Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline DDM

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Quote from: cnvrt02;575499
you know the ones that claim they are not the nutters, you know the ones that go around prasing the lord etc etc (by that i mean to an extreme), Wait lemme start this again

You think of your self as greater, but the funny thing is u are just the oposite of what they are, yet you try to think of your self as a much better person.

the funny thing i find is that how most of you go on about how stupid they are to not listen and not understand what you believe, yet you do the same thing... who is the stupid one here i can't really say.... irony in the debate science vs religion is amazing....

But they are allowed to say we're going to hell because we don't believe what they say.

Reply #3725 Posted: October 24, 2007, 05:28:02 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: DDM;575594
But they are allowed to say we're going to hell because we don't believe what they say.

Same as you're allowed to say you're not.

Cnvrt02 makes a good point: if there is one thing which has remained fairly constant throughout this thread, it seems like it would be that whats good for non-believers has not been good for believers, and vice versa. I've let it go, because there is no real solution to it, and to get hung up on it ... well, we saw what it did to some of the people earlier in the thread who just rage-quit the whole thing.

The people in this thread who genuinely considered the points others were making were very few and far between, and it went both ways. At the end of the day, comments like "where is your god now?!" and all that anti-God stuff is no better or worse than a Christian saying "you're going to hell for that!" They both come from a lack of accepting others' opinions - and unfortunately more posters in the thread were happy to just *force* their opinions, rather than share or discuss rationally. But thats just the nature of the topic I guess.

Reply #3726 Posted: October 24, 2007, 08:00:35 am

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;575637
Same as you're allowed to say you're not.

Cnvrt02 makes a good point: if there is one thing which has remained fairly constant throughout this thread, it seems like it would be that whats good for non-believers has not been good for believers, and vice versa. I've let it go, because there is no real solution to it, and to get hung up on it ... well, we saw what it did to some of the people earlier in the thread who just rage-quit the whole thing.

The people in this thread who genuinely considered the points others were making were very few and far between, and it went both ways. At the end of the day, comments like "where is your god now?!" and all that anti-God stuff is no better or worse than a Christian saying "you're going to hell for that!" They both come from a lack of accepting others' opinions - and unfortunately more posters in the thread were happy to just *force* their opinions, rather than share or discuss rationally. But thats just the nature of the topic I guess.

There is no need for disrespect. Just education. Real education.

I've spent months with Christians looking for some shred of truth to your beliefs. Months wasted. There was no wisdom. None. Just mystical beliefs and ignorance.

I now liken a Christian to a child who believes in the tooth fairy. Eventually the child needs to grow up, and see the world as it really is. Break the slavers bonds and wake up from the fairy tale.

I'm trying to help them grow up.

Reply #3727 Posted: October 24, 2007, 10:29:29 am
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline krasher

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Quote from: dirtyape;575719
There is no need for disrespect. Just education. Real education.

I've spent months with Christians looking for some shred of truth to your beliefs. Months wasted. There was no wisdom. None. Just mystical beliefs and ignorance.

I now liken a Christian to a child who believes in the tooth fairy. Eventually the child needs to grow up, and see the world as it really is. Break the slavers bonds and wake up from the fairy tale.

I'm trying to help them grow up.

Quite the evangelist aren't you? Quite curious too by the sounds.

I agree with flea. I don't post in here - unless I get sucked into it again - because there is no discussion or respect. Just some fairly closed minded ignorant comments.

Christianity can't be explained purely by facts, therefore I agree that is it a partially illogical faith, however, there is wisdom, and not always ignorance. Similar to science in many ways actually. Science can be extremely presumptuous and unwise. Science has changed its mind several times also. On fairly big things. I don't think I need to go find examples.

Anyway, I am trying not to read or post in here cos the attitudes piss me off too much, so over and out again. :P I do find it fascinating that you (ape) want to help all the Christians grow up and that you have done all this reading. If you don't like the faith so much then why can't you just leave it alone? Maybe the reason this thread doesn't die is because the 'scientists' are not 100% convinced they are right so they have to keep convincing themselves by God bashing.

Ok, stop it. Bye.

Reply #3728 Posted: October 24, 2007, 10:40:38 am

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Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: dirtyape;575719
There is no need for disrespect. Just education. Real education.

I've spent months with Christians looking for some shred of truth to your beliefs. Months wasted. There was no wisdom. None. Just mystical beliefs and ignorance.

I now liken a Christian to a child who believes in the tooth fairy. Eventually the child needs to grow up, and see the world as it really is. Break the slavers bonds and wake up from the fairy tale.

I'm trying to help them grow up.

