Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Iblis

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I found the problem.
What a bunch of crap. That article has been overrun by christians desperately trying to give Jesus some air of authenticity.
Robert E. Van Voorst has stated that biblical scholars and historians regard the Jesus never existed thesis as "effectively refuted".
Sigh. This crap again. Not being able to disprove is not proof towards.
Graham N. Stanton writes, "Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed and that the gospels contain plenty of valuable evidence which has to be weighed and assessed critically.
There is NO empirical evidence for Jesus' existence, bar the gospels. The crux of this argument is being ignored. If you do not accept the gospels as non-fiction, Jesus has no more authenticity than Hercules or Hansel and Gretel.
Robert E. Van Voorst has stated...
Graham N. Stanton writes...
James Charlesworth writes...
Michael Grant believes...
I see a pattern here.

Reply #6925 Posted: July 03, 2009, 05:52:33 pm

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Yes, that can be one of the problems with Wiki articles....overrun by interest groups pushing ill-disguised agendas.

Reply #6926 Posted: July 03, 2009, 06:01:38 pm
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline cobra

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Quote from: Ngati_Grim;955683
Yes, that can be one of the problems with christianity....overrun by interest groups pushing ill-disguised agendas.


Reply #6927 Posted: July 03, 2009, 08:16:12 pm

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Reply #6928 Posted: July 03, 2009, 08:18:52 pm
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Funny as it may be, I actually can't argue with Cobra there.

It shocks me the number of commercial and charity outlets peddling their crap at Christian events. For example, Parachute Music is holding a series of 11 shows nationwide at $15 a ticket, simply to promote their festival in January, at $180 a ticket ... WorldVision has pastors promoting them during services (which would almost be like Obama promoting Microsoft during a senate hearing) ... heck, the last event we ran at my own church came complete with an "expo" type setup for all the Christian-owned businesses associated with us ... not to mention the overpriced, overhyped and totally useless conferences run throughout the year, the preachers who visit and bring their books/CDs with them ...

I would go as far as to say that consumerism has engulfed Christianity more than any other sector of society. I find it hard to believe this is what any god would have in mind for his church.

Reply #6929 Posted: July 03, 2009, 08:41:29 pm

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Paying for 'indulgences' has a long history.

Reply #6930 Posted: July 03, 2009, 09:28:28 pm
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;955773
I would go as far as to say that consumerism has engulfed Christianity more than any other sector of society. I find it hard to believe this is what any god would have in mind for his church.

Theological Consumerism is not a new thing, as highlighted by Grim's droll post
Quote from: Ngati_Grim;955808
Paying for 'indulgences' has a long history.

Touche Grim!

A more contemporary example is the oft-touted Prosperity Theology and the many many scandals that have arisen from its teachings.

However the root cause of it all is twofold: Firstly, that consequentialism applies to venial sin

Reply #6931 Posted: July 03, 2009, 11:51:56 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Ngati_Grim;955808
Paying for 'indulgences' has a long history.

Quote from: Tiwaking!;955844
Theological Consumerism is not a new thing, as highlighted by Grim's droll post

I can appreciate what you guys are saying.
But this goes beyond paying for indulgences.

For example, one of the things that bugs me most about my church is this: week after week we are reminded of the financial needs of the church itself and an opportunity is given to donate to the church during an 'offering'; more than that, preachers talk about how generosity is good and how giving God command of our finances is something we have to do, since money is one of the main things that can cause us to be selfish and inward people (or as rap group NASA sing, "Money / Money / Money / Money / Money / Money / Money is the root of all evil").

Here's where it gets screwed up, because after training the congregation to think the generosity is required of them and that giving to "God's good work" is the best way to spend a buck or two, that same church produces CDs of the preachers messages to sell after the service; they invite WorldVision and other charities to setup a table at the back and ask for help, and sometimes even address the people; they setup mini book and music shops in their churches, usually at their information or reception areas; they invite businesses to lineup with them for events, giving them a place to advertise and sell their goods and services ... and so on.

Now, I'm under no illusions in terms of the "brainwashing" ability of the church - so knowing that, how is this behaviour of suggesting that "generosity and giving are good", then giving people an opportunity to do just that good? And what kind of blame can be put on these people that are knowingly preying on a group of people who've just been convinced that generosity and giving are good?

The shepherd is protecting the herd, but leaving the gate open for the wolf ... metaphorically speaking.

Reply #6932 Posted: July 07, 2009, 04:52:53 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;957034
I can appreciate what you guys are saying.
But this goes beyond paying for indulgences.

