Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Fragin';537597
You know and I know that you don't really want to get banned. You want to try and 'educate' us. That's why you came here and made your post. Isn't that right? What other motivation could there be for searching out this thread and posting up your shite?

It's very arrogant. Someone who thinks they know everything and just dismisses out of hand anything that anybody else says is arrogant. IMO it shows a lack of maturity and guess what? I've looked at the GP forums and found out you're only 18!!

Nobody on the GP forums took you seriously and nobody here will too. What are you gonna do?

This thread is now about how Shadow Warrior should kill himself?

Reply #3650 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:19:12 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Heretic

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lolz not Famous last words actually, You see the advantage being a Former Admin on a vBulletin Board you know ways to get around IP Address Ban's, Proxies anyone? ;)

Fragin, I am not the same Shadow Warrior from GP, I have no idea why you thought I was the same person, I seen his posts there and they clearly lack intelligence, I am 26 years old myself.

Before I finally leave here for good cause I have nothing more to share of significance I want to quote something KiLL3r said, I see in his Profile he is 20 years old, it's obvious he has much to learn in this World.

Quoting KiLL3r here.
orbs are nothing but dust. wanna prove orbs? get a camera and a dusty blanket. turn all the lights off start beating the dusty blanket and take a picture with the flash and you will get 100% authentic "spirit" orbs

LOL are you really that naive and stupid? Explain to me why when people take many photo's they only show up in some and not all of them? It is easy to see the difference between dust and an Authentic Orb in a photo, Someone even done a test to prove the difference between Orbs created from Dust and real Orbs, You my friend are an IDIOT. I suggest you do a lot more research in the future before you go and try to make claims that have no significant weight behind them.

Anyway it's been fun, I like arguing with deluded people. Laters for good.

Reply #3651 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:20:53 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: Heretic;537610

LOL are you really that naive and stupid? You think dust particules are going  to show up in every damn single photo? Explain to me why when people take many photo's they only show up in some and not all of them? You my friend are an IDIOT.

this makes me laugh - yes killer, you are the naive and stupid one, obviously your simple and reasonable answer is wrong, it is clear that these "glowing orbs" are exhibitionist ghosts

Flea - must warm your heart to have this guy on your team

Reply #3652 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:28:55 pm

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: Heretic;537610
Fragin, I am not the same Shadow Warrior from GP,

Lol!! Sure dude whatever. :chuckle:

I seen his posts there and they clearly lack intelligence,


Reply #3653 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:29:33 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: Heretic;537610
lolz not Famous last words actually, You see the advantage being a Former Admin on a vBulletin Board you know ways to get around IP Address Ban's, Proxies anyone? ;)

Fragin, I am not the same Shadow Warrior from GP, I have no idea why you thought I was the same person, I seen his posts there and they clearly lack intelligence, I am 26 years old myself.

Before I finally leave here for good cause I have nothing more to share of significance I want to quote something KiLL3r said, I see in his Profile he is 20 years old, it's obvious he has much to learn in this World.

Quoting KiLL3r here.
orbs are nothing but dust. wanna prove orbs? get a camera and a dusty blanket. turn all the lights off start beating the dusty blanket and take a picture with the flash and you will get 100% authentic "spirit" orbs

LOL are you really that naive and stupid? Explain to me why when people take many photo's they only show up in some and not all of them? It is easy to see the difference between dust and an Authentic Orb in a photo, Someone even done a test to prove the difference between Orbs created from Dust and real Orbs, You my friend are an IDIOT.

Anyway it's been fun, I like arguing with deluded people. Laters for good.

... Fuck that was weird.

Reply #3654 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:32:02 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: cobra;537620
this makes me laugh - yes killer, you are the naive and stupid one, obviously your simple and reasonable answer is wrong, it is clear that these "glowing orbs" are exhibitionist ghosts

Flea - must warm your heart to have this guy on your team

I think flea might be having a quick drink before coming back to this thread. It's gone a bit downhill in the last page or two.

Reply #3655 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:34:02 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Heretic

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Quote from: cobra;537620
this makes me laugh - yes killer, you are the naive and stupid one, obviously your simple and reasonable answer is wrong, it is clear that these "glowing orbs" are exhibitionist ghosts

Flea - must warm your heart to have this guy on your team

Yet another closed minded idiotic skeptic, You people are all the same, Total jokes.

Reply #3656 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:42:39 pm

Offline Heretic

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Quote from: Fragin';537621
Lol!! Sure dude whatever. :chuckle:


I assume you are the 12 year old on this Forum.

Reply #3657 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:45:12 pm

Offline SmiLinSniPeR

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Reply #3658 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:46:55 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Heretic;537610
lolz not Famous last words actually, You see the advantage being a Former Admin on a vBulletin Board you know ways to get around IP Address Ban's, Proxies anyone? ;)

Fragin, I am not the same Shadow Warrior from GP, I have no idea why you thought I was the same person, I seen his posts there and they clearly lack intelligence, I am 26 years old myself.

