Topic: Religion. The evolution, creation and everything in between megathread

Offline Steady

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FFS religious nubs stfu and learn how to think fgor yourself. FARK theres a reason noone religious pwns at bf2, it's cos you all pray you might get better through gods will. LOL at trying to equal a "feeling" with science gtfo of life imo.

Fuck i pwn nubs.

Reply #2950 Posted: July 02, 2007, 09:31:00 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Pyromanik is right ont he ball with his points.  We are free to do what we like.     People who are so bent on disproving their neighbours religion should check themselves.  just think.... the atheists are practising their own religion of not believing.

everyday its i dont believe.  You are wrong.  I don;t believe.  they arent open to anything.

Alot of you are talkign about science.  but science is just as much about DISPROVING theoris as it is proving them.

I like to read what people have to say about God not being real.  I just shows you guys have brains and want to question everything that is presented to you.  And im glad i live in a world which has this kind of thinking.  

Im a Christian, and i still research my faith.  I ask a question. i big DOOSEY of a question.  hehe liek a few weeks ago in church :bounce:  but everyone can shed light on it.  then when i research his question it matches up for me.  It doesnt work for everyone.  but it works for me :D  Not to mention that God puts the answer in my lap later on.  then i get slapped int eh face with the "gah jeez.. what was i thinking."  its a crazy feelign to experience.   And all my atheist freinds find it great.  They also respect my views and i respect them.  soemtimes they question me and i questiont hem and its really fun.  

But the things i seen and felt science can not explain.  Miracles and evil i have seen.  But i have always seent eh good Triumph over the evil everytime.  My father died in the car on the way to the medical centre and he came back to life.  Everytime i prayed while he was havign a seizure it stopped instantly.  Its not like a time limit thing.  IT really did stop.  The day my father passed away was teh day i had all my tools up ont he 19th floor.  the elevators wasnt working.  the lock up was closed. and i had to carry EVERYTHING to the hospital throught he city because my car got towed away.  I think if i didnt have that walk i wouldnt have been able to control my self and be strong for me family.  WHen i went into the ward i was teh only one Not crying.  Except i sort of had a smile on my face because i knew he Excepted teh Lord before he died.  Once my family saw me and finalyl realised what i i was thinking they stopped crying too.  

I've been so sick once nothign was workign adn the doctors didnt knwo what to do.  Prayer restored me to heath.  Even if it was just psycological it still helped me.  

We had a massive flood in our workshop recently ebcause soem popel stole the copper pipes and sinks and stuff int eh building.  anyways the water was left running and it flooded our whole shop.  nearly everythign was touched by water. i lifed up soem speaker drviers and the the bloody things were fileld with water.  i was psewing at teh thought the voice coils were rusting away nicely.   but after a few weeks of movign everyting out of the way.  NOTHING WAS DAMAGED AT ALL!!  everythign was absolutley perfect. speakers ok  diaphragms ok. cabenet hardware ok  amps and the REpairs we were doign for other people were ok too!!!!!!  it was insane.  the guy at Chemdry who had seen all teh water was schoked when i told him nothignw as damage.  and thats what i realised.  that has everything to do with God.  heheh :bounce:   i have a few more testimonies but you guys will get bored:asian:

Evolution.  apes turned into humans?  ok.  Thats fine. but think abotu what happened before teh big bang could start its chain of events?  WHat was befoer then?  that guys opening post about that theory was interesting.  Cant you except that God is another viewpoint as well?  i lvoe reading about evolution in New Scientist.  ALso about quantum theory, and teh creation of the universe and what might have existed before hand.  hehehe yeah yeah ok i admit it...  I SUBSCRIBE to new scientist.  its the win!  i lvoe that mag.  but i can safely read teh Bible too.  isnt that a bit odd?  no.  They can both coexist.  Science does no way in the least conflict with my belief there was a God.  Infacti can see different views inteh bible because of it.  If God didnt want allt hese marvelous things to happen ti wouldnt have.  And at teh same time who's to say he is real.  I beleive he is.  If you want to believe in Islam, Hinduism, bhuddism or beign an atheist  thats up to you.  Good on you for finding a direction in life thats right for you :)

God which ever way you think about it - even if heis proved to be no existant - Helps belviers get through tough times of hardship with ease.  I see to many atheist struggle soemtimes.  like they have a gap.  and thats where religion comes in.  to fill the void.

i think even Albert Einstein believed in God.   wait a second what if the God be believed in was different to what i believe in.   It doesnt matter.  He still believes in a higher power.  in which case we should jsut repect his beliefs because we are all different.

The ability to question what we belive and whats presented to us is free will.

