If you think that this life has no life outside your immediate physical self...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs5FEwgzB80&feature=related3:53"How could you say that!? Prayer brings comfort to so many people!""So do drugs."So much win.TheCivilizedAnarchy 2 weeks ago 27
http://www.newser.com/story/144897/thinking-religion-dont-mix-study.htmlinteresting part is it looks like you can cure faith by teach people to think
A bat and ball cost $1.10. The bat is $1 more than the ball, How much does the ball cost?
Top Geary - 27th May 2016 at 12:10 AMI've learnt to ignore when you say derogatory things to me
1 Corinthians 11:14Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
Crazy christian flatmate has started talking in tongues.Film and put on YouTube: Yes/No?And why is 'speaking in tongues' not speaking in any actual language?
Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to:Tell the difference between real and unreal experiencesThink logicallyHave normal emotional responses,Behave normally in social situations
It is your duty to youtube that shit Tiwa.
I belong to a religion where by you have to shout the word cunt at random people. It's just an instruction that our lord, The Great Christina Aguilera has given us. We are speaking for her.Give it a go! Always remember, it's just as stupid and as plausible as Christianity. dancolemanmusic 1 week ago
Crazy christian flatmate has started talking in tongues.Film and put on YouTube: Yes/No?
Call the psychiatric crisis team.http://www.health.govt.nz/yourhealth-topics/health-care-services/mental-health-services/crisis-assessment-teams
EuphoriaEuphoria has also been cited during certain religious or spiritual rituals and meditation.[6] Euphoria can also be the result of a psychological disorder. Such disorders include "bipolar disorder, cyclothymic personality, head injury, and hyperthyroidism".[7] Euphoria may also occur with "diseases affecting the nervous system, such as syphilis and multiple sclerosis".[8]
Interesting.I just learned that drugs used to counteract depression prevent people from 'communing or hearing god'.I will keep this knowledge always.
CyclothymiaCyclothymia, also called cyclothymic disorder, is widely considered a milder or subthreshold form of bipolar disorder. Cyclothymia is a chronic mood disorder that is characterized by numerous extreme mood disturbances, with periods of hypomanic symptoms alternating with periods of mild or moderate depression.
Yes/.I'll archive with your philosophy vids.