Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

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Quote from: Oddball;1478658
Well I was going to say Porn, but for some reason I didn't.

Then you weren't going to say it.

Because if you were going to say it, you would have said it.

Reply #8000 Posted: April 03, 2012, 10:48:19 pm
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

Offline Oddball

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That doesn't make any sense. It's called changing your mind, I was still going to do it, then I changed my mind. lol

Reply #8001 Posted: April 03, 2012, 10:58:24 pm
A testament to my ICONZ Legacy:
Retired warden of the getsome concentration camp for stupid people.

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We all know you didn't change your mind.

You were never going to say Porn.

I'm in your head.

Reply #8002 Posted: April 03, 2012, 11:03:31 pm
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

Offline Easymeat56k

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Quote from: swindle;1478643
Then what the $#@! is all this thread about?

Summarize it in one word.


Reply #8003 Posted: April 03, 2012, 11:30:34 pm
Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: dirtyape;1478437
Sure, although I do not really want to enter debate regarding them as I have crossed those swords many times, but I'll give you a couple.

 Originally Posted by Deuteronomy 20:10-14
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies.

Where is the rape in this passage?  also don't forget this part!

16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God.

Make its people an offer peace!  So its clear here that God desires peace first.  The city chose war instead. The city in this story were enemies, and God didn't want Israel to worship detestable Gods.  Also Israel is taking back its land.  

It's been common practice forever and a day that the spoils of war go to the victor.  Also slaves of the Israelites back in those days were more like hired hands.  Its late so i'll just post this here

Whats interesting here is that these people will be kept alive.   If the enemy ever caught Gods people they'd chop of their ears,  scourge their skin, slices open the pregnant women and their children turned into a million pieces.

but ofcourse no one ever talks about that.

Apparently God is at fault here for protecting his people.

Also Judges 21, 1-24, the slaughter of a village and the rape of 400 young woman to provide wives to the Benjamites.

And many others. A couple should be all that is required to qualify the statements.

I FOUND IT!  This is an interesting read.  i learned a lot!    The benjamites were an evil people.

"The mischief done by Micah spread further and further. Especially the Benjamites distinguished themselves for their zeal in paying homage to his idols. God therefore resolved to visit the sins of Israel and Benjamin upon them. The opportunity did not delay to come. It was not long before the Benjamites committed the outrage of Gibeah. Before the house of Bethac, a venerable old man, they imitated the disgraceful conduct of the Sodomites before the house of Lot. When the other tribes exacted amends from the Benjamites, and were denied satisfaction, bloody combats ensued."
Quote from: Tiwaking!;1478468
Oh hello there.

Remember how I said "Intercession is a dodgy issue in Christian Theology"?

Well you've highlighted exactly why it is dodgy.

This has NOT been the way it has always been. In fact, the idea of a personal God is a fairly recent invention in Christian Theology, back in the 18th century when Christianity became half-way sane. Before the Reformation, Christianity was what Islam is today. Islam has not gone through a Reformation and probably never will.

So, the question is: Priests, Rabbi's, Rebbe's, pastors, ministers, archbishops: Why do they exen exist?
Why do churches even exist?
To be honest I would replace the word 'most' with 'all' in your sentence.

They are all ignorant.

i repeat in the OT times it was different.  You'd have to go to the high priest and he'd offer a blood sacrifice on your behalf.  He'd also have teh holy spirit come upon him in in the holy part of the tent, he'd pray and then the holy spirit will leave.  The holy spirit back then couldn't stay with the priest because being human, the priest would still sin.

Jesus dieing for our sins as the ultimate blood sacrifice washes all our sins away.  We are forgiven of all sins.  this allows the holy spirit to live in us always.  No longer do we have to go find a priest to pray for us, we can talk to the creator directly.

inb4: dodgy again

Churches are there for Worship, fellowship, support, and learning :)
Quote from: `Kayne;1478487
i have an awesome memory as i remember everything vividly when i was eight.
And thats why im an athiest.

yeah nah.   When i was eight i remember having a birthday at mc donalds.  Finding money in the car park by my dads shop and running to Snooker World to play spacies.  but they are only flashes.