This is the same "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude that so many of the non-Christians in this thread complain about getting from Christians they know. How ironic.

I believe the proper term for what you can't seem to do Ape is 'live and let live'.

Reply #3729 Posted: October 24, 2007, 11:46:09 am

Offline cnvrt02

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;575758
This is the same "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude that so many of the non-Christians in this thread complain about getting from Christians they know. How ironic.

I believe the proper term for what you can't seem to do Ape is 'live and let live'.

wow, i was expecting neg rep for my comment :O

but yeah flea u worded it better than i could at that time, he speaks of christans not having wisdom, yet he shows so little of it...

Reply #3730 Posted: October 24, 2007, 12:13:55 pm

Offline hemihapuka

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Quote from: KiLL3r;575084
The God FAQ

Not trying to stir shit or anything but when I hit on that link I couldn't stop laughing it's funny as shit , I mean wtf that site has nothing else except the question and answer ahahahahahahahaha
and then I read the disclaimer at the bottom properly and nearly fell off my chair , even if your a christian I hope you can see the funny side of it which you probably wont so I will go back to my cave now .

Reply #3731 Posted: October 24, 2007, 12:31:42 pm
The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog ?

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: krasher;575722
Anyway, I am trying not to read or post in here cos the attitudes piss me off too much, so over and out again. :P I do find it fascinating that you (ape) want to help all the Christians grow up and that you have done all this reading. If you don't like the faith so much then why can't you just leave it alone? Maybe the reason this thread doesn't die is because the 'scientists' are not 100% convinced they are right so they have to keep convincing themselves by God bashing.

Ok, stop it. Bye.

You don't get it. It's not about disliking the Christian faith at all. It's about helping the misguided. It's about understanding what you believe and why you believe it. It's about preventing people from being exploited by those with the means and intentions.

Would you die for your beliefs? What about if your church leaders said you should?

What is death to someone who will live forever in the glorious kingdom of heaven?

What is the perfect soldier? One who has no fear of death. One who completely believes that what he is doing is in the name of good. In the name of God even.

How much would it take for you to go to war in the name of your god? A church burning or bombing? Religious leader assassinated? How many churches before you take arms in the name of religion? How many fellow Christian's would have to die before you demand an eye?

And THAT is the problem with all religions. Social control. Easily exploitable. Easy to control. Predictable by design. What better way to control a population? Tell them what to believe and then harness it against them. The Romans knew it, hell they invented it.

Oh, but perhaps you are thinking "Rubbish, that may have happened back with the crusades, or back with the inquisition, or the dark ages, but it certainly can't happen now."

Then I ask you to cast your mind upon events that occurred in the last 6 years and tell me a religious war is not going on.

The funny thing is, there is no enemy. Only profit.

Reply #3732 Posted: October 24, 2007, 12:37:13 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: krasher;575722

Christianity can't be explained purely by facts, therefore I agree that is it a partially illogical faith, however, there is wisdom, and not always ignorance. Similar to science in many ways actually. Science can be extremely presumptuous and unwise. Science has changed its mind several times also. On fairly big things. I don't think I need to go find examples.

science is no way like religion.

In science we study something and come up with a theory. If at a later date we find some new evidence we can change our theory because we have more facts than we did before.

In religions everything remains the same. If new evidence is discovered to prove otherwise it is branded as heresy.

Unlike science, religion isnt open to change

Reply #3733 Posted: October 24, 2007, 12:44:32 pm

Offline cobra

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Quote from: krasher;575722
Science has changed its mind several times also. On fairly big things. I don't think I need to go find examples.

science is about testing, and looking for what is wrong with your current views, the current scientific view point of existence will keep changing as we become more aware of the universe, area's where the current scientific view point has been wrong is one of science's strengths not weaknesses

Contrast that with the bible which an all knowing being wrote and was the literal truth a while ago but as we learn more the more people have to concede that it is highly improbable that events played out like the bible says (if there is anyone who is arguing that the bible is the literal truth can you explain the tower of babel)

Reply #3734 Posted: October 24, 2007, 12:50:48 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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I believe Krasher has inadvertently made an even better point about this thread:
As son as anyone questions science, they are ganged up on by people who won't waver in their opinions. Thats why the thread keeps dying - its not a discussion anymore. Science *claimed* a victory a long time ago, but in actuality theres no way to win this thread.

Except for back on like page 20 where Arnifix declared me the winner :rnr:

I wonder ... How many science-supporters have changed their thoughts based purely on this thread? How many Christians have changed theirs to scientific thinking? I would venture a guess: none. I know I haven't, but for the most part the science arguments have given me much to think about and rectify within my own faith; but none of it comes close to convncing me that God does not exist.