Yes. Thats free will!    and that guy early on who mentioned all the startving people in africa.  How could God let all these people die?  How come so many people died when the bomb exploded?

did God make the bomb?  No.  man did.   Did God kill all those people in poverty ridden countries?  no.  Man did.    Man can make the changes happen to feed everyone.  Ghandi said soemthing wise.  There is enough for everyones need but not for everyones greed.  Even an atheist can think.  wait... if god was real how could he let that happen.  why dont you think. wait God isnt real.  for everythign bad thats happened its been Man over and over again.  Again~ thats the free will of man.

here is a funny joke i thoought might be relavant.  

There was a Flood.  and this guy had to climb ontop of his roof to escape the flood waters.  the water is still rising rapidly.  

He realises he needs rescuing.  "GOD!  he prays.  Please rescue me!  I dont want to die!"

a man in boat comes to his house and says.  "JUMP IN MATE! I'll get you to Higher land!"

"No thanks!" The man ont eh roof replies.  "God will save me!"

that man keepts tryign but then he gives up because roof-man is to stubbourn.  

"God.  I knwo you are there.  Please save me.  I have faith in you."

The waters keep rising and a bigger boat comes around. and people onboard are shouting, "swim to us!!! you'll be safe onboard with us!"

"No thanks!!!  Im waitign for God to save me!  He will come!"  

but those peopl keep tryign to get him onboard and even try gettign himw ith soem rope but no luck.  so they leave too.

the flood rises up to the guys neck and he is holding onto the chimney so he doesnt get swept away.  

" GOD!!  GOD!!!!! Please save ME!"

so i helicopter comes and flys over head.  "YOU DONT THERE!!  WE ARE SENDING A MAN DOWN TO GET YOU!!  STAY WHERE YOU ARE!! "


the guy jumps in after roof-man anyways and roof man tries to swim away saying, "no! Gods saving me!  "

they have to pull back because they couldnt get him and they were puttign teh rescuer in danger.  so they try to come back but by that time the Man has drowned.

In heaven the guy on the roof meets God.  

"God..?"  the man says.

"yes my son?"

"hy did you let me die?  I was praying and praying.  and i kept my faith but you didnt save me! "

"I sent you Two boats and a helicopter!  what more could you want!""

The end hehehe.  See just as a joke thing.  there still are creations of science int he joke!  a pastor told me! heheh  good joke i thgouth.  

I prety much think Pyromanik's post was the shortest and best answer coem to think of it.  but i thoguth i'd throw in my $1.20 for you guys to buy a drink.

Reply #2951 Posted: July 02, 2007, 09:53:15 pm
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Offline ThaFleastyler

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Quote from: Steady;472534
FARK theres a reason noone religious pwns at bf2

I don't get better cause I suck arse :D

Reply #2952 Posted: July 02, 2007, 09:53:38 pm

Offline Pyromanik

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;472548
Pyromanik is right

Now worship me for it! ;)

Reply #2953 Posted: July 02, 2007, 09:57:53 pm
Everyone needs more Bruce Campbell.

Offline BerG

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That is one fucken big post.

Reply #2954 Posted: July 02, 2007, 09:59:27 pm

Offline hoodieblanket

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Quote from: Arnifix;472467
Religion in general not only promotes ignorance, but also preys upon it. The less education someone has, the more likely they are to have religious beliefs. Preying upon the weak and the ignorant is one thing, but using these patsies to oppress the intelligent and strong is something every intelligent person should object to.

actually your wrong on every level. religion is not and never was "for the weak" religion didn't start as a way for people to depend on it. what makes religion such an attraction is the ability to belong, a sense of perhaps an afterlife and a guide or a set of moral values that you must uphold

- never for the weak and infact. more intelligent people are prone to become religion than the stupid idiots because with education and knowledge. your going to be wanting a sense of belonging or virtue -

thus thats why religious practise was popular back before christ and after christ introduced an "afterlife" and moral values and ethical behaviour etc, thats why it grew to quickly while they worshipped other gods - what made christianity so attractive to people was it accepted ALL kinds of people. not limited to men, or women and ANYONE could be apart of it unlike other religions that needed a certain criteria to be met rich,highclass, men etc etc

and it does not promote ignorance - promotes something to belief in. people become ignorant by them damn selfs

Reply #2955 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:12:57 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: Pyromanik;472552
Now worship me for it! ;)

LOL +1 rep will have to do for you! haha :bounce:

and tatical needs rep too.

Reply #2956 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:16:06 pm
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Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: Spacemonkey;472509
You are pathetic!

I was disappointed when I saw yet another thread turned into a religious debate.

And while I knew you would eventually come in and start posting you're stupid statements.

