have good things happen to you.


You're doomed now buddy :bounce:

Reply #3348 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:42:58 pm

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;480391
 So God bless you =P


Reply #3349 Posted: July 11, 2007, 02:50:21 pm