Kayne must be an elephant!
Quote from: Oddball;1478526
Wait. People believe that?

Well $#@!, the atheists are planting fake dinosaur bones in the ground!!

RAWRRRRR  dinosaurs are real.

oh i remember when i was eight there were Dinorider toys.  Those were awesome.

Quote from: Oddball;1478606
That's some balls, referring to Deuteronomy about rape!

The woman is forced to marry the rapist and live the rest of her life married to him. Who is really being punished?

And it doesn't end there... I'd say this one is even kinder...

I'm not even going to comment on that.

*When God first touched down in time and revealed himself, he was dealing with a morally corrupt people. He set down the first steps of ethical guidelines that they could understand and accept. Christianity teaches that eventually God sent his only son (the word of God made flesh) to fully reveal himself.

Mosaic law required the stoning of adulterers at God's command. When Christ was confronted with the woman caught in adultery he did not yell out "STONE HER" instead he raised the ethical bar higher by saying "Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone" To simply ignore what Christ said and did is to present a false picture of Christianity. To present Mosaic law as the complete Christian moral perspective is fallacious Not my words but very true.

Source: Facebook post. *:P *it said it better than i could.

And it doesn't end with Deuteronomy.

This is God giving rape victims to the rapist, then killing a child.

So, go ahead and quote your Deuteronomy, I've quoted mine. Or was the second quote what you were referring to be killing the rapist...

I find it interesting that all these passages you copypasta into the thread are always about soemthing else other than what you say.

Context is so very important.   David wasn't a rapist :)

2 Samuel 12

Nathan Rebukes David

 1 The LORD sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. 2 The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, 3 but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.
 4 “Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.”

 5 David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the LORD lives, the man who did this must die! 6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”

 7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. 8 I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. 9 Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10 Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’

What David did was desire another mans wife.  He send this man out to the front lines of battle to die so he could take his wife.  God saw this and rebuked him.   Here David realises what he's done and confesses his sin.

Quote from: Black Heart;1478623
meh, I'm comfortable using god in discussion with Rice, cos I don't think anybody else has a god to ramble on about, in the thread right now. Theres plenty of people that identify themselves as christians, but don't believe in angels, satan, hell. it's quite bizarre how varied and at odds different flavours of it this 'one true religion' are.

for a second there i thought you were going to talk about hacking agian lol

Also Black heart and everyone else.  You will ALWAYS find fault in religion.  Christianity differs greatly from all religions.  Christianity is a relationship with Christ.

You can have your different flavours and on paper say you're a christian but at the end of the day  if you do not have a relationship with Christ you are not a Christian.

Quote from: Oddball;1478641
Christianity has never been anything more than a way to get what you don't deserve out of life.

What don't you deserve?  Love? Support?  Peace?  Hope? Joy? awesomeness?

Every living being on the face of this earth deserves those things.  It is wrong to assume that some people are allowed these things and others arent.  EVERYONE deserves these things and MORE!  GOD wants everyone to have these things and always has.   God is screaming out to have fellowship with you!  Thats what Adam and Eve were created for.  Fellowship.  All you have to do is make the first step.  try him and call out to him.  If you do this with your heart he'll come.   God is a gentleman he wont force himself in.  He'll knock but you'll have to let him in.

this is a good read.  Actually Tiwa made some comments that show up in this too.  

RELATIONSHIP (def) – “The state of being connected or related, Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.”

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you REST.” (Jesus, Matthew 11:28, NLT)

Inb4 well the use of the word religion etc etc

Ok time to sleep.   I didn't get a chance to answer everyone. sorry for that but i didn't realise its so late =_=  i think i've even left things out by accident. i gotta get up early tomorow to drive to the north shore.   Take care everyone!    

another testimony!   lol i bet you guys aren't watching any of these i post :D

Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 10:09:02 am by Who_ate_my_rice

Reply #8004 Posted: April 04, 2012, 01:33:07 am
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Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: Easymeat56k;1478700

yeah i see this too.  its more about HEY lets try and bring this guy down and try and lift ourselves up even though we're supposed to "not care."  Although i don't see everyone doing this.