Then you say that the bible says the earth is flat.

It doesn't say that, even you you say it a million times, it doesn't make it true. You are wrong killer.

lol just saying im wrong doesnt make you right


Reply #2957 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:20:49 pm

Offline Who_ate_my_rice

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Quote from: KiLL3r;472568
lol just saying im wrong doesnt make you right


ehhehe where's your evidence?:bounce:

ITS AL ABOUT thinkign for ourselves.  and crikey Dacollector needs rep too.  You need to dig a little deeper Kill3r.  but becareful hahah alot of people get converted by jsut reading teh bible.  thats one way God can start to workin in you.  =P

I hope you do read teh new testament to proove religion wrong.    wait i think stephen hawking also believes in "A God."

what makes you so bent on trying to prove your point to everyone?  just do a Pyromanik and just respect other peoples views :rnr:

Reply #2958 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:25:43 pm
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Offline hoodieblanket

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Kill3rs disbelief in religion is because it aint proven, understandable but it just means hes a very logical person, a sort of see it to believe it kinda thing

Reply #2959 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:29:49 pm

Offline EnFool

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Why is it that people have it stuck in their mind that just because something doesn't exist it is so bad to believe in it?

Santa clause, Tooth fairy, easter bunny, none of them actually exist, sorry to all of you who believed in them. But you still live with the fact that a large portion of the younger generations of our population believe in at least one imaginary character.

Did you ever believe Goku or Ash or any of those characters from your favourite Cartoon/ kids show actually existed? Even if not, many kids did/ do. Do you run after them yelling 'THE EASTER BUNN IS FAKE!!!!! OH MY GOD HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING THAT I DONT!!!! IT IS FAKE, IT DOES NOT EXIST THEREFORE YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO BELIEVE IN IT!

As I see many of you people have already said, live and let live. Die and shut the fuck up.

If you disagree with christianity or Religion in general then laugh at all of us, sure, think you are better because you know that our superior being does not actually exist. But please, stop being such a knob jockey in trying to prove something that I for one don't care about. I am a complete Catholic, I have attended Church serimonies and am proud to say that I have wasted those many hours of my life. But, to be honest I don't give a fuck. So why don't you all just calm the hell down and as I said, live and let live.

Reply #2960 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:30:47 pm

Offline private_hell

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im starting to regret posting the thread - i started it as a talking point about new research to do with quantum physics and it got turned into a science vs religion thread again.

while i enjoy reading the unflamed discussions on religion and science can we please stop turning every science thread into a battle.

Reply #2961 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:33:50 pm
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (375AD) De Rei Militari

Offline Bell

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Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;472548
Helps belviers get through tough times of hardship with ease.  I see to many atheist struggle soemtimes.  like they have a gap.  and thats where religion comes in.  to fill the void.

Thats very true, sometimes I think it must be glorious being able to believe when I and others die we will all go to a magical place of happyness where everything is perfect.
But I just can't believe that shit when I know all relgions have the same system.

You will be rewarded in the afterlife with anything you could wish for if you follow our rules.
If you don't you will be punished as badly as you can imagen.
You can promise people everything when you know there is noway of them dying then coming back to tell everyone it was scam.

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunk man is happier than a sober one."

Ignorance truely is bliss.

Reply #2962 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:34:28 pm

Offline Bell

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Quote from: EnFool;472586
But, to be honest I don't give a fuck. So why don't you all just calm the hell down and as I said, live and let live.

While some of us seem to be raging, point in case YOU some are having a discussion.
Discussions are the reason behind having forums no?

Reply #2963 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:36:14 pm

Offline hoodieblanket

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Quote from: Bell;472596
Thats very true, sometimes I think it must be glorious being able to believe when I and others die we will all go to a magical place of happyness where everything is perfect.
But I just can't believe that shit when I know all relgions have the same system.

You will be rewarded in the afterlife with anything you could wish for if you follow our rules.
If you don't you will be punished as badly as you can imagen.
You can promise people everything when you know there is noway of them dying then coming back to tell everyone it was scam.

Ignorance truely is bliss.

sorry to burst your bubble but there is only 1 religion which introduced an after life - christianity and not all religions have a moral code to follow - and most religions do not have a punishment

. (this 1 religion all includes the worship of god - just for you technical people that will say muslim etc etc is another religion blah blah blah)

Reply #2964 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:38:38 pm

Offline DEATH0WL

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Quote from: ThaFleastyler;472549
I don't get better cause I suck arse :D


That's true. very,very true :bounce:

Reply #2965 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:41:46 pm

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You are really gonna stand by that statement tactical?