Before I finally leave here for good cause I have nothing more to share of significance I want to quote something KiLL3r said, I see in his Profile he is 20 years old, it's obvious he has much to learn in this World.

Quoting KiLL3r here.
orbs are nothing but dust. wanna prove orbs? get a camera and a dusty blanket. turn all the lights off start beating the dusty blanket and take a picture with the flash and you will get 100% authentic "spirit" orbs

LOL are you really that naive and stupid? Explain to me why when people take many photo's they only show up in some and not all of them? It is easy to see the difference between dust and an Authentic Orb in a photo, Someone even done a test to prove the difference between Orbs created from Dust and real Orbs, You my friend are an IDIOT. I suggest you do a lot more research in the future before you go and try to make claims that have no significant weight behind them.

Anyway it's been fun, I like arguing with deluded people. Laters for good.

yep its takes the vast knowledge of a former admin to reset his own modem :rolleyes:

seriously thou you said earlier you have better things to do than posts on this forum yet you keep coming back even re-registering after being banned. and your a perfect example that being older doesn't make you any smarter. im willing to debate the orb stuff with you, but do try to avoid the personal insults because it just makes you look like an idiot.

Reply #3659 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:49:47 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: Heretic;537636
Yet another closed minded idiotic skeptic, You people are all the same, Total jokes.

he is a strong debater - you disagree with my random poorly thought out world view so you must be a closed minded idiotic skeptic

scientists are open minded people, they just require evidence.

Reply #3660 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:51:35 pm

Offline Dr Woomanchu

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I am amazed this thread got this long before you guys had to put up with this kind of BS. almost miraculous enough to qualify as evidence for god(s)

And therein lies the rub. Evidence has nothing to do with religion. Using the language of science to talk about belief and vice versa is like describing tastes using colours.

For example, your troll used the word subjective at one point. Religion can't be subjective, because religion has no independent existence. Subjective is a word in the language of science, and any attempt to discuss religion in those terms is doomed to failure

I must admit your troll proves the old saw that if you don;t know something, you should ask a teenager while they still know everything

Reply #3661 Posted: September 11, 2007, 07:57:28 pm

Blackwatch Off Topic - Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Dr_Woohoo;537662
your troll


I wish he'd go back to GP, cause I really don't think we want him. Or is it like with baby birds, once you've touched them the mother won't take them back?

Reply #3662 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:00:14 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline SmiLinSniPeR

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I dont think he will bother coming back. 2 accounts in a few hours..just maybe he will find a pet rock or something.

Reply #3663 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:04:11 pm

Offline Fragin

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Lol it's all a bit predictable. He makes his farewell post of shame then can't resist a couple more posts - trying desperately to get the last dig. I've seen that so many times.

Reply #3664 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:11:10 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline winfieldsaregoo

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well back on topic most religons started most of the wars through out history

my to cents worth

Reply #3665 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:15:43 pm

Offline Dr Woomanchu

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Quote from: winfieldsaregoo;537687
well back on topic most religons started most of the wars through out history

my to cents worth

People started wars throughout human history. On many occasions religion provided the excuse, but if we hadn't invented gods I am pretty sure we would have found other reasons to slaughter each other in imaginative ways.

Reply #3666 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:21:52 pm

Blackwatch Off Topic - Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Offline winfieldsaregoo

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ok religous fantics start alot of wars as thay read some thing in a dust old invailed books and take it the worng way :P

Reply #3667 Posted: September 11, 2007, 08:25:53 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Because my school is Catholic they won't teach us how to have safe sex. Just how not to get STD's.

Complain about that please.

Reply #3668 Posted: September 11, 2007, 09:05:01 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: cobra;537620
Flea - must warm your heart to have this guy on your team

Quote from: Arnifix;537625
I think flea might be having a quick drink before coming back to this thread. It's gone a bit downhill in the last page or two.

Firstly, I thought he was on your team, like some kind of spy sent to try and confuse me :chuckle:

Secondly, theres no drink strong enough mate :D

Seriously though, I have come to the conclusion that he was taking the piss - his stated beliefs were such a mishmash of hypocritical thinking that I would think it would undoubtedly do the brain in to be accepting so much thinking from so many spiritual sources. Also, rather than defend himself he launched straight into attacking everyone - most people here waited at least a few days before doing that!

Quote from: DEATH0WL;537762
Because my school is Catholic they won't teach us how to have safe sex. Just how not to get STD's.

Complain about that please.

OK, these comments might get a little gross - particularly if you've ever seen what I look like in r/l (I'm not exactly a handsome guy). Continue at your own cost ...