Reply #8005 Posted: April 04, 2012, 01:36:16 am
( •_•)>⌐

Offline Oddball

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Well, I've debated online with Christians before and you still have a way to go with point-dodging, the game is for you to contradict the points you believe you have an argument about in a way to make the athiest forget you ignored all his other valid comments. One of those quotes was out of context, yes.

But this one:

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

There is no excuse.

The stoning one that you touched on, just because he 'raised the bar' after a while doesn't make it okay to have EVER said that.

The thing is, no matter how you refute the things in the bible with changes and amendments it doesn't matter - it's all in writing on your book - that's evidence that it is god's law, even if it's different now, it doesn't change the fact that he said at one point in time you can kill someone for being raped and worse.

What don't you deserve? Love? Support? Peace? Hope? Joy? awesomeness?

Money? Land? Power? Undeserved Forgiveness? And yes, love, yes hope, yes joy

Love is something between people, believing you are loved and a good person because you believe in something because a book told you it was real doesn't mean you should experience "love" - you can't be loved by something that doesn't exist, but the belief you are loved by something beyond us is very undeserved. It is a very very unhealthy love.

God gives love hope and joy to the evil just as he gives it to the good.

The evil believe they are righteous because God tells them what they do is the right thing.

Jesus dieing for our sins as the ultimate blood sacrifice washes all our sins away. We are forgiven of all sins. this allows the holy spirit to live in us always. No longer do we have to go find a priest to pray for us, we can talk to the creator directly.

"We are forgiven of all sins" - that is both detrimental and destructive to the human race to believe that there is someone who can forgive us for doing wrong instead of the person we've wronged forgiving us, or in cases of self-harm, forgiving ourselves.

Imagine it-- someone kneels down and prays to something they BELIEVE in to forgive them for murder. Then they no longer feel guilt because they felt a chill down their spine? They go on living their lives thinking they have no more sin? That is horrible. With that alone, I will never forgive christianity.
Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 02:15:41 am by Oddball

Reply #8006 Posted: April 04, 2012, 01:58:54 am
A testament to my ICONZ Legacy:
Retired warden of the getsome concentration camp for stupid people.

Offline Oddball

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Just want to ask a question unrelated to what I posted:

Why is it that christians believe everything in the old testament is no longer relevant to the history of christianity?

They brush it aside because it's "old"?

They find no relevance in the fact that that was law? That rape plunder and murder was ENCOURAGED?

Reply #8007 Posted: April 04, 2012, 02:16:54 am
A testament to my ICONZ Legacy:
Retired warden of the getsome concentration camp for stupid people.

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Quote from: swindle;1478643
Then what the fuck is all this thread about?

Summarize it in one word.


Reply #8008 Posted: April 04, 2012, 06:59:33 am
I am now banned from GetSome

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Quote from: RetardoBot;1478525
Rice, after a few of your answers, I'm curious to know how you view science and how it explains the world around us.

You said you think the Earth is older than 6000yrs (as most evangelical Christians believe that the Earth is in fact this young).

Do you subscribe to science's answer of the Earth being roughly 4.5billion years old? Or do you side with the Christian understanding that Earth is only 6000 years young?

I'm a little confused with what you have said in response to some questions. You believe that humans lived to 700yrs of age once upon a time, do you also believe that we were once giants?

Are you dodging this on purpose or did you just miss it?

Reply #8009 Posted: April 04, 2012, 08:08:55 am

Offline Nostargate

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Meh gave up listening to "read the bible" ages ago, mostly once I heard "the church" removed 21 books from it (Gospel of Mary for instance, and an entire section called the Apocrypha) due to them "contradicting" to much (and then latter branding the bible with "do not tamper with the bible" disclaimer).
Also I refuse to accept the believe or burn in hell doctrine.
The only thing going for Christianity is the hot bitch's attending church, but they don't put yeah kinda moot point there.

The lost section of the bible before the reformation.
Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 08:41:02 am by Nostargate

Reply #8010 Posted: April 04, 2012, 08:25:56 am

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: RetardoBot;1478741
Are you dodging this on purpose or did you just miss it?

