^Just disregard the red squarer.
Idiot? You are just lame. Get a life.
The Christians i know don't hate homosexuals etc. but because they practice their form of sexual contact, they immediately have to accept that it is not right in the Christian mindset/belief structure
And those who keep bringing up the corrupt catholic church in historic times as a example of Christianity gone bad have to realize the amount of death and destruction caused by other older religions before hand in pre-historic times that are not written down.At least the modern form of Christianity teaches love, toleration and the lessons of right and wrong which guide the western civilization even today. The Christians i know don't hate homosexuals etc. but because they practice their form of sexual contact, they immediately have to accept that it is not right in the Christian mindset/belief structure, so they then forfeit the chance to teach others what is the right and wrong choice in regards to those beliefs. It would be hypocritical of them otherwise.
both claimed to be the son of god and both cured the sick, raised the dead and where ressurected. So which one is the true son of god?
i think the Norse/german gods are way cooler, you had a god for every ocasion.and the mythology is a much more interesting read than the boring named "bible"ohh on that note 4 of the week days are named after norse gods+rep to the first person who can get it right
I don't trust myself. And as it turns out, I'm a pretty good judge of character.
Btw, the big bang theory is about as believable as the bible.
Sunday was named after the Sun. Monday was named after the moonTuesday is named after Tyr (the god of war)Wednesday is named after Woden, (Odin the all father of gods)Thursday is named after Thor (god of thunder and lightening)Friday is named after Freya (goddess of love and fertility)Saturday names after Saturn, but also Sataere (another name for Loki)thats it i think, at least im pretty sure
why would you say that? you know nothing why even bother typing? there is plenty of evidence for the big bang
like i have no respect for skin heads or any other hate cults
For the science people:You can breed and control the life of bacterium in labs, why should it be so hard to fathom the POSSIBILITY of it being true outside our own little ignorant earth?
sure - but scientists need evidence - if god came down and started doing magic tricks - like the ones that happened all the time in the bible - then scientists would agree that there was a god - but there is no evidence because there is no god, l;ike there is no evidence for santa (sorry Bell), or the tooth fairy - science is anti ignorance and christianity promotes ignorance
science is anti ignorance and christianity promotes ignorance
You guys validate Flea's beliefs by arguing the toss with him.
Can't be bothered today sorry. Maybe later. What's the point anyway. You wouldn't believe any of it.
lets start with the bibles description that the earth is flat!