Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline frog.

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Quote from: KiLL3r
yet u believe 1 man can build a boat large enough for 2 of every animal in the world. Then for 150+ days, feed all these animals, dispose of all these animals excrement, not to mentions stop them from killing each other. (btw there are dinosaurs on this boat too(they just died after :S))

you believe a bullshit story like that but cant believe something can evolve. something thats happens everyday. something that is happening right now. growth is a faster form of evolution. a sperm and a egg create a phoetus thats grows into a fully formed human being, and you still dont believe in evolution?

dude i am not religious.
i feel sorry for those people. honest people willing to believe in this book and will stop at nothing because of their faith.

but just because i dont not believe in religion, it does not mean have to believe in human evolution and the fact that evolution has created this tremendous complex organ.

Reply #750 Posted: February 03, 2007, 04:26:11 pm
pancakesrreal | Everyone of us is high but you

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Reply #751 Posted: February 03, 2007, 06:28:32 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Spacemonkey
Oh God make it stop!
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #752 Posted: February 03, 2007, 07:05:15 pm

Offline gray_man

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i like popcorn, and only read up to page 3

The fact of the matter is.... WE DONT KNOW

Religeous people are the way they are due to their upbringing and the external influences throughout their life, if they were brought up to believe that the sun is a giant torch being held by a even bigger chicken with a hand for a foot.... This is what they would believe and if they were taught to defend this belief... they would fight for it. And do stupid things like... hmmm.... trying to stop others from dating the grand canyons...

Evolutionists more often then not will end up that way because of seeing evidence, doing research etc etc, and then they might look at the facts and say well.... there is such a small chance of us actually starting without inteligent design we were surely helped along the way.

Personaly i dont care who is right, you only get so much time on earth y waste it arguing. I reckon we will find answers to these questions once we delve deeper into advanced physics and the workings of the universe, which we are surely only scratching the surface off. When we can look back in time we will know how we started.

Reply #753 Posted: February 03, 2007, 09:53:14 pm
Dont expect intelligeent conversation

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: gray_man
i like popcorn, and only read up to page 3

The fact of the matter is.... WE DONT KNOW

Religeous people are the way they are due to their upbringing and the external influences throughout their life, if they were brought up to believe that the sun is a giant torch being held by a even bigger chicken with a hand for a foot.... This is what they would believe and if they were taught to defend this belief... they would fight for it. And do stupid things like... hmmm.... trying to stop others from dating the grand canyons...

Evolutionists more often then not will end up that way because of seeing evidence, doing research etc etc, and then they might look at the facts and say well.... there is such a small chance of us actually starting without inteligent design we were surely helped along the way.

Personaly i dont care who is right, you only get so much time on earth y waste it arguing. I reckon we will find answers to these questions once we delve deeper into advanced physics and the workings of the universe, which we are surely only scratching the surface off. When we can look back in time we will know how we started.

ive been back in time and i tell you now there is no god.

heres some pics to prove it.

heres me with some cavemen teaching them how to kill mammoths.
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

heres me studying the eating habits of the T-Rex
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

and heres me watching the earth being created (the big bang for those religous idiots)
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #754 Posted: February 03, 2007, 10:46:06 pm

Offline Zarkov

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Solid gold Killer.

Deserves + rep from everone.

Reply #755 Posted: February 03, 2007, 11:05:38 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: 'frog.
i dont understand, this entertains you?


is it possible for creationism and evolution to co-exist.
evolution alone i find hard to believe.

Yes. It's like soduku, frustrating, pretty pointless but gives a great sense of satisfaction when you "win".

And of course it's bloody possible. I've said this about 8 times on these forums. God "created" the universe, then evolution happened. Why do they keep asking the same damn questions!

Reply #756 Posted: February 04, 2007, 01:09:42 am

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline frog.

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Quote from: Arnifix
Yes. It's like soduku, frustrating, pretty pointless but gives a great sense of satisfaction when you "win".

how does making someone angry.... make you a winner.
Quote from: Arnifix

And of course it's bloody possible. I've said this about 8 times on these forums. God "created" the universe, then evolution happened. Why do they keep asking the same damn questions!

sounds like you are frustrated and angry.

who is your god?

Reply #757 Posted: February 04, 2007, 04:52:16 am
pancakesrreal | Everyone of us is high but you

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: 'frog.
how does making someone angry.... make you a winner.

WIN! hahaha

religion vs science who...     04-02-2007 10:22     Don't force your beliefs on others just like you don't wab=nt them to force theirs on you - why call them idiots? - poor form

Reply #758 Posted: February 04, 2007, 11:42:26 am

Offline Gumbi

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The bible is just a book. I could write a book where I'm God, So prepare to give your $$ for the Greater God.

Reply #759 Posted: February 04, 2007, 12:03:01 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Reply #761 Posted: February 04, 2007, 12:15:37 pm

Offline Arnifix

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Quote from: 'frog.
how does making someone angry.... make you a winner.

sounds like you are frustrated and angry.

who is your god?

They're angry because they have no logical way to counter what I'm saying. Hence, win.