Oh harro good morninguuu.  to make it quick because i should be doing work, not messing around on facebook and posting here :D  I can't just pick and chose what i want to believe in the bible :)


Quote from: Oddball;1478733
Just want to ask a question unrelated to what I posted:

Why is it that christians believe everything in the old testament is no longer relevant to the history of christianity?

They brush it aside because it's "old"?

Its not no longer relevant my friend.  Matthew 5:17  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

They find no relevance in the fact that that was law? That rape plunder and murder was ENCOURAGED?

Qualify these statements.    
Quote from: Oddball;1478732
Well, I've debated online with Christians before

Oh wow really?  thats pretty good.  Shows that you're open if you've come here to debate with me =D  

I guess... if you werent... you wouldn't bother posting i suppose =D  

and you still have a way to go with point-dodging,

time my friend.  time.  as i posted before, i'll get back do you.  it was around 1am when i posted that =P  

its questions i've answered before.  so i'll link to the relavant pages or answer them out right when i get some free time.

I do apologise in my posts when i have to cut my answers short.  I have a business to run man, most nights i don't finish till very late.  I have labour to organise, people to pay, get payment from people.  Chase up hire gear that hasn't been returned, order stock from europe, china and the states and these are just things i've had to do since Saturday.   I haven't had a day off since new years.  Not to mention i might have to work through easter too.

If im not answering these questions fast enough for you.  all you have to do is just go to google type in, " christian answer"

because thats pretty much all im doing.  The info is out there :)     And i always try to list my sources. if i don't its probably because i forgot.  I don't know everything my friend :)

the game is for you to contradict the points you believe you have an argument about in a way to make the athiest forget you ignored all his other valid comments. One of those quotes was out of context, yes.

But this one:

There is no excuse.

The stoning one that you touched on, just because he 'raised the bar' after a while doesn't make it okay to have EVER said that.

The thing is, no matter how you refute the things in the bible with changes and amendments it doesn't matter - it's all in writing on your book - that's evidence that it is god's law, even if it's different now, it doesn't change the fact that he said at one point in time you can kill someone for being raped and worse.

I think you're forgettign the MAAASSIIVVEE cultural differences between those times and today.
"That verse is actually, as ridiculous as it may sound, about granting women rights, protection and even social security. What you are doing is taking it out of (it's cultural) context!"

Undeserved Forgiveness?

What do you mean by this Oddball?    are you saying you don't deserve being forgiven?   if not please explain.

 Everyone deserves forgiveness.  Everyone.  There is no sin large enough for God not to forgive.  If you TRUELY repent, and TRUELY turn away from your sin and you seek a relationship with Christ, you're forgiven =]

Love is something between people, believing you are loved and a good person because you believe in something because a book told you it was real doesn't mean you should experience "love" - you can't be loved by something that doesn't exist, but the belief you are loved by something beyond us is very undeserved. It is a very very unhealthy love.

Nah its awesome.  When things go bad i immediately and cast my cares on him.  I can throw my worries and fears on him and its lifted from me.   Ofcourse sometimes i'd have to give it to him 50 times a day because for some weird reason i keep worrying about it even though i know that God will handle it.  

God gives love hope and joy to the evil just as he gives it to the good.

Wait... are you saying he loves evil?                Qualify this statement.

The evil believe they are righteous because God tells them what they do is the right thing.

yer ok only if they are a loony.   Remember this statement has nothing to do with Christianity.  People who have a real relationship with Christ will try all they can to never do evil.  

Someone who's a Christian just because you asked and think its cool is not a Christian.    Its like saying you play for the All Blacks just because you're wearing the jersey.

"We are forgiven of all sins" - that is both detrimental and destructive to the human race to believe that there is someone who can forgive us for doing wrong instead of the person we've wronged forgiving us, or in cases of self-harm, forgiving ourselves.