Reply #3735 Posted: October 24, 2007, 02:01:24 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: hemihapuka;575778
Not trying to stir shit or anything but when I hit on that link I couldn't stop laughing it's funny as shit , I mean wtf that site has nothing else except the question and answer ahahahahahahahaha
and then I read the disclaimer at the bottom properly and nearly fell off my chair , even if your a christian I hope you can see the funny side of it which you probably wont so I will go back to my cave now .

I looked at it and thought it was hilarious :D
I love the disclaimer :D

Reply #3736 Posted: October 24, 2007, 02:03:41 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Another reason I hate the religious. One of the black-suited, "nice young man" types bashed on my door this morning and woke me up. By the time I actually got to the door he'd pissed off. Sigh.

Reply #3737 Posted: October 24, 2007, 06:18:13 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline cnvrt02

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Quote from: KiLL3r;575785
science is no way like religion.

In science we study something and come up with a theory. If at a later date we find some new evidence we can change our theory because we have more facts than we did before.

In religions everything remains the same. If new evidence is discovered to prove otherwise it is branded as heresy.

Unlike science, religion isnt open to change

...:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:

Reply #3738 Posted: October 24, 2007, 06:21:43 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: KiLL3r;575785
In religions everything remains the same. If new evidence is discovered to prove otherwise it is branded as heresy.

Not all religions. While many to subscribe to this theory, there are some who are far more open minded. I can't remember exactly who it was, but I believe it was a high-up Buddhist who said that if it turned out that they were wrong about something, then they would change their beliefs, because all they're trying to do is give the appropriate respect to the greater being that created them.

Reply #3739 Posted: October 24, 2007, 06:34:34 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline DEATH0WL

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I have never found a "die-hard religious type" as many people refer to in this thread. Also at my school, which is a religious school, over 90% of the 900 or so students are non-religious. I got this from the head of RE at the school.

I've bitched about the RE education in this thread before, sex ed is a joke. They didn't even mention any form of birth control, instead choosing to threaten us with STD's (whoops STI's sorry) and again, not mention how to prevent them.

Jesus pops up frequently. Mainly they portray him as a good person who wanted people to be better etc. "miracles" rarely are discussed as few teachers really believe in them and some don't even believe in "God".

Mass is pretty much never held any more. Maybe once or twice a year, but they accept that some people don't want "communion", you still have to go though, not to say you can't skip school when they hold it.

However the one thing that made me a bit wary is that they don't study other Religions in RE until they're in Year 13, a year that most people will skip.

Great freedom at the school for lunches, you can leave, grab some food in town, and then be back 10 minutes after the bell and nobody cares!

Reply #3740 Posted: October 24, 2007, 06:46:51 pm

Offline DDM

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It's obviously not a very religious school then. More like the typical government funded school with a little religious principal.

A muslim at work today told another person that anyone who doesnt believe in his god will be going to hell. Do religious people see those of us with no religion misguided?

Reply #3741 Posted: October 24, 2007, 06:52:47 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: DDM;576173
It's obviously not a very religious school then. More like the typical Bishop funded school with a fat, bald funny smelling religious principal who's always on a power trip.

A muslim at work today told another person that anyone who doesnt believe in his god will be going to hell. Do religious people see those of us with no religion misguided?


They only want to help us right? It's their belief and they think they're protecting us, even if some can be a bit forceful (but I have never met somebody like this).

None of the teachers at my school will say that you go to hell for anything now, hell doesn't exist. Must have been given a word on it by the Bishop.

Reply #3742 Posted: October 24, 2007, 07:12:46 pm

Offline detonator7

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but whose to say that science is the right answer. how do we know einstein didnt make all his stuff up. the only way to prove science right or wrong for yourself is by testing and understanding it. the same as religion, to really understand it and to make your own decissions, not based on what other people say, you have atually look into it yourself and know what its really saying.

Reply #3743 Posted: October 24, 2007, 07:47:44 pm
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Quote from: detonator7;576255
but whose to say that science is the right answer. how do we know einstein didnt make all his stuff up. the only way to prove science right or wrong for yourself is by testing and understanding it. the same as religion, to really understand it and to make your own decissions, not based on what other people say, you have atually look into it yourself and know what its really saying.

You cannot test religion. There is no empirical yardstick for religion. Science is based on a good blaster at your side, religion is based on hokey myths.

Reply #3744 Posted: October 24, 2007, 08:11:30 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline detonator7

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true but to have a proper judgement you have to know what its about, what they believe and i dont think anybody here who doesnt believe in a god has gone indepth into finding one or atleast try to understand that some people just want to believe in a god.