Spoiler :
I went to a Catholic primary/intermediate school as well, and was in form 2 (year 8), 1993. I can clearly remember the day the health education lady came to teach us about safe sex - she spent about 15 minutes looking awkward telling us about condoms, other forms of contraception and how to not catch STDs (and to this day I still giggle like a little girl when someone says 'rhythm method' ... I actually just giggled as I typed that).

Sex education is one of the failings of the Catholic church - they seem to be unaware that people are going to have sex one way or another; its just easier if they know how. For example, the Catholic high school I went to up here (Pompallier College ... or Poofters Paradise as it was called back in the day) had the highest pregnancy rate among 6th and 7th formers at one point in the mid-90s. Just craziness - particularly for a school who were meant to teach abstinence. Guess it just wasn't effective. Or interesting.

Or maybe girls are just hot, and thats that :sunnies:

Right from 3rd form (year 9) at Pompallier I can recall friends that were having sex with their girlfriends - these were 13 and 14 year olds! I even lost my virginity when I was at Pompallier, at the age of 15, and I can assure you that abstinence was not an option. Furthermore, I can actually remember thinking when I left Pompallier at the end of 5th form and moved to Kamo High School (a public co-ed high school) that the opportunities for that kind of behaviour were going to be increased, which they were - I had 3 sexual partners racked up in 6th form before getting into a long term relationship in 7th form. All in all I've had around 9 sexual partners. Not a good example of good Catholic teaching.

As far as the kind of teaching on the subject at the church I go to now, its totally different. I've participated in 2 courses dealing with the subject - one course was for adult men, talking about sex as well as emotional crap you hardly ever read about, and alot of it was actually grounded in science - the release of chemicals, etc etc. The other course was aimed at teenagers, and taught only the effects of having sex too soon, on the assumption that the kids already know how and what they would be getting into if they did. This course was actually pretty interesting and gave both a biblical angle on the whole topic, but also used real-world examples of cases where sex is misused and can cause problems.

So yeah, I think my point was going to be that Catholic schools don't teach safe sex because of their beliefs, but this has ultimately formed one of the reasons that Catholicism is no longer relevant to young people. Christian churchs that aren't affiliated with Catholicism (like mine) are pretty open on the whole topic, though generally leave the "how" of the subject to parents or schools.

For myself, I think the right way is to say "if you do this, these things could happen (like STDs, pregnancy, emotional problems, etc); if you're going to do it anyway, heres the safest way to go about it".

Reply #3669 Posted: September 11, 2007, 11:26:05 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;537892
OK, these comments might get a little gross - particularly if you've ever seen what I look like in r/l (I'm not exactly a handsome guy). Continue at your own cost ...

Well that was... interesting.

My R.E Teacher said to me "What have you done this period?" and I'd spent all period leaning against the wall and drawing all sorted adventures of Jesus in the margin of my book and then she said "Did you complete the sheets I handed out?" I said "Nah I only got the one on sex education..." She then looked at me absolutely horrified and said "Sex Education! Don't call it that! It's sexuality education!" I then put on my best WTF!!!... look and my mate next to me burst out laughing.

She's one of the hard out R.E teachers, not a teacher I like being around... Another one would be the one who's currently single but wants to marry somebody and have 11 children... yeah, not gonna happen, but he's allowed to dream :chuckle:

Reply #3670 Posted: September 11, 2007, 11:38:03 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;537892
Firstly, I thought he was on your team, like some kind of spy sent to try and confuse me :chuckle:

Ooooh, low! ;)

Reply #3671 Posted: September 12, 2007, 12:48:42 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Alexo256

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Quote from: DEATH0WL;537901
Well that was... interesting.

My R.E Teacher said to me "What have you done this period?" and I'd spent all period leaning against the wall and drawing all sorted adventures of Jesus in the margin of my book and then she said "Did you complete the sheets I handed out?" I said "Nah I only got the one on sex education..." She then looked at me absolutely horrified and said "Sex Education! Don't call it that! It's sexuality education!" I then put on my best WTF!!!... look and my mate next to me burst out laughing.

She's one of the hard out R.E teachers, not a teacher I like being around... Another one would be the one who's currently single but wants to marry somebody and have 11 children... yeah, not gonna happen, but he's allowed to dream :chuckle:

You should have slapped your teacher in the face. Religious nutters, runners up of the scum of the world. 'Gangstas' come first.

Reply #3672 Posted: September 12, 2007, 01:10:21 am

Offline nzjeebs

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This thread will not die! otherwise it will be lost and someone will start a new one and the cycle of people trying to figure out something which isnt currently possible for them to figure out.

And now for a image which shows my point of view on Christianity.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #3673 Posted: September 15, 2007, 09:42:29 pm
aka Jeebs

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: NZJeebs;541179
This thread will not die! otherwise it will be lost and someone will start a new one and the cycle of people trying to figure out something which isnt currently possible for them to figure out.

And now for a image which shows my point of view on Christianity.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

i want that on a t  shirt

Reply #3674 Posted: September 15, 2007, 10:15:48 pm