Imagine it-- someone kneels down and prays to something they BELIEVE in to forgive them for murder. Then they no longer feel guilt because they felt a chill down their spine? They go on living their lives thinking they have no more sin? That is horrible. With that alone,  I will never forgive christianity.

you must not be clicking the links :)

God loves you bro.  
Quote from: Nostargate;1478745
Meh gave up listening to "read the bible" ages ago, mostly once I heard "the church" removed 21 books from it (Gospel of Mary for instance, and an entire section called the Apocrypha) due to them "contradicting" to much (and then latter branding the bible with "do not tamper with the bible" disclaimer).

this is a good video i saw it last week :)
Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:11:31 am by Who_ate_my_rice

Reply #8011 Posted: April 04, 2012, 11:06:04 am
( •_•)>⌐

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Well, I'm just going to quit now.

If all you're going to do is give me links without providing even a single word of your own then it's pointless me trying to ask genuine questions.

Reply #8012 Posted: April 04, 2012, 11:13:58 am

Offline Oddball

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What do you mean it's 'not relevant' (the old testament)? It was relevant at one point, correct? That at one point, God had made those laws for humans to govern themselves by, yes?

At one point in time, God had said it's okay to rape, even encouraged it, and killing of the rape victim / marrying her rapist / etc.

I don't understand why you'd think that there's no relevance on what the law used to be concerning the history of Christianity. I know it's not relevant NOW, but it was back then.

The point is if you can make laws, and you make laws allowing murder, rape, slavery, and human sacrifice, regardless of changing them in the future -- It does not make it okay. Do you know why a sex offender is given that label to live with the rest of their lives, even though they may change their outlook on life and their ways? It's because nothing excuses them for the past. I'll admit it may not be the best example but it happens for a reason. God is the embodiment of evil in my eyes. You might label a rapist / paedophile a sex offender because of a crime or even a mishap, but then what do you call God, who encouraged murder, rape (... you know the rest) in millions of people and took so many innocent lives?

WHY is it okay for the Old Testament to be brushed aside then? It ISN'T. It IS relevant in Christian history because the Old Testament is the word of your god! THAT is the law that the people of the time of the old testament lived under, and god is guilty of those crimes. This is like Hitler coming back from the grave and changing his ways and everyone following him AGAIN! Do you know how preposterous that sounds? If Hitler was around NO ONE would trust him; yet god did so much worse than him and people follow him anyway!

I really know it must be offensive to compare someone you worship to someone like hitler, but it's how I see it. I see the crime.

What do you mean by this Oddball? are you saying you don't deserve being forgiven? if not please explain.

Everyone deserves forgiveness. Everyone. There is no sin large enough for God not to forgive. If you TRUELY repent, and TRUELY turn away from your sin and you seek a relationship with Christ, you're forgiven =]

I disagree thoroughly, that is not how the world should work in my eyes -

If I wrong my father, I will ask his forgiveness, if I wrong my best friend, I will ask her forgiveness. If I hurt myself I will have to find a way to forgive myself.

Do I deserve forgiveness? That is up to the person who I have wronged to decide. If I have done something so wrong that they can not forgive it then NO I do not deserve it and god should NOT be a scapegoat for forgiveness, it would be going against common decency to think that something this person doesn't even think exists can FORGIVE me when that person will not.

OTOH if you've done something minor and are hated for it indecently, it's up to you to come to terms with it and eventually forgive yourself knowing that the person is hateful, that turn generally happens when their hatred surpasses your wrong-doing, no?

It's something you get when you deserve it. Not when you imagine some guy with a huge beard sitting on a cloud saying you're forgiven.

Can't help to think I'm only elaborating on what I've already explained though.

Nah its awesome. When things go bad i immediately and cast my cares on him. I can throw my worries and fears on him and its lifted from me. Ofcourse sometimes i'd have to give it to him 50 times a day because for some weird reason i keep worrying about it even though i know that God will handle it.

This one is a bit sketchy for me. I know a lot of people who are sad and lonely and turn to your god to find love and acceptance. The thing is it's all fake, someone you believe in will do you what you believe they'd do not what they'd actually do. But if it gives good people who have had a tough turn in life some form of peace then so be it.

OTOH I've met so many shitty egotistical christian people who think they're loved because their imaginary friend holds their hand at night. They don't need this, they don't deserve this, they should learn to be humble and kind, and then maybe someone would actually love them. All their belief is doing is providing an excuse for the way they are.