Reply #762 Posted: February 04, 2007, 12:50:36 pm

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: '[TBAG
MrFiskIt']Noah put 2 of every animal in a boat.

Mary gave birth without having sex.

The world was made in 6 days.

The earth is flat and is the centre of the universe. Everything rotates around us.

Not to point out how wrong u are but Noah put more than 2 of each animal in the arc...
second the church itself never claimed the world as flat, it was a common misconception starting from top scientific thought at the time, sadly the church was blamed.

Third, ponder this... if there was (just if ok... just if) a God, and the bible claimed that he created man right... which means he created life too, do you think its not feasible at all to believe he could create a child in Mary's womb? I mean in theory would not this guy know what he was doing....

Fourth, if God can create life, why is it not feasible to believe he can create a planet in 6 days.

and finally,

science does in fact back up the biblical statements made...

I challenge anyone who views Christianity in particular as a load of crap to take the time and actually research what it says. For me the proof comes in its application to daily life, and the reality that its claims are backed up - and before you point out any issues i have remember im not God so i aint perfect.

Most ppl however will claim "religion" has no relevance and will never search out for themselves whether its claims are founded. For me that leaves a lot of room to be wrong.

I have also gone to Uni and got a degree, and taught science, so why would i argue for if i havent found the evidence to support what im sayong...

Reply #763 Posted: February 04, 2007, 08:31:30 pm

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: Equity
i thought  they found what was supposed to be the ark on some random mountain...

Yes they found it in Turkey, but the GOVT (muslim) wouldnt allow it to be excevated...

Reply #764 Posted: February 04, 2007, 08:40:59 pm

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: Tiwaking!
....and ancient times....

So it didnt work then. It doesnt work now. How can anyone trust it will work in the future?


Sad fact is, having a few jews as friends.... you can get messianic jews... jews who are christian... and the church killing ppl - usually relates to ppl's greed ie the crusades (not about holy lands etc but just plunder)

Reply #765 Posted: February 04, 2007, 08:44:58 pm

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: dirtyape
The fact that we are observing light from stars that are 1 billion light years from earth kinda suggests that the universe is a bit older than the literal creationists believe.

The bible was meant to be a moral guide to living a good life. Not as a reference to describe the universe. It really needs to be updated.

review how they get those readings first my friend

Reply #766 Posted: February 04, 2007, 08:47:50 pm

Offline Zarathrustra

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At the end of the day, religion means taking HUGE leaps of blind faith (child like in imagination at times) to explain life and the universe.  Most of the myths were made up years (centuries, millennia) ago, when we knew no better, and today it shows.

Science takes a logical approach to the same questions, THEORIZING on possible answers, leaving them open to change.

Believing religious dogma is just plain stupid.  Believing in nothing, and leaving your perception open to change makes a hell of a lot more sense.  Sure, there's a lot science hasn't, and likely never can explain... who really gives a fuck, accept that you'll never know the answer, don't start believing in ancient fairy tales.

Mankind needed gods back in the day to cut down on the confusion; today most of us don't.  Of course there is the psychological/inherent fear of Death, and I suppose the fairy tales do put a lot of minds at ease in that regard (the whole eternal life/heaven thing), but fuck, get hard, lol.

Personally, I think we're nothing more than computers made of meat, and when we're dead, thats it... I can live with that, heh.

Reply #767 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:02:43 pm

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: Dustow
Thanks Kill3r.. Very insightfull and the fact that you took the time to write all that means you have deeply thought about it and I respect that...  If I may, I'll try and answer you questions/statements as best I can.. I am not a scholah (you can tell by my spelling) I do however research different topics and form my own mind.

According to the bible (which I believe) the earth was a wonderful and perfect place created some 6000 years ago. this of course I mean the garden of eden where god walked and talked to man and where their was no pain or evil as you have alequently stated... God did however give us freewill to love and worship whom ever we believe. He of course is hoping we choose him. If he didn't give us a free will the nthe love we show towards him would be a waste of time.. for eg.. I the presedent of the world decree that all must love me or die.... Can I truely believe believe the people love me ..NO. Some time after the creation, man choose to ignore gods directions and eat from the tree (we all know the story)  from that point on... sin entered the earth and seperated us from god...

From then on any evil that exists, we as sinners must take responcibilty. Yes good people get hurt and bad things happen to good people all the time but that doesn't mean god doesn't exist.. you see without god, there is no good or evil... there is no absolute rights or wrongs.. we are all part of the animal kingdom and we can kill rape steal do what ever we like... That of course is not the case.. we have evil but there is a consequense for evil.....

Moving on, yes there is a separation between us and God... but 2000 years ago, he sent his only son (yes Jesus) so that he can breidge the gap and we can know god more intimately..

Yes life sux for some reason but the fact that you acknowlegdethere is evil.. then you must acknowledge there is good.. without god there is no good.

I know this won't help or make sence and I'm sure there will be a barage of people saying that what I say is crap.. but that's what I beleive..

I have some advice for the original poster of this... read ecclesiaties in the bible.

Reply #768 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:08:39 pm

Offline Black Heart

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Quote from: Hannibal4life
Yes they found it in Turkey, but the GOVT (muslim) wouldnt allow it to be excevated...


without excavating they don't know what if anything was 'found'

STOP perpetuating LIES.

