Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Shadow Warrior

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I am just putting forward a subjective and straight forward arguement against Evolution. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs aren't they.

You all should look at the most full of shit Skeptic that exists in this Country named Vicky Hyde, Her arguements against the Paranormal and other such matters regarding the Mysteries of the World like UFO's are so fruitless and laughable.

I didn't read anything after the first page cause unlike some of you idiots I actually have a Life and don't have the time to read through 119 pages of BS in a false belief of the evolution theory. good day.

And actually my Beliefs fit more in with Tibetan Buddhism than anything else, It is a religion that is peaceful, obviously something you know nothing about.

Reply #3625 Posted: September 11, 2007, 01:29:12 pm

Offline robbyx

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^ Lets all hope he doesnt breed....

Reply #3626 Posted: September 11, 2007, 01:33:10 pm

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537066
Ok this is my first post here, came across a link to this Discussion from other forums

Can you please give a link to that forum?

Reply #3627 Posted: September 11, 2007, 01:54:45 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline Fragin

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Reply #3629 Posted: September 11, 2007, 02:12:25 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537285
I am just putting forward a subjective and straight forward arguement against Evolution. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs aren't they.

You all should look at the most full of shit Skeptic that exists in this Country named Vicky Hyde, Her arguements against the Paranormal and other such matters regarding the Mysteries of the World like UFO's are so fruitless and laughable.

I didn't read anything after the first page cause unlike some of you idiots I actually have a Life and don't have the time to read through 119 pages of BS in a false belief of the evolution theory. good day.

And actually my Beliefs fit more in with Tibetan Buddhism than anything else, It is a religion that is peaceful, obviously something you know nothing about.

If you had read further than the first word, you would realise that this thread was less about evolution, more about spiritual belief. Well done mate :thumb:

Also you would realise that the posters in this thread are made up of all walks of life - born again Christians, atheists, scientists, skeptics, Buddhists, through to people who are open to different ideas like yourself.

Would you like a mulligan on your first post?
Honestly, start again and see what happens if you be more reasonable and less abusive.

Reply #3630 Posted: September 11, 2007, 02:26:47 pm

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: robbyx;537268
Actually its threads like this  that are NOT pointless, people exchange ideas, maybe come up with some new answers, get a broader perspective of how other people think and live.....its only when dickheads like you come along that it becomes pointless.

Yeah that's what i think too. To me this thread is all about seeing what sort of things people are thinking/believing in and maybe trying to understand what motivates them to think that way. It's interesting from that perspective.

It's not really about trying to convert someone to your own point of view. That would be a hard road!

Reply #3631 Posted: September 11, 2007, 02:43:48 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline Arnifix

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I don't think this obvious troll is a dickhead Blobby, just really really stupid.

Also, you're all getting sucked in by him. Of course he'd believe in god. points 1 - 4 on his list show he'd believe in ANYTHING, so religion is pretty much a given.

EDIT: I just noticed the bit where he said he only read the front page. Good going, you want to participate in the thread, but don't want to read it? Bright as a broken bulb.

REEDIT: Ok, noticed the bit about where he was linked from.

EDITEDIT: Ok, so I just realized troll came from GP, hence low iq. God, I need more caffeine.

Reply #3632 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:04:51 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline frog.

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537315
Gameplanet Forums.

Welcome to The Ultimate Battle SW. Looks like you have taken a few gashes already.

Quote - Give me another horse: bind up my wounds

Sweeny losing it or is he. controlled chaos, fucking beautiful!
Flea was actually trying to say something along the lines of this to you Shadow. come on Flea let it out!!!


Reply #3633 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:11:41 pm
pancakesrreal | Everyone of us is high but you

Offline Arnifix

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I'm not sure if it's been linked before, but that GP thread did have this little gem. Douglas Adams talking about the origin of god.


Reply #3634 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:15:20 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231
KiLL3r obviously doesn't believe in something called the Mind's Eye or Third Eye cause he is so close minded. :sleep:

if i was so closed minde3d id be believing and god and everything the bible says. thankfully i dont unlike yourself

Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231

and in regards to Dreams, Your Etherel Body is actually leaving your Physical body each night when you dream and entering the Spirit World.
This is the reason why our Dreams look so different, Sleep Paralysis has a connection to this when it happens the Etherel Body hasn't fully returned to the Physical.

so when i dream of banging the hot checkout chick from the supermarket me and her are really meeting in a spiritual plane and getting it on?

Dont make me laugh.
Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231

 People who have been born Blind and had NDE's report they can see things in vast distances and the Colours are much more vivid than on earth, Obviously this proves your arguement is a load of bullocks. Since when have dreams had really Vivid Colours?

this is the worst one but blobby got to it first. how can a blind person tell what a vivid colour is? please tellme how someone who has been blind since day 1 can tell the difference between bright red and dark red when they dont even know what red looks like?

Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231

Poos, You are dead right, I myself believe in something called the Master Vibration and also the Christ Conciousness, The Master Vibration is responsible for all of Creation and has always existed.

can you pull out anymore abstract theory's that have no basis in fact whatsoever?

Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231

KiLL3r and ThaFleastyler through their own ignorance haven't done anything to disprove what I've stated. They obviously think Science has the answer for everything. :chuckle:

if you had taken the time to read the thread instead of posting your meaningless points you would find me and fleas beliefs are as different as black and white

Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231

As far as Sensing Murder is concerned, Deb Webber is probably the most gifted Medium on that show and highly accurate, I'd say she is right up there with James Van Praagh and John Edward.

you realise john edward is a huge phoney right? have you ever been to one of his shows? normally when you go on a tv show you dont have to fill out forms staing your family history & genealogy.

But seriously if all you can do is retort with abuse then take your worthless opinion somewhere else. At least get some beliefs that coexist with each other, all it seems you have done its googled for some christians terms and lopped them together in hope of making a intelligent post

with posts like this im sure you'll last a longtime around here troll
Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537231
Get off your high horse dipshit. ooooooh I said that to an Admin, lmao. I will be banned, Scarey shit...

Reply #3635 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:23:38 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Shoosh kill3r, stop feeding the troll!

Reply #3636 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:34:45 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Arnifix;537372
Shoosh kill3r, stop feeding the troll!

i cant help it, it excites me :sly:

Reply #3637 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:39:47 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: KiLL3r;537377
i cant help it, it excites me :sly:




Reply #3638 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:47:46 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Shadow Warrior

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Yes, Cause trying to act cool and be all knowledgeble and posting about it on the internets forums is something to get excited about, KiLL3r I think you need to interact with people in real life more often. You may learn a thing or 2 about life in general. Do you really think I care about what any of you idiots think?

Reply #3639 Posted: September 11, 2007, 03:55:46 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537396
Yes, Cause trying to act cool and be all knowledgeble and posting about it on the internets forums is something to get excited about

Almost as exciting as ..... following a link to a fair, reasonable and engrossing discussion and making several ridiculous comments, abusing an admin, and calling the respected folk there "idiots"?

Reply #3640 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:05:13 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537396
Do you really think I care about what any of you idiots think?

Shut up and go away troll.

Reply #3641 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:17:00 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Shadow Warrior

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Oh yes, For sure I will do everything you tell me Arnifux, I bow before you and your greatness.

Your signature clearly shows what type of person you are. A WANKER. :piss:

btw the fux part was deliberate.

Reply #3642 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:48:05 pm

Offline SmiLinSniPeR

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Continue attacking members here an your stay will be short.

Reply #3643 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:52:40 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: SmiLinSniPeR;537456
Continue attacking members here an your stay will be short.

I've already requested all the crap he's generated be edited out of the thread. Fingers crossed for total bannination.

Reply #3644 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:53:30 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline SmiLinSniPeR

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If people are going to join the forums just to bait and abuse other members they can take it elsewhere.

Reply #3645 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:54:23 pm

Offline Shadow Warrior

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I am amazed me and my posts have lasted this long. Lack of Moderation/Administration here if you ask me tbh. :chuckle:

Reply #3646 Posted: September 11, 2007, 04:58:06 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537468
I am amazed me and my posts have lasted this long. Lack of Moderation/Administration here if you ask me tbh. :chuckle:

Famous Last Words.

Reply #3647 Posted: September 11, 2007, 06:25:33 pm

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537468
I am amazed me and my posts have lasted this long. Lack of Moderation/Administration here if you ask me tbh. :chuckle:

You know and I know that you don't really want to get banned. You want to try and 'educate' us. That's why you came here and made your post. Isn't that right? Well you're being very arrogant. Someone who thinks they know everything and just dismisses out of hand anything that anybody else says is arrogant. IMO it shows a lack of maturity and guess what? I've looked at the GP forums and found out you're only 18!!

Reply #3648 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:06:10 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: Shadow Warrior;537468
I am amazed me and my posts have lasted this long. Lack of Moderation/Administration here if you ask me tbh. :chuckle:

You know and I know that you don't really want to get banned. You want to try and 'educate' us. That's why you came here and made your post. Isn't that right? What other motivation could there be for searching out this thread and posting up your shite?

It's very arrogant. Someone who thinks they know everything and just dismisses out of hand anything that anybody else says is arrogant. IMO it shows a lack of maturity and guess what? I've looked at the GP forums and found out you're only 18!!

Nobody on the GP forums took you seriously and nobody here will too. What are you gonna do?

Reply #3649 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:10:51 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.