Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: BerG
Haha, some little religious swine neg repped me for saying this thread was good entertainment.

I will now be negging every pro-religious person in this thread, unless they own up.

Its because they cant prove their god is real so they resort to dirty tactics

glad they finally started labelling their books properly thou
Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #850 Posted: February 06, 2007, 02:53:37 pm

Offline Dustow

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Quote from: BerG
Haha, some little religious swine neg repped me for saying this thread was good entertainment.

I will now be negging every pro-religious person in this thread, unless they own up.

You know it wasn't me cause I just +Reped you!!!  Damn Neg reps without the balls to Id them selves!!!

Reply #851 Posted: February 06, 2007, 02:57:00 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: BerG
Haha, some little religious swine neg repped me for saying this thread was good entertainment.

I will now be negging every pro-religious person in this thread, unless they own up.

LOL I think thats a pretty fair attitude I didn't neg rep you but also received neg rep from this thread (suppose its just life) people can't agree to disagree they have to resort to shitty little things like neg repping someone who disagrees with their views. I believe everyone is equally entitles to their views and no-one else should force their views onto someone else.

I + repped for this thread showing I believe you are just as entilted to your view as I am to mine.

Chur cuz

Reply #852 Posted: February 06, 2007, 02:57:19 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline BerG

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My only conclusion is that it must have been hannibal. I will not neg anyone else.

Reply #853 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:12:43 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: b00sta
howing I believe you are just as entilted to your view as I am to mine.

what are your views on dinosaurs?

Reply #854 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:14:46 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: BerG
My only conclusion is that it must have been hannibal. I will not neg anyone else.

Probably a fair assumption. Good on you bro I have given up on the whole rep thing when people neg rep you because you disagree with them.

So much for a democratic society.

Reply #855 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:15:21 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: KiLL3r
what are your views on dinosaurs?

Not going to get into it as our views will differ and you are unwilling to constructively discuss anything with anyone whose views differ from yours.

I think that gaming forums is probably the last place I would pick to have a discussion about my beliefs but hey if you are really open to finding out I live in Auckland and can come and pick you up one Sunday to attend my church for a first hand view (obviously that is if you live in Aucks also)

Cheers Killer

Reply #856 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:18:22 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline KiLL3r

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I dont have a problem with people believing in god as many of you assume. I have a problem with those same people messing with history, saying crap like dinosaurs existed thousands of years ago not millions.

Thats what really pisses me off. The church tells people dinosaurs co existed with man and that ALL dinosaurs were vegetarians. They purposefully mislead people just so more people will believe them. The church has a hell of alot to lose if its proven that what happened in the bible never happened. And im also willing to bet the vatican already has this information.

Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Reply #857 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:23:00 pm

Offline BerG

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Quote from: b00sta

I think that gaming forums is probably the last place I would pick to have a discussion about my beliefs but hey if you are really open to finding out I live in Auckland and can come and pick you up one Sunday to attend my church for a first hand view (obviously that is if you live in Aucks also)

I was dragged along to chruch once by a girl I liked, said she was going to be singing for a band so I thought oh yeah I'll go along-


Those people were literally nuts. I just hope you churchgoers arn't like the ones I witnessed on that fatefull day.

Reply #858 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:28:20 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: KiLL3r
I dont have a problem with people believing in god as many of you assume. I have a problem with those same people messing with history, saying crap like dinosaurs existed thousands of years ago not millions.

Thats what really pisses me off. The church tells people dinosaurs co existed with man and that ALL dinosaurs were vegetarians. They purposefully mislead people just so more people will believe them. The church has a hell of alot to lose if its proven that what happened in the bible never happened. And im also willing to bet the vatican already has this information.

Killer you make such wide sweeping statements that are ridiculous, when you name church there is so many varying beliefs within 'churches' that this is like labelling all the sciences as the samething.

Anyhow not going to flame this thread when we both will never agree. Appreciate your view and hope you can do the same for me and not neg rep me again because I disagree with you. Again that offer still stands regarding church if you would like.

At least you aren't a sheep just following everyone elses beliefs and you are trying to suss things out for yourself goodwork  :sunnies: I just think that things such as your SIG are poor form when it is forcing your views onto others when you clearly dislike others doing this to you but at the end of the day its your sig and you are free to place what you wish in there  :wink:

Reply #859 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:29:07 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

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Quote from: BerG
I was dragged along to chruch once by a girl I liked, said she was going to be singing for a band so I thought oh yeah I'll go along-


Those people were literally nuts. I just hope you churchgoers arn't like the ones I witnessed on that fatefull day.

LOL what type of church was it BERG?

Reply #860 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:29:45 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline BerG

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Church where apparently they were poor, but it was ok because they would be the ones laughing when the rich people were burning in hell (in their words, not mine).

And other discussion on various punishments that non religious people would be given after death.

Reply #861 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:32:15 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: BerG
Church where apparently they were poor, but it was ok because they would be the ones laughing when the rich people were burning in hell (in their words, not mine).

And other discussion on various punishments that non religious people would be given after death.

Yeah I struggle to see how anyone could rejoice in the pain of others.