Nobody believed in a flat earth!!! 17th-18th century myth.

Noahs ark story theres has never ever been a global flood that has risen sea levels dozens of meters (hundreds if you beleive no land was above sea level) NEVER. its not even possible.

Reply #769 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:18:10 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Hannibal4life
Sad fact is, having a few jews as friends.... you can get messianic jews... jews who are christian... and the church killing ppl - usually relates to ppl's greed ie the crusades (not about holy lands etc but just plunder)

Although this is mildly off topic: Uneducated peoples views of Jews in Israel is very skewed. All they see is the ultra-orthodox opinions, which do not reflect the opinions of the majority of Israelis. In fact, they could be considered both a minority but compared to their political weight(even though themselves are meant to be apolitical) they are a highly sought after political commodity due to their influence amongst the populace.

Before the creation of Israel there were quite a number of Jewish tribes and settlements who co-existed peacefully with their neightbours. Both the fledgling Palestinians and Jews both wanted the same thing: A homeland.

Zoom to 2006: One has a homeland and one doesnt. Being born in Palestine means you're a non-citizen, unrecognized by the world and possessing few to no rights. This can only be PARTIALLY blamed on Israel and alot of it is the World's fault(Britain, America and the U.N)

Quote from: Hannibal4life
I have some advice for the original poster of this... read ecclesiaties in the bible.

I suggest you read the WHOLE bible before taking parts of it and using it to bludgeon dissidents. If someone is ignorant of the bible(or any book considered holy for that matter) then directing them to it isnt going to affect anything.
"It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching" - Saint Francis of Assisi
"Preach the gospel and if necessary use words"

As for me: The unearthing of the Gospel according to Judas is of HUGE interest

Reply #770 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:35:08 pm
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Quote from: Black Heart
without excavating they don't know what if anything was 'found'
STOP perpetuating LIES.
Nobody believed in a flat earth!!! 17th-18th century myth.

Noahs ark story theres has never ever been a global flood that has risen sea levels dozens of meters (hundreds if you beleive no land was above sea level) NEVER. its not even possible.

You stop getting so upset. To use a biblical analogy "The wise man built his house upon the rock"

If someone accepts lies as truth then they require bigger lies to keep their reality propped up. BUT if they realize they are wrong and willing to admit it, then they'll change. We've already dealt with the falsehood of the flat earth theory and the deluge. You should move on and not

What Im more interested in is wether everyone here fully understands the consequences of their beliefs. Simply put: NONE OF YOU DO!

Reply #771 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:40:37 pm
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Offline Zarkov

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All religions evolved from being semi-plausible explanations of natural phenomena into instruments of control.

People will only toil in the fields for a master if they think the next world is going to be better than this one.

Once there were other explanations for nature and people were aware of them, religions were always going to become irrelevent.

Nowadays, only the ignorant and the indoctrinated take them seriously.

Reply #772 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:45:12 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Black Heart

without excavating they don't know what if anything was 'found'

STOP perpetuating LIES.

Nobody believed in a flat earth!!! 17th-18th century myth.

Noahs ark story theres has never ever been a global flood that has risen sea levels dozens of meters (hundreds if you beleive no land was above sea level) NEVER. its not even possible.


all they found were a couple of nails and bits of wood


btw this is the satellite picture thats some retard said he was 98% sure was noahs ark rofl
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #773 Posted: February 04, 2007, 09:51:14 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Zarkov
All religions evolved from being semi-plausible explanations of natural phenomena into instruments of control.

Once there were other explanations for nature and people were aware of them, religions were always going to become irrelevent.

Nowadays, only the ignorant and the indoctrinated take them seriously.

(I already realize you know all of this and it is solely for academic record keeping)
A fairly simple explanation of religion is: Chance

Human's inability(mentally and physically) to comprehend complete and total randomness leads people to create structures to predict them. This of course leads to PERCEIVED ORDER or to use an oxymoron 'macro-quantum'. The people who create the order can exert control. Everytime someone does not exert control, someone else does(The Peter Principle and Peters Parry).

Its odd that the hereditary nature of religion isnt as emphasised as it used to be. Also, you used the world 'evolved' for religion. Religion cant evolve, it was perfect when it was created and thusly becomes more 'corrupted' as time goes on. This is the only way to describe how religions change. You cant say it becomes more 'refined' as refining perfection is impossible.

I doubt if religions will ever become truly irrelevant. Although people say that religion is becoming less secular and more spiritual(people moving away from dogmatic Theology) the simple fact is: The more people believe, the more order is enforced and the greater the chance of a Peters Invert filling the void of leadership.
Quote from: Zarkov
People will only toil in the fields for a master if they think the next world is going to be better than this one.

This is not true. Think of Soviet Russia(Where cat gets YOU!): People toiled, or at least thought they did, to change the world. Although you could say that their 'next world' was the future, their motives was definitely more present-based(past now of course). People who dont want to tell people what to do(Yellows and Greens) will always tend towards subservient roles.

Reply #774 Posted: February 04, 2007, 10:29:01 pm
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