For example, one of the things that bugs me most about my church is this: week after week we are reminded of the financial needs of the church itself and an opportunity is given to donate to the church during an 'offering'; more than that, preachers talk about how generosity is good and how giving God command of our finances is something we have to do, since money is one of the main things that can cause us to be selfish and inward people (or as rap group NASA sing, "Money / Money / Money / Money / Money / Money / Money is the root of all evil").

Here's where it gets screwed up, because after training the congregation to think the generosity is required of them and that giving to "God's good work" is the best way to spend a buck or two, that same church produces CDs of the preachers messages to sell after the service; they invite WorldVision and other charities to setup a table at the back and ask for help, and sometimes even address the people; they setup mini book and music shops in their churches, usually at their information or reception areas; they invite businesses to lineup with them for events, giving them a place to advertise and sell their goods and services ... and so on.

Now, I'm under no illusions in terms of the "brainwashing" ability of the church - so knowing that, how is this behaviour of suggesting that "generosity and giving are good", then giving people an opportunity to do just that good? And what kind of blame can be put on these people that are knowingly preying on a group of people who've just been convinced that generosity and giving are good?

The shepherd is protecting the herd, but leaving the gate open for the wolf ... metaphorically speaking.

Are charities like world vision even worth it?

I saw an ad for one of these organisation which said "we have been doing this for over 70 years"

70 years and whats changed? Absolutely nothing, there are still starving people over there and with the world growing larger and resources starting to dry up they will continue to starve. At some stage we just have to accept that they cant be saved. It's the survival of the fittest after all.

And i doubt these organisations are giving 100% of the donation money to these starving people.

Reply #6933 Posted: July 07, 2009, 08:53:21 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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I would say there isn't a charity on earth that is giving 100% of donations to their cause - but we can't expect them to, since they do need to use some for running costs and such.

The problem is, there are charities that are giving a lot less than they could, or keeping a lot more than they need. I can't remember where I read it, but WorldVision is one such charity - their record is not good at all (I had a WorldVision kid, and stopped after reading the article). That article did say that ones like OxFam are all good though.

For me, I don't like WorldVision approach either - they give to the poor and starving, but they also promote the bible. As far as I'm concerned, charity and any kind of religious message should be seperate - we should be able to give to all who need, without talking their ear off about some god in the process.

Reply #6934 Posted: July 08, 2009, 09:11:30 am

Offline Bell

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Quote from: KiLL3r;957147
Absolutely nothing, there are still starving people over there and with the world growing larger and resources starting to dry up they will continue to starve.

Well then I guess since we are running out of resources as you say we should stop taking Africas?
Or is that ok, because you like cheap shit.

Reply #6935 Posted: July 08, 2009, 11:13:20 am

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: KiLL3r;957147

70 years and whats changed? Absolutely nothing, there are still starving people over there and with the world growing larger and resources starting to dry up they will continue to starve. At some stage we just have to accept that they cant be saved. It's the survival of the fittest after all.

It's human nature to help each other. We will never accept that they can't can't be saved.

I see where your coming from though, and somewhat agree.

The basic problem is, they keep having children in an environment which can't support the population already.

However, I think we can help, by increasing the population capacity of the environment, which is what the charities are more or less doing, by digging wells and improving farming techniques.

I do hate the way they advertise themselves though, sticking dying children all over our TVs and implying that it's somehow our fault.

I don't all together understand how this all happened, humans lived fine for thousands of years in these areas, and the local populations were small, but always matched the ability of the environment to support them.

But over the last 100 they're suddenly full of dying children, mostly due to a massive population explosion, probably caused by interference from first world countries trying to help.

Reply #6936 Posted: July 08, 2009, 11:29:21 am

Offline Ngati_Grim

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;957309

But over the last 100 they're suddenly full of dying children, mostly due to a massive population explosion, probably caused by interference from first world countries trying to exploit their resources.

...but not just in the last century...Africa has been exploited for resources 'for ever' (seeing as we like hyperbole here...such as Killer's 'the world is growing'...haha, the population might be ;)) and not just by Modern Western Countries.

Oh well, next payday I'll get a book titled something like: "Why Aid doesn't Work" as I've looked at it and it piqued my interest.

Africa has the potential to grow enough to feed the world. It's about distribution of resources rather than lack of them, though due to the inequity of distribution there are localised shortages.

Or we could take a page from Distorted and bomb the buggers because he loves the bomb and we may as well bomb his pesky Jews too. :disappoin

Reply #6937 Posted: July 08, 2009, 11:44:53 am
Recycle your red poppies, paint them white, and wear them throughout the year.