If science keeps changing then how do we know that science about god or how the universe was created wont change in the future, changing everything you believed in. would you still believe that we came from mokeys, or start to believe the new science - monkeys come from us.

Reply #3745 Posted: October 24, 2007, 08:29:31 pm
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Quote from: detonator7;576289
true but to have a proper judgement you have to know what its about, what they believe and i dont think anybody here who doesnt believe in a god has gone indepth into finding one or atleast try to understand that some people just want to believe in a god.

If science keeps changing then how do we know that science about god or how the universe was created wont change in the future, changing everything you believed in. would you still believe that we came from mokeys, or start to believe the new science - monkeys come from us.

Science doesn't just change. It takes a lot of time, peer review and constant study before the scientific community will accept new theories.

Reply #3746 Posted: October 24, 2007, 08:53:31 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: detonator7;576289
true but to have a proper judgement you have to know what its about, what they believe and i dont think anybody here who doesnt believe in a god has gone indepth into finding one or atleast try to understand that some people just want to believe in a god.

If science keeps changing then how do we know that science about god or how the universe was created wont change in the future, changing everything you believed in. would you still believe that we came from mokeys, or start to believe the new science - monkeys come from us.

Guess it's a good thing I won't have to live to see myself proven wrong :chuckle:

Reply #3747 Posted: October 24, 2007, 09:30:56 pm

Offline Fragin

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Quote from: detonator7;576255
but whose to say that science is the right answer. how do we know einstein didnt make all his stuff up. the only way to prove science right or wrong for yourself is by testing and understanding it. the same as religion, to really understand it and to make your own decissions, not based on what other people say, you have atually look into it yourself and know what its really saying.

You sound a bit like the guy who doesn't believe the moon exists. Do you think Einstein's work was just a conspiracy to mislead you? The Special Theory of Relativity is accessible to anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of algebra and is taught in 1st year physics papers at university. Likewise at Auck uni I was taught the basics of Quantum Mechanics in first year physics. The results of these and other basic physical theories have been tested and reproduced independently countless of times the world over and, in turn, form the basis of other work which has also been tested and verified etc etc. Some might wish that he had made it all up - nuclear weapons would not exist.

Quote from: detonator7;576289
true but to have a proper judgement you have to know what its about, what they believe and i dont think anybody here who doesnt believe in a god has gone indepth into finding one or atleast try to understand that some people just want to believe in a god.
Myself, I spent the first 16 or so years of my life in the Anglican faith. Baptised, confirmed, the lot. I could never bring myself to believe. I had to question and as soon as you do that the spell is broken... At 16 my parents were cool enough to say "If you don't want to come to church any more you don't have to come." So I stopped. They still go to church every sunday and will for the rest of their lives.

If science keeps changing then how do we know that science about god or how the universe was created wont change in the future, changing everything you believed in. would you still believe that we came from mokeys, or start to believe the new science - monkeys come from us.

Science doesn't change as you think it does. There are fundamentals. The laws of motion for example. The principal of conservation of energy - that alone has been the starting point for so much discovery, yet it is still described as a "theory" by scientists. It is inconceivable that conservation of energy is not true yet it has never been proved definitively. People who don't understand hear the word "theory" and imagine some sort of extremely short-lived idea that changes all the time. Not true.

Reply #3748 Posted: October 24, 2007, 10:04:23 pm
Originally Posted by Templar
If my mother kills someone, then gets out of jail and kills someone again and she is guilty beyond any doubt, then yes I will be sad but she\'d have to go.

Originally Posted by Xt1ncT
You see, you or Pyro doesn\'t get to choose how I define my own words. I do.

Offline cobra

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Quote from: detonator7;576255
but whose to say that science is the right answer. how do we know einstein didnt make all his stuff up. the only way to prove science right or wrong for yourself is by testing and understanding it. the same as religion, to really understand it and to make your own decissions, not based on what other people say, you have atually look into it yourself and know what its really saying.[/QUOTe}

do some introductory physics then you can see the proofs of Einstein's works - the thing with science is it doesn't need your faith - relativity is there if you believe in it or not - as soon as you stop believing in god, god disappears

Quote from: detonator7;576289

If science keeps changing then how do we know that science about god or how the universe was created wont change in the future, changing everything you believed in. would you still believe that we came from mokeys, or start to believe the new science - monkeys come from us.

If there was some scientific proof for god, im there, the trouble i have with the concept of god is that god hasn't had an impact on the earth since we started recording and analysing things, what happen to that flamboyant god that was always doing magic tricks

Reply #3749 Posted: October 25, 2007, 03:01:35 am