And then what about people who are evil that thinks god loves them. I mean, the bible is filled with evil-doing and encouraging it, it's extremely easy for an evil person to think they are a good person doing god's will. Think what being lonely and then finding love could do for someone with an evil mind?

The point is, believing someone loves you when you're a really bad person prevents change for the better to some extents.

The worry exists simply because your subconscious knows you should worry, and that your conscious is alleviating problems based on your imagination. No offence, this is how I see it.


TBH Rii has a point. I've googled passages from the bible - I will never own another - or done a bit of research to back my opinions. But they are still my opinions and I'm talking to you not google!

This is the thing with Christians. They are using other people's opinions - that is what religion is in a lot of cases; someone else's depiction of 'what's out there'. Essentially: someone directing you how to live your life, what to think, even what to feel - you guys call it 'the bible' - What I'm saying is my own belief, my own opinion, etc.

I think I should illustrate the point again that no matter what I say, I'm saying it out of my belief and if it sounds insulting then it's merely a difference in faith. I just want you to know I'm not trying to offend anyone. But I suppose that's a given with a thread of this nature when our beliefs completely contradict each other.

Reply #8013 Posted: April 04, 2012, 12:09:07 pm
A testament to my ICONZ Legacy:
Retired warden of the getsome concentration camp for stupid people.

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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You're an interesting man RetardoBot :)

All the best to you!

Reply #8014 Posted: April 04, 2012, 12:10:29 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: Oddball;1478768
What do you mean it's 'not relevant' (the old testament)? It was relevant at one point, correct? That at one point, God had made those laws for humans to govern themselves by, yes?

At one point in time, God had said it's okay to rape, even encouraged it, and killing of the rape victim / marrying her rapist / etc.

Qualify this statement

I don't understand why you'd think that there's no relevance on what the law used to be concerning the history of Christianity. I know it's not relevant NOW, but it was back then.

The point is if you can make laws, and you make laws allowing murder, rape, slavery, and human sacrifice, regardless of changing them in the future -- It does not make it okay. Do you know why a sex offender is given that label to live with the rest of their lives, even though they may change their outlook on life and their ways? It's because nothing excuses them for the past. I'll admit it may not be the best example but it happens for a reason. God is the embodiment of evil in my eyes. You might label a rapist / paedophile a sex offender because of a crime or even a mishap, but then what do you call God, who encouraged murder, rape (... you know the rest) in millions of people and took so many innocent lives?

WHY is it okay for the Old Testament to be brushed aside then? It ISN'T. It IS relevant in Christian history because the Old Testament is the word of your god! THAT is the law that the people of the time of the old testament lived under, and god is guilty of those crimes. This is like Hitler coming back from the grave and changing his ways and everyone following him AGAIN! Do you know how preposterous that sounds? If Hitler was around NO ONE would trust him; yet god did so much worse than him and people follow him anyway!

WOOOHOOO!!  show me in the bible where this is.  Please qualify this statement :D

I really know it must be offensive to compare someone you worship to someone like hitler, but it's how I see it. I see the crime.

I disagree thoroughly, that is not how the world should work in my eyes -

If I wrong my father, I will ask his forgiveness, if I wrong my best friend, I will ask her forgiveness. If I hurt myself I will have to find a way to forgive myself.

Do I deserve forgiveness? That is up to the person who I have wronged to decide. If I have done something so wrong that they can not forgive it then NO I do not deserve it and god should NOT be a scapegoat for forgiveness, it would be going against common decency to think that something this person doesn't even think exists can FORGIVE me when that person will not.

OTOH if you've done something minor and are hated for it indecently, it's up to you to come to terms with it and eventually forgive yourself knowing that the person is hateful, that turn generally happens when their hatred surpasses your wrong-doing, no?

It's something you get when you deserve it. Not when you imagine some guy with a huge beard sitting on a cloud saying you're forgiven.

Can't help to think I'm only elaborating on what I've already explained though.

yep we're going around in circles.

This one is a bit sketchy for me. I know a lot of people who are sad and lonely and turn to your god to find love and acceptance. The thing is it's all fake, someone you believe in will do you what you believe they'd do not what they'd actually do. But if it gives good people who have had a tough turn in life some form of peace then so be it.