Offline Bell

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There is alot of reason to blame England, France, Belgium + other euro countries for Africa's current situation.

And more recently the US and China haven't exactly been shining examples.

Reply #6938 Posted: July 08, 2009, 02:05:31 pm

Offline Distorted

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Reply #6939 Posted: July 28, 2009, 10:36:29 pm
[23:46] <Hori> I\'d do gay for pay
[23:46] <Hori> if the pay was right

I think I would know where to sign on a sexual harrassment settlement, thank you[/CENTER]

Offline ThaFleastyler

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See, you might think creationists are being arrogant - and its not just creationists, by the way: anyone who believes in a god, not just a Christian god, believes that the universe was "created" one way or another, just for us (though some, like myself, don't think its just us out here).

But turning it around, why do you think you mean so little that it wasn't?
Is your opinion of yourself that low?

Reply #6940 Posted: July 29, 2009, 07:57:26 am

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;965384

But turning it around, why do you think you mean so little that it wasn't?
Is your opinion of yourself that low?

in the greater scheme of things yes. as a person though i regard myself very highly especially with all the stupid people around (im sure you know to whom i refer)

Reply #6941 Posted: July 29, 2009, 08:15:30 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;965384
But turning it around, why do you think you mean so little that it wasn't?
Is your opinion of yourself that low?

The entire point of that idea is that statistically we do mean that little. Also, to imply that people who do not believe the universe was created solely for us of having low opinion of themselves is fucking ridiculous. Seriously.

Reply #6942 Posted: July 29, 2009, 08:22:04 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Scunner

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Quote from: KiLL3r;965386
in the greater scheme of things yes. as a person though i regard myself very highly especially with all the stupid people around (im sure you know to whom i refer)

Scientologists, right?

Reply #6943 Posted: July 29, 2009, 09:46:12 am

Offline Bell

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I think he means black people.

Reply #6944 Posted: July 29, 2009, 09:57:36 am

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Arnifix;965388
Also, to imply that people who do not believe the universe was created solely for us of having low opinion of themselves is fucking ridiculous. Seriously.

That was not my intention at all - my apologies.

That said, regardless of the creation of the universe, religious beliefs (of any kind) do seem to instill in their believers a certain sense of purpose or meaning to life. Without purpose, life can seem futile.

Reply #6945 Posted: July 29, 2009, 10:06:59 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;965416
That was not my intention at all - my apologies.

That said, regardless of the creation of the universe, religious beliefs (of any kind) do seem to instill in their believers a certain sense of purpose or meaning to life. Without purpose, life can seem futile.

Operative word: Can. It is soley up to the discretion of the individual to determine their own worthiness.

Continuing this line of reasoning, does this not make an atheist or agnostic mindset more robust?

Another way to put it is such: If a person does not murder people because they believe it to be the morally correct choice, does this not make them more mentally sound than a person who does so because of potential post-mortem judgment?

EDIT: In regards to the previous example, obviously there would be more factors in the real world, but assume there are not for the purposes of the example.

Reply #6946 Posted: July 29, 2009, 10:27:03 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Apostrophe Spacemonkey

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Quote from: Arnifix;965388
The entire point of that idea is that statistically we do mean that little. Seriously.


If we are the only life in the universe, then statistically we are very important, even maybe the most important thing in the universe.

If there is other life out there, we still don't know.

Was the universe created for us? Who knows, but as far as we know we are the only ones here to observe it.

A universe with no observers means nothing at all, which is fine, it doesn't have to mean anything. Bur humans are creatures who comprehend meaning, so it is important to us.

Reply #6947 Posted: July 29, 2009, 10:46:14 am

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;965430

If we are the only life in the universe, then statistically we are very important, even maybe the most important thing in the universe.

If there is other life out there, we still don't know.

Was the universe created for us? Who knows, but as far as we know we are the only ones here to observe it.

A universe with no observers means nothing at all, which is fine, it doesn't have to mean anything. Bur humans are creatures who comprehend meaning, so it is important to us.

We already know other life has existed. To continue promoting the notion that we are the only life in the universe is an exercise in shoving your head so far up your arse you can lick your lungs.

Reply #6948 Posted: July 29, 2009, 10:59:05 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline philo-sofa

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^^ We already think other life has existed.  It's not quite a slam dunk.

Quote from: Spacemonkey;965430

A universe with no observers means nothing at all, which is fine, it doesn't have to mean anything. But humans are creatures who comprehend meaning, so it is important to us.

Nicely put.

Reply #6949 Posted: July 29, 2009, 11:00:55 am