Reply #862 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:43:51 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: b00sta
Yeah I struggle to see how anyone could rejoice in the pain of others.

thats another problem with religion. different churches preach different messages. Your church obviously preaches tolerance, while bergs ex gf church preaches vengeance

Reply #863 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:46:12 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Thats what Boosta meant before when he said generalising all churches as being the same is like generalising all sciences as being the same; its not right.

Thats kind of what I meant before when I said faith and religion are different too.

Reply #864 Posted: February 06, 2007, 03:51:53 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: KiLL3r
thats another problem with religion. different churches preach different messages. Your church obviously preaches tolerance, while bergs ex gf church preaches vengeance

Just because they call it a church is it really a church? If you call a dog a duck is it? lets just say that a large number of churches all disagree with each other and at which one is right and which one is wrong? comes down to personal beliefs and choices.

I am just glad I live in a country that we can all have our own beliefs unlike say China. Lets not slag each other for having those different beliefs or we may as well bring in a dictatorship.

Reply #865 Posted: February 06, 2007, 04:06:10 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline Dustow

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Quote from: KiLL3r
thats another problem with religion. different churches preach different messages. Your church obviously preaches tolerance, while bergs ex gf church preaches vengeance

Yep, theres always the wackos out there and unfortunately the minority always tarnish the majority!! It happens every where with religion, politics etc... The activists and extremeists always get the air time and people see them as the majority when in fact they arn't... Take for eg, a statement that says, "all muslims are terrorists because they kill people".. when in fact that is not the case...   Just please don't be insulting and namecalling etc and tarnishing every one with the same brush!!!!

Takecare man!!

Reply #866 Posted: February 06, 2007, 04:11:15 pm

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: b00sta
Killer you make such wide sweeping statements that are ridiculous, when you name church there is so many varying beliefs within 'churches' that this is like labelling all the sciences as the samething.

(Not in relation to your debates with Killer)

As far as Im concerned there are only two actual sciences. Mathematics and Philosophy.

The the exception of Zeno's paradoxes(and a few other things), Mathematics can prove or explain physicallity whereas Philosophy can explain or attempt to explain non-physical and imaginary relationships.

Reply #867 Posted: February 06, 2007, 06:07:18 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Tiwaking!

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Quote from: Hannibal4life
By the second covenant ur referring to Jesus dying on the cross i presume??

As far as Jesus' brothers and sisters, the book of James in the bible was writen by one of his brothers... I don't think this really needs too much explaining. I guess i may as well explain the purpose of the bible then.. if you're open to finding that out then i will gladly explain it to you.

But only if you really do want to know because it takes a bit of explaining, and i need to ensure i have answered your question as wholely as possible.

Quote from: Kill3r
please explain.

He cant explain it(yet). I gave him a loaded gun type question.

Its like asking Atheists what happens when one of them becomes God. Or its like lighting a bonfire in a fireworks factory.

As for me: I suffer from Benford's law of controversy so cant answer.

"Passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available."

Reply #868 Posted: February 06, 2007, 06:11:14 pm
I am now banned from GetSome

Offline Black Heart

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so is there any pro religious person that agrees with the US state park, that geology and the age of the grand canyon should not be mentioned under any circumstances, due to the offense it may cause?

remembering how tolerant most religions claim to be./ thickest slice of sarcasm i could muster.

+ rep tiwa EVERYBODY!!

Reply #869 Posted: February 06, 2007, 06:40:53 pm

Offline Dustow

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Quote from: Black Heart
so is there any pro religious person that agrees with the US state park, that geology and the age of the grand canyon should not be mentioned under any circumstances, due to the offense it may cause?

remembering how tolerant most religions claim to be./ thickest slice of sarcasm i could muster.

+ rep tiwa EVERYBODY!!

That sounds like PC gone mad...... tree huggers!!!!  I hate the idea to change people's lives to suit the minority!! ie.. lets let Berkahs in our Court system and while they drive... lets spend heaps of money to build prayer rooms so again the minority arn't offended..

Yes I have my beliefs but I would not stand for the fact that the majority of people are put out so that the minority are not offended... It reminds me of the Southpark episode.. banning christmas!! LOL

Reply #870 Posted: February 06, 2007, 07:05:04 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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If god existed this wouldnt

nuff said

Reply #871 Posted: February 06, 2007, 07:06:06 pm

Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: KiLL3r
If god existed this wouldnt

nuff said

This post = win.
The funniest post of the thread to date :D

Reply #872 Posted: February 06, 2007, 08:09:01 pm

Offline b00sta

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Quote from: KiLL3r
If god existed this wouldnt

nuff said

Now if you believe in the 'Big Bang' Theory' that is one 'Big Bang'  :sunnies:

Reply #873 Posted: February 06, 2007, 10:54:57 pm
R*I*P Buddah aka Jeremy Clarke 09.08.09

Offline Hannibal4life

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Quote from: BerG
My only conclusion is that it must have been hannibal. I will not neg anyone else.

Hmm Berg,

I'd say it was me but then i dunno how to neg rep... I have a theory on the culprit thou and i will let Dustow know in Pm, cos its an in joke.

Reply #874 Posted: February 07, 2007, 10:47:27 pm