OTOH I've met so many $#@!ty egotistical christian people who think they're loved because their imaginary friend holds their hand at night. They don't need this, they don't deserve this, they should learn to be humble and kind, and then maybe someone would actually love them. All their belief is doing is providing an excuse for the way they are.

And then what about people who are evil that thinks god loves them. I mean, the bible is filled with evil-doing and encouraging it, it's extremely easy for an evil person to think they are a good person doing god's will. Think what being lonely and then finding love could do for someone with an evil mind?

The point is, believing someone loves you when you're a really bad person prevents change for the better to some extents.

circles again

The worry exists simply because your subconscious knows you should worry, and that your conscious is alleviating problems based on your imagination. No offence, this is how I see it.

you're more than entitled to this opinion.  And you're right to an extent.  I keep imagining things will happen if i dont do this and do that but God has already promised if i trust and obey him he'll look after me :)    No issue is to big or small for him.

TBH Rii has a point. I've googled passages from the bible - I will never own another - or done a bit of research to back my opinions. But they are still my opinions and I'm talking to you not google!

This is the thing with Christians. They are using other people's opinions - that is what religion is in a lot of cases; someone else's depiction of 'what's out there'. Essentially: someone directing you how to live your life, what to think, even what to feel - you guys call it 'the bible' - What I'm saying is my own belief, my own opinion, etc.

Where do you get your world view from?  Did you just decide one day that eveyrthing is fake?   or did someone tell you, well this cant be true as we have evolution, etc etc

i don't know you and i try not to make assumptions of people so it would be good to know :)  Or was it that one instance you were talking about when you were 12?

I link to sources because my communication skills are pretty poor.  If someone can explain it step by step in an easy to understand way im going to link you to it.

I think I should illustrate the point again that no matter what I say, I'm saying it out of my belief and if it sounds insulting then it's merely a difference in faith. I just want you to know I'm not trying to offend anyone. But I suppose that's a given with a thread of this nature when our beliefs completely contradict each other.

circles again man.  If i've already answered you and its not a good enough answer for you you have the power of the itnernet at your finger tips.  And the bible.  :P

I try to answer all questions the best i can sometimes time doesn't permit.  

now its turning into a rabbit season, duck season, rabbit season, duck season aguement

i ask you to qualify statements on where you are getting your info, for instance Rape.  where does it say that God allows this.  

Dirty Ape was good for finding some passages in the bible that he thought to rape.  I answered with an explaination which needed clicking of links.   You're not doing this my man.  you're just repeating yourself .

ok i wont be back today i have to set up a sound system at the airport mosque on Westney road.  Feel free to come see me if you like :)  and give me a hand if you're charitable hahahaha

Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 12:30:01 pm by Who_ate_my_rice

Reply #8015 Posted: April 04, 2012, 12:21:59 pm
( •_•)>⌐

Offline dirtyape

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Quote from: Deuteronomy 20:10-14
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies.
Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
Where is the rape in this passage?  also don't forget this part!
Okay, let me explain the passage to you although I should not need to. When you kill all the men in a city and then enslave the rest, the woman are not going to be very amicable to relations. What do you think Yahweh is telling you here?

Yahweh tells us that when you are going to attack a city you should first try to enslave it. If it cannot be enslaved then you should kill all the fighting men within. The children are yours to enslave. The woman are yours to rape. They are plunder.

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
Make its people an offer peace!  So its clear here that God desires peace first.  The city chose war instead. The city in this story were enemies, and God didn't want Israel to worship detestable Gods.  Also Israel is taking back its land.
No, the city chose freedom. Read the passage again. You are the aggressor.

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
It's been common practice forever and a day that the spoils of war go to the victor.  Also slaves of the Israelites back in those days were more like hired hands.  Its late so i'll just post this here
Don't be naive. Slavery is not okay.

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
Whats interesting here is that these people will be kept alive.   If the enemy ever caught Gods people they'd chop of their ears,  scourge their skin, slices open the pregnant women and their children turned into a million pieces.

but ofcourse no one ever talks about that.