Reply #2966 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:44:02 pm

Offline DaCollector

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Quote from: Bounty Hunter;472396
or add your own!

so you're saying that a minority of christians are decent? and that a minority of them are accepting of homosexuality, birth control etc? in that case you're not christian...


The majority boyo, not the minority. What is your experience within the Christian community to say otherwise?

And i don't believe in "birth control" when it comes to abortion and I'm not a Christian as such but then again i've had to experience the nz birth control system with all its ease of access and seen at least 4 of my children "terminated" just because the timing didn't suit that particular female.
I've also been in greenlanes clinic and seen children with their friends as support going through the same procedure. No parents in sight. Still at least they've stopped the spanking. I wonder when they will stop the murder.

Anyways, i'm getting off topic but please, i have parents who have been christian all their lives along with a few bros and sis's and 40 years of it and i've never seen any rabid anti homo talk. Hell, i dislike homos more than any christian i know.

Reply #2967 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:47:15 pm

Offline EnFool

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Quote from: Bell;472599
While some of us seem to be raging, point in case YOU some are having a discussion.
Discussions are the reason behind having forums no?

Yes, but in most cases people will give up and accept that other people have different beliefs to themselves and let it be. But it seems that many people on here have no interest in the argument but infact want to 'convert' the believers to be non believers.

I have no real problem with Kill3r and anyone else arguing their cause, but I just see it pointless, he has argued his point. I am sure that 90% of the ICONZ Arena members know that Kill3r is against religion. Yet he seems to want to argue more and more and more.

Reply #2968 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:48:33 pm

Offline EnFool

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Also, an argument for religion.

Even if you don't believe in any religion, it has brought the world happiness and joy, not only from itself but also Christmas, Easter, without Christmas, who is to say that we wouldn't be able to spoil our sons and daughters and brothers and mothers and fathers and the rest with presents more than once a year.

Also, a serious question.

At what point in time would have the bible been created? If religion is false, you would think that people would remember Jesus, and of course Matthew Mark Luke and John all remembered him, but do you seriously think that people would all of a sudden say. 'Oh, I have never heard of this Jesus fellow but I suppose if you wrote a book about him then I will join you're religion.

Don't you think that the people of the time would have been outraged that these people had dared to go against their religious beliefs and probably killed them?

Now I'm just blabbing on and I really do hate this macbooks keyboard but oh well.

Reply #2969 Posted: July 02, 2007, 10:53:42 pm

Offline DaCollector

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Killer has valid points to make but also makes some rather foolish statements at times too but then this is text, not a real conversation where one can discuss the finer points face to face and read the persons reactions emotionally and physically.
I guess thats also why some of the brown nosers here get theirs outa joint. They react so quickly to a statement with out trying to understand other pov's in that txt. Their way or the highway. Pretty weak really but it seems to be the 21st century way.

Reply #2970 Posted: July 02, 2007, 11:00:49 pm

Offline Bell

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Quote from: EnFool;472621

At what point in time would have the bible been created? If religion is false, you would think that people would remember Jesus, and of course Matthew Mark Luke and John all remembered him, but do you seriously think that people would all of a sudden say. 'Oh, I have never heard of this Jesus fellow but I suppose if you wrote a book about him then I will join you're religion.

Don't you think that the people of the time would have been outraged that these people had dared to go against their religious beliefs and probably killed them?

The bible was created along time ago by a bunch of church types getting together and throwing some old writings together.
People did remember jesus just not all of them believed he was the son of god, some of them even killed him :P

Yes people at the time were outraged by this new religion infact at one point the roman empire was killing those who believed in it.
Irony was many years later they were doing the same thing to people who DIDN'T believe in christianity.

Reply #2971 Posted: July 02, 2007, 11:04:06 pm

Offline Alexo256

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But where did this pre-universe come from?

Reply #2972 Posted: July 02, 2007, 11:04:08 pm

Offline Bell

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Wheres the start of a circle?

Reply #2973 Posted: July 02, 2007, 11:05:05 pm

Offline KiLL3r

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Quote from: EnFool;472586

Santa clause, Tooth fairy, easter bunny, none of them actually exist, sorry to all of you who believed in them. But you still live with the fact that a large portion of the younger generations of our population believe in at least one imaginary character.

last i checked santa never killed  entire cultures & civilisations

Quote from: Who_ate_my_rice;472577
ehhehe where's your evidence?:bounce:

right here

Quote from: DaCollector;472628
They react so quickly to a statement with out trying to understand other pov's in that txt. Their way or the highway. Pretty weak really but it seems to be the 21st century way.

sounds what your doing ;)

Reply #2974 Posted: July 02, 2007, 11:10:28 pm