Apparently God is at fault here for protecting his people.
If the enemy claimed that they had the only god and that he told them it was okay to do that then yes, I would talk about it. But they do not. Do not play the persecution card. Also, you naively think that "Gods people" did not do as you describe to their enemies. Why? They just killed all the men in the city, to you think they done this with big warm smiles and hugs?

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
I FOUND IT!  This is an interesting read.  i learned a lot!    The benjamites were an evil people.
Yet they were given woman to rape by your god. Before you say you see no mention of rape, I will say don't be naive.

Reply #8016 Posted: April 04, 2012, 12:56:03 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

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Reply #8017 Posted: April 04, 2012, 12:59:31 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

Offline Oddball

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Err, what's with the 'going around in circles' comments? We're going around in circles because you asked me to explain something I had just explained. So I explained it again while elaborating.

And why are you asking me where in the bible the proof that he's worse than hitler is? ITS IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE!

At one point in time, God had said it's okay to rape, even encouraged it, and killing of the rape victim / marrying her rapist / etc.

How can you ask me to qualify this? Aren't you aware the old testament exists? The EXISTENCE of the old testament qualifies god as being all that is evil in this world - the entire embodiment of it.

'trust and OBEY him'? If you give someone power over you then that makes you weak and unable to stand on your own. I personally am not weak. I will not let my imaginary friend control me.

Where do you get your world view from? Did you just decide one day that eveyrthing is fake? or did someone tell you, well this cant be true as we have evolution, etc etc

This is unsettling. No one told me anything, I didn't decide 'everything is fake'. Knowing god is fake isn't something you decide, knowing god is fake isn't something anyone should have to tell you. It's complete lunacy. I could rip my hair out trying to understand WHY anyone would believe what they're told when someone tells them to follow the most disgusting being ever imagined. The bible is something you wont even find in a horror story. If someone published that book and it wasn't "god's work" it'd be banned and burned to the ground, if it even managed to see the light of day. The contents are disgusting.

Fact: The bible endorsed murder
Fact: The bible endorsed rape
Fact: The bible endorsed slavery
Fact: The bible endorsed human sacrifice

Fact: In christian belief the bible is the word of god

Fact: Rape, murder, slavery, human sacrifice is EVIL, it is a SIN in your own eyes
Logic: God is guilty. God is evil. God is sin.

Make sense?

Reply #8018 Posted: April 04, 2012, 01:23:10 pm
A testament to my ICONZ Legacy:
Retired warden of the getsome concentration camp for stupid people.

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Oddball: Banned

Is God Admin?

Reply #8019 Posted: April 04, 2012, 03:06:26 pm

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Introducing facts into a debate about religion is a bananable offense.
I ask,if this God is some perfect being,all knowing etc,how come it created us flawed human beings?
Humans created Gods,a reflection of our own flaws and weakness.

I worship at least 2 Gods-the Berg,the embodiement of everything I want to be but cannot be,after all he is genetically superior....ya de yah,blah, blah...
and Tiwaking!, the god with samurai umbrella!
Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 04:30:30 pm by Easymeat56k

Reply #8020 Posted: April 04, 2012, 03:29:16 pm
Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

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Reply #8021 Posted: April 04, 2012, 03:49:00 pm
those suffering from PTSD, do not be tricked by crypto-Communists into playing Tetris!

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Quote from: Nostargate;1478745
The only thing going for Christianity is the hot bitch's attending church, but they don't put yeah kinda moot point there.[/url]

This is looking pretty cool!

Reply #8022 Posted: April 04, 2012, 04:09:35 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

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lol @

Reply #8023 Posted: April 04, 2012, 04:38:19 pm
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that they are difficult to verify." - Abraham Lincoln

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;1478730
yeah nah.   When i was eight i remember having a birthday at mc donalds.  Finding money in the car park by my dads shop and running to Snooker World to play spacies.  but they are only flashes.

Kayne must be an elephant!

Despite me and my elephantiasis, It did happen :(

..It did happen.. :(

Reply #8024 Posted: April 04, 2012, 05:17:29 pm
Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